Chapter 11 ~ dining out ~

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When Will and Tanner walked into the restaurant, Grant was already there and waved Will over while looking curiously at Tanner. They greeted one another with a bro' hug then their old secret handshake while laughing and afterwards Will introduced Tanner.

"Grant, this is Tanner, he's been staying with me for a while so I invited him to join us"

"Tanner, hey good to meet you" Grant said still staring.

"I would've brought Suki as well but she's gone out with her friends"

"ha, how is the brat?" Grant asked smiling.

"she's ok, busy with her studies and internship" Will replied and a waiter came over to bring their menus.

They sat down at a table meant for four and Will made sure he was sitting beside Tanner which did not go unnoticed by Grant. While Will and Grant studied their menus, Tanner scanned the restaurant and checked where all the exits were.

He felt a little uncomfortable, he knew that Grant was watching him curiously, probably wondering who the fuck he really was and Tanner couldn't help but wonder if Grant was in love with Will. He speculated that the person stalking Will could be the very guy sitting across from them right now. 

He could be lying about how long he'd been in Thailand so Tanner made a mental note to look into it as soon as he could, he just needed his full name and any additional information he could get out of him without drawing suspicion.

He had dressed casually in jeans and a white shirt with a vest beneath it and as a consequence he couldn't wear his shoulder holster so instead he had adapted the strap to wear around his ankle but he could easily access his firearm if needed.

They ordered a couple of bottles of wine to share but Tanner was driving and he also needed to keep a level head so he sipped on his glass slowly while Will and Grant enjoyed themselves.

Their food arrived and Tanner wasn't surprised to see Grant continually placing food on Will's plate, he was beginning to feel like a third wheel and he had to admit he felt a bit annoyed.

"so how long are you here for Grant?" he asked as they chatted.

"just a few days, then it's back to the states again" Grant replied.

"oh, where do you live? do you enjoy it over there?" Tanner asked him.

"New York, yeah it's ok but it's always nice to come home" he replied looking at Will and smiling.

"I'm just popping to the toilet guys, I'll be back soon" Will said and Tanner watched him go.

There was a lull in the conversation which was expected considering that they had only just met so he wasn't prepared for Grant's next comment,

"so, are you and Will fucking?"

"excuse me?"

"are you guys sleeping together?"

"well, at least that's better but it really has nothing to do with you Grant, if Will wanted to disclose his private life he would tell you" Tanner replied.

Grant would probably deny it but the man's attitude was appalling, it seemed that Will was oblivious to this side of his old friend.

"so are you?" Grant asked.

"why, is this where you warn me off?" Tanner said while his right hand rested against his thigh beneath the table ready to reach for his weapon.

"what?, why the hell would you think that?, it's you that I'm interested in?" Grant said.

Tanner's Tormentor  🤍  Billy/BabeWhere stories live. Discover now