Chapter 18 ~ I'm sorry ~

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Will was on tenterhooks wondering what was happening, he was so worried about Suki and he felt so helpless sitting here just waiting. It had been several hours since Chit and Tanner had left his office building and he was growing more agitated by the minute.

He was also worried about Tanner, yes he was angry with him for withholding such important information but he still loved the guy. He would apologise to him tonight, it had just been the shock that had made him lose it like that.

He noticed that the guard who had been sitting in Tanner's seat was talking to someone on his cell phone then he stood up and knocked on his office door and Will nodded to him that it was ok to come in then waited to hear what he had to say.

"I'm sorry to bother you sir but I've been instructed to let you know that the suspect has been apprehended and you and your family are safe now, you will still need to go to the police station to give statements but they will give you a call later to make an appointment"

"what about Tanner? is he ok?" Will asked.

"I'm sorry sir, I don't know, I was just told to give you that information" the guard said.

"who was it who told you to tell me?" Will asked him.

"my superior sir, Mr Thanonariwit" the guard said before bowing and leaving the room.

He left the outer office and suddenly Will felt cold, Tanner's desk stood empty and all his things were gone as if he had never been there. Will got up and walked outside telling his secretary that he was leaving early then he made his way down to the lobby.

It was only then that he remembered he had come to work with Tanner in his car and he had no way of getting home so flagging down a taxi he climbed in the back and reeled off his address, while he was in the taxi he got a call from Suki who had seen the video clips on her college forum,

"are you ok? Will asked his sister

"I'm fine, a little bit shook up by the news but still glad it's all over" Suki replied.

 "why didn't you tell me Suki?" he sighed

 "I didn't want to worry you Will, I thought I could handle it alone but how did you know?" she asked.

 "it's a long story Suki, look, I'll call you later but I'm in a bit of a hurry right now"

 "ok bro' we'll talk later and I'm sorry" Suki said

"yeah, just don't ever keep secrets from me again" Will said before ending the call.

 The phone call reminded him that he was just as guilty of keeping secrets and thirty minutes later the taxi drew up in front of his building and after paying the driver he rushed inside and made his way up to his floor.

Reaching his door he keyed in his security code and walked inside calling Tanner's name as he went from room to room. The apartment was silent so Will went into his bedroom and that was when he noticed that Tanner's things were gone.

He pulled out his cell phone and scrolled through his contact list before pressing Tanner's name but the call could not be connected, he tried several more times and every time he got the same result. 

Who else could he call? Jack, Shana, they hadn't even known that Tanner was guarding him, what about Thanonariwit, would he tell him where Tanner was? there was only one way to find out.

Chit was cooling his heels outside the operating theatre waiting for news. Tanner had passed out when he'd seen his elbow but luckily Chit's car was nearby so he'd managed to get him inside and brought him straight to the hospital.

Tanner's Tormentor  🤍  Billy/BabeWhere stories live. Discover now