Chapter 15 ~ fessing up ~

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Chit sat at his desk and leaned back in his chair while looking at Tanner as he stood to attention and stared at the wall behind Chit's head

"don't you think you're taking this a little bit too far Mr Thanonariwit?" Will said to Tanner's boss and ex army superior.

"this doesn't concern you Mr Thanatcharphun, if you can't stay silent I will have to ask you to wait in the staff room" Chit said to Will.

"everything regarding Tanner concerns me" Will shot back.

"final warning Mr Thanatcharphun" Chit said glaring at the businessman.

"who the hell do you think you're speaking to, you're not in the military now you know" Will said.

Chit stood up and walked over to Will who was pacing up and down wondering why Tanner wasn't defending himself and when he reached him, he stood in front of him nose to nose,

"I repeat, this does not concern you, now are you going to shut up or do I need to call one of my men to escort you to the staff room" Chit spoke in a low intimidating manner.

Will didn't want to be sent away so he grudgingly nodded his agreement to remain silent.

"good, now sit down and I don't want to hear another peep out of you unless I ask you a question" Chit added before walking over and standing in front of Tanner.

"fucking hell Tanner, why couldn't you just wait a few fucking weeks" Chit said noting the tears running down his cheeks.

"not only did you break company policy but you also made yourself a target" Chit turned away running his fingers through his hair.

He was torn between his loyalty to one of his boys and to his new boss Kiri Junphanatat.

"you've put me in a fucking awkward situation here Tanner ... " Chit paused before continuing,

"if we can get this case cleared up and fast then no one needs to know about this, the alternative is taking you off this job and placing you somewhere else" Chit said and saw Will sit up practically bursting at the seams to argue with him.

Chit looked at Tanner once more, the sight of the boy's tears making his anger drain away

"at ease soldier" he sighed.

Tanner relaxed and looked at Chit as more tears began to fall,

"come here you stupid fucking idiot" Chit said pulling Tanner into his arms and patting him on the back.

Will stood up and Chit glared at him over Tanner's shoulder, Will didn't like how Chit had his arms around Tanner.

"I'm sorry boss, I'm so sorry" Tanner said.

"it's ok Tanner, it happens to the best of us but let's concentrate on catching the stalker now alright?" Chit said.

"yes boss" Tanner said, his voice muffled against Chit's sweater.

Chit stood back and held Tanner at arms length looking at him before speaking,

"give me copies of everything you have up to now and I'll try and help, if we manage to apprehend the stalker maybe all this can end quietly but it all depends on what they intend to do with the footage they have? 

if they make it public then you're screwed and I won't be able to help you, you'll be at the mercy of Kiri, not only for breaking company policy but also for compromising KJ Security " Chit said before continuing,

"we have to move quickly but with very little to go on other than a few hunches we need a fucking miracle, I'll get the image to our contact at the DSI and see if he can find a print and you ..." Chit said glaring at Will,

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