~ epilogue ~

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Eighteen months later and so much had happened in Will and Tanner's lives. Will sat in his office at work and stared through the glass into the outer office imagining Tanner sitting there smiling back at him, he missed him so much.

Glancing down at his ring finger, the diamond studded engagement ring sparkled in the mid afternoon sun which peeped in through his blinds and his heart hammered in his chest as he thought of Tanner and wondered what he was doing right now.

So much had changed and sometimes he missed how simple their lives were back then after Tanner's cast had been removed. He remembered how he had taken Tanner out to dinner that night and how terrified he had been of Tanner telling him that he was leaving.

On the contrary, Tanner had thanked him for taking such good care of him and he had told him how much he loved him and that he wanted to date him seriously. He had replied by asking Tanner not to leave his apartment so they had continued to live together as boyfriends.

That night they had made love and it had been as spectacular as their first time but they had to be careful because of Tanner's arm. 

After a few more weeks and many more nights filled with passion, Tanner had returned to work for Chit at KJ Security but this time he took a desk job. He had his own office just down the corridor from Chit and surprisingly he enjoyed the work.

That Christmas, Will had taken Tanner out for dinner and proposed and Tanner had accepted. 

They had been spending a lot of time with Chit and Paitoon and Phil and Tan. Tan was also a model and was Paitoon's friend. 

One evening they had all attended a charity function at the DSI and Suki had begged to attend, it seemed that she had heard that they were auctioning off the single men for one evening and she wanted to bid on Stu the forensics guy.

As if that wasn't enough the DSI hunks had also made a charity calendar and Stu was Mr January, Suki begged Will to purchase one for her though he wouldn't let Tanner look at it.

Will could see that Stu and Suki were becoming quite close but he didn't mind, Stu was a good man and he had helped them so much. Who knows what would have happened if he hadn't matched the prints but he always modestly insisted it wasn't him but the computer.

They hadn't pressed charges against Justin, they had decided to give him a break as long as he got the help he needed and Will paid for him to be held in custody at one of the best facilities in Thailand where Will was given monthly updates as to how his treatment was going.

Even though Suki had agreed not to press charges, she didn't want to see Justin ever again and Will didn't blame her. 

Jack and Shana were now the proud parents of a little girl they named Poppy, she had recently started eating solid foods but she wouldn't eat anything except Uncle Tanner's soup.

Looking at his watch, Will saw it was 3.20pm, could the time go any slower? he was so anxious to go home and see Tanner.

When they had attended the DSI charity function he had met Dominic Gold and his husband Hayden. Dominic was heir to Gold Corporations based in South Korea and he was also the Department Executive of the DSI.

Will had agreed to a business meeting with Dominic later that week and had become a sponsor for future DSI events and fundraisers with all proceeds being used to help the community. He had also met Hayden's friends who were all on the same team of special agents, their boss, Special Agent Man Khunithikorn and his fiancé Noel who everyone treated like fine china.

Kiri Junphanatat and his husband Kan dropped by later in the evening and it had been a wonderful night but one which had changed Will and Tanner's quiet life. Word had spread about what a great cook Tanner was and somehow he had been roped in to cook for private dinner parties.

He had become in great demand and what with his day job and catering to private functions in the evenings his time was limited. He had catered for a wealthy family last night, their daughter's birthday meal and he had been invited to sleep over because he hadn't finished until the early hours.

Will hadn't wanted him to drive while he was tired but he missed him like crazy. 

Will looked at his watch again, 3.47pm ... he stood up to stretch his legs and walked to the window lifting the blinds and gazing down to the street below, how much longer before he could leave without looking irresponsible?

Suddenly he heard voices and turning he saw Tanner talking to his secretary and smiling widely as he strode to the door. Walking in without knocking he locked the door then lowered the blinds to the outer office before striding towards Will.

Will walked around his desk meeting Tanner halfway as Tanner jumped into his arms, his legs wrapping around Will's hips.

"I've missed you so much Will" Tanner said gazing adoringly into his fiancés eyes.

"it's only been a few hours babe" Will said pretending that he hadn't being going crazy himself.

"ok, I'll go back then" Tanner said trying to get back down.

"no fucking way baby, we leave together" Will said pulling Tanner harder against him and crushing his lips with his own.

"mmm I've missed you so fucking much baby" Will admitted.

"me too, I don't want to sleep away from you ever again" Tanner said.

"how was the dinner party?" Will asked.

"the usual, they loved my cooking and tried to get me to give their housekeeper my recipes" Tanner laughed.

"I love you Tanner, you know that right" Will said.

"I know, I love you too" Tanner replied.

"but you know my secretary is going to think we are doing something inappropriate in here with the door locked and the blinds down" Will said.

"nagh ... I told her to take off early" Tanner winked then pulled off Will's tie and started undoing his shirt buttons  ...

~ The End ~


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~find Chit and Paitoon's story in - Hidden Within ~

~ find Phil and Tan's story in - Beloved Burden ~

~ find Dominic and Hayden's story in - Second Best ~

~ find Man and Noels story in - Until Proven Innocent ~

~ find Kiri and Kan's story in - Kirikan's War ~

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