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After Ryder successfully obtained his Mark of Mastery with the help of Madam Aries along with his new friends Kiki and Levi who are helping on his Journey to free his younger brother Conner from the clutches of the evil Xamaris!
"WOAH! IT'S A MAUSOLEUM!" *Ryder looks around amazed by the world* "Yeah..we need to keep moving Xamaris might still be here" *Kiki looks around the empty coliseum and spots a dark portal in the ground with heartless coming out of it* "HEARTLESS!" *Kei takes out her dual Keyblades and Levi takes his chain scythe and swings it around the heartless destroying them* "C'mon Kid!" *Levi looks at Ryder from the corner of his eye* "Huh!?..RIGHT!" *Ryder spawns his Keyblade and begins to fight the heartless one by one*

"THUNDER!" *Kiki shouts as she summons thunder from her Keyblades wiping out the remaining heartless in one attack* "WOAH!" *Ryder has a surprised expression on his face* "How'd you do that? Can I do that?" *Ryder looks at his Keyblade* "Mhm! You can learn spells! But just not right now after this I promise I'll teach you!" *Kiki smiles as she pinky promises with Ryder* "Heh! Alright!" *Ryder smiles but the happy moment gets interrupted by another portal opening and a man wearing an Organization XIII cloak but it is bigger walks in* "So this is the guy Lord Xamaris was talking about?...looks about right" *The mysterious person looks at Ryder* "Is that...Xamaris?" *Ryder holds his Keyblade tightly* "No..his aura is weaker" *Levi says as he gets a fight stance*

"Jeez lemme reassure you...nothing about me is weak!" *The man spawns a large black sword with a heartless symbol on the blade* "STAY BACK!" *Levi jumps in front swinging his chain scythe* "Get out of here! What do you even want?" *Kiki holds her Keyblades* "Hmph.. we're waiting for you...Sora" *The cloaked man disappears and leaves behind a large amount of Heartless* "WOAH!" *Ryder jumps back holding his Keyblade* "We gotta hurry up and find Xamaris and bounce!" *Levi swings his chain scythes in a circle making some of the heartless disappear* "THERES TOO MANY!" *Ryder swings his Keyblade around* "Why can't you just use your Keyblade armor thingy?" *Ryder looks at Kiki* "We only use it in serious situations!" *Kiki spawns thunder around them which kills off the rest of the heartless*

"Yeah just in case we see Xamaris or any of his other lackeys.." *Levi puts his chain scythes away and spots a horse flying in the sky* "Hey yo..look" *Levi points in the direction of the Pegasus* "Hm? OH! It's a Pegasus!" *Kiki smiles brightly as the Pegasus lands and Megara whose face is filled with worry* "SORA! HAVE YOU SEEN- wait you're not Sora" *Megara backs up a bit* "I'm Ryder... Why does everyone think I'm Sora?.." *Ryder looks down a bit* "You look just like him but don't worry pick your head up kid, I gotta find my wonderboy" *Megara lifts Ryder's head* "Have any of you seen a tall, muscular, and glowing man anywhere?" *Megara looks around trying to describe Hercules* "No but if we ever do we'll tell you!" *Kiki has a soft smile as she looks at Meg* "Thank you somebody has to stop Hades!" *Meg looks around at the trio with worry* "Don't worry lady we'll stop him!" *Ryder has a warm smile* "I promise!" *Ryder sticks out his thumb for a pinky promise* "Please bring him back to me" *Meg and Ryder make a pinky promise before Meg gets back on the Pegasus and flies away*

"ALRIGHT! We have to find him!" *Kiki has a determined smile as she looks at the duo* "I mean how hard is it to miss a glowing man?" *Levi cracks a joke as he rests my hands in his pockets* "Well I made a promise that we'd find him. So let's go!" *Ryder adjusts the goggles on his forehead then Hades shows up behind the Trio* "Great! Now I have more on my plate..wait you're not Sora?" *Hades has a confused and puzzled look on his face* "Nope but I bet you're behind why Wonder Boy is gone!" *Ryder spawns his Keyblade and points it at Hade's face* "Woah woah! Slow down, Key Boy! I haven't seen Muscle Head anywhere" *Hades uses his Index finger to move the keyblade out of his face* "Hmph..then where is he?" *Levi tilts his head with a blank and nonchalant face* "Like I said I haven't seen muscle butt in days it's like he disappeared or something" *Hades shrugged as he walks away*

"Well...Maybe he might be in a town!" *Kiki looks up with a soft smile* "Ya think so?" *Levi looks at Kiki with a blank face* "Mhm!" *Kiki nods* "Well good luck it'll get Meg off my back" *Hades snaps and he disappears* "Alright! Let's get to it!" *Ryder has a cocky smile as he runs towards Thebes* "WAIT! RYDER!" *Kiki reaches out as she follows behind* "Hmph..she never changes" *Levi shakes his head with a soft smile* "Hm?.." *Levi looks back thinking he might've seen something and he walks away following them*

Later - Thebes

"HUH!?" *Ryder looks around and sees Heartless scattered everyone, buildings and houses destroyed, and a large spray-painted Heartless symbol on a Hercules statue* "This place is overrun by Heartless!" *Ryder spawns his Keyblade and dashes into battle and Levi and Kiki follow him and they get to work* "HELP!" *A woman cries out as she is being trapped by Flamecore's* "HANG ON!" *Ryder rushes to the woman and defeats the Flamecores* "Thank you" *The woman smiles at Ryder* "Thank yo-!" *Ryder freezes as he sees a memory of Sora in Olympus after saving somebody* "what...?" *Ryder has a blank stare as he sees glimpses of Sora's memories* "Yo Ryder!" *Levi knocks Ryder away from a Heartless* "C'mon get your head in the game"
*Levi smirks* "Y-Yeah.." *Ryder shakes his head as he stands up* "GUYS LOOK!" *Kiki points at a large wave of heartless storming through*

"We can do it!" *Ryder steps forward, holds his Keyblade, and points it toward the horde making him lock onto the horde he, shoots at the speed of light blasting all the heartless away and landing on a wall* "WOAH!" *Ryder has a shocked expression* "He's learning fast.." *Levi has a smirk on his face* "Yeah he reminds me of...him" *Kiki has a soft smile as she reminisces on a past Keyblade wielder they taught* "HEY GUYS DID YOU SEE THAT!?" *Ryder jumps for joy and shouts excitedly* "It's not over yet!" *Kiki has a soft smile* "We have to save Hercules and the Thebes!" *Kiki walks toward Ryder looks around and spots Megara* "HELP! Hercules! Hades has Hercules!" *Meg lands on the ground and jumps off the horse* "Please save him!" *Meg grabs Ryder by his shirt* "AH! O-OKAY!" *Ryder backs up* "We'll get him back! I promise!" *Ryder has a warm smile on his face* "Where is he?" *Ryder looks around* "He's in the underworld! You have to talk to Hades to get to the Underworld!" *Meg has a worried expression on her face* "Alright! Let's go!" *Ryder has a determined smirk as he rushes back to the Collesium*

Hours Later - Collesium

"HADES! SHOW YOURSELF!" *Ryder jumps out and clenches his Keyblade* "Ryder! We don't want to cause a scene!" *Kiki tried to calm Ryder down but she gets interrupted by Hades showing up out of a ball of blue flames* "Well Well Well" *Hades has a cocky smirk on his face as he has a weak version of Hercules floating around in a dark aura* "That must be Hercules! LET HIM GO!" *Ryder points his Keyblade at Hades* "Not so fast Key boy!" *Hades points a fireball at Ryder* "If ya wanna free Wonder Boy then ya gotta play in my Olympics" *Hades has a cocky smirk on his face as a large door emerges from the ground out of a dark pit of souls* "I have a deal..If you beat all 10 rounds of my Olympics I'll free muscle head, deal?" *Hades holds his hand out with a cocky and smug grin* "RYDER NO!" *Kiki shouts as she tries to reach for Ryder but he's too far* "Don't worry Kiki I'll be fine" *Ryder faces the door and then looks back at Kiki* "I promise!" *Ryder has a soft smile as he holds his pinky out before walking into the doors of the Olympics*

- To be continued

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