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In Traverse Town, Levi, Rhyme, and Beat encounter a group of Nightmares that were summoned by the infamous Earth, Heart of Lust who later turns Levi into a Nobody.
Ivex sits up out of bed and looks around his white room and then back outside of his window to see a large heart-shaped moon. "that dream again...," Ivex gets out of bed and stares out of the window. "Hm...seems like I've slept for hours and it's still night." As Ivex looked out of his window he felt tears drop from his face. "What the...why am I?" Ivex wipes his eyes from annoyance.

"Jeez never thought I'd seen the day you shedding a tear" Jupiter leans against his bedroom door looking at him. "ever heard of knocking?..." Ivex tightens his fist as he glares at Jupiter. "Door was wide open thought you heard me, that's my bad!" Jupiter walks in with his hands behind the back of his head. "Y'know we don't get that many nobodies around here, how does it feel not having a heart or anything?" Jupiter tilts his head looking at Ivex. "nobody?...no...I still have a heart, and I can feel
It." Ivex looks down at his hands. "Whatever you say, man", Jupiter shrugs as he turns around to walk out of the room but stops. "Remember our goal...we can't stray away from the darkness" Jupiter disappears into a cloud of black feathers that burn to ash and disappears.

Jupiter appears behind Xamaris as he stands on the large clock tower in Twilight Town. "Any reports on the newbie?" Xamaris looks over his shoulder at Jupiter. "Yeah...he thinks there's light and a heart inside of him" Jupiter leans against the wall and crosses his arms. "Interesting..." Xamaris says in a low tone steps down from the ledge and looks at Jupiter. "We can't have any of this...looks like a gotta screw in a few loose nails" Ivex shakes his head as he disappears into a small dark portal leaving Jupiter behind.

-Location: Dark World (Beach)

Ivex stares into the water with a blank face as memories from his past start popping up and tears start to fall. "again?...and who are these people?" Ivex wipes his tears. "Aww, how sad the tears of a weeping heart" Xamaris rises from the black murky waters with a grin. Ivex is shocked and takes a step back as Xamaris approaches him. "A little bird told me that you think you still have a heart...isn't that funny," Xamaris approaches Ivex. "I still feel
It...and these people in my head...and my tears." Ivex looks down and then back at Xamaris. "Looks like you need some fixing...!" Xamaris puts his hand on Ivexs face and engulfs him in black flames. Ivex goes into a zombie-like state.

"Now for the cherry on top!" Xamaris puts a blindfold on Ivexs face. "You won't ever see the light ever again...and to stop your crying eyes." Xamaris grins as he walks back into the black murky water. "Ivex...go to Hollow Baston and spread Nobodies for me, please?" Xamaris sinks into the water leaving Ivex behind. "Yes...Lord Xamaris" Ivex walks through a dark portal into Hollow Baston.

- The End of Levi's backstory!

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