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Ryder and the others try to help Megara save and search for Hercules but he is kidnapped by Hades and drained of his power. To save him and Thebes Ryder must partake in a series of battles In Hades Olympics!

"LETS DO THIS!" *Ryder slaps his face a bit before running down straight into the Underworld* "AHHH SORA!" *Pain and Panic scatter and hide behind a large board* "Huh?" *Ryder looks at the two quivering demons* "I'm looking for the games! I want to free my friend!" *Ryder steps up and looks at the two demons as they get out of hiding* "Wait a second! You're not Sora!" *Pain peaks out* "I'm Ryder! And stop calling me that!" *Ryder clenched his fist* "S-So you wanna fight in the Pain and Panic cup?" *Panic jitters as rolls the board over* "This is it! Make sure you sign your name and he'll be on his way!" *Pain shouts as he hands Ryder a stick of chalk*

"Alright..How many rounds are there?" *Ryder looks down at the two imps* " F-FOUR!" *Panic says as he walks over to a dock where a boat with Hades holding Hercules hostage* "ALLL ABOARD!" *Hades shouts as he pulls up to the dock ready to pick Ryder up* "If I win the game..you'll release Hercules" *Ryder boards the boat and glares into Hade's eyes* "Yeah sure whatever" *Hades pats Ryder's head but he slaps it away* "S-Save me..Sora" *Hercules says weakly as he squirms* "I'll save you and free everyone down here..I promise!" *Ryder has a determined expression on his face* "Good luck kiddo ya gonna need it" *The boat arrives at a large skeletal castle and Ryder seems a bit intimated as he walks off the boat* "no turning back now.." *Ryder whispers to himself as he takes a deep breath before walking into the coliseum clenching his Keyblade*

*Ryder walks into the large battlefield and he sees a huge crowd of devils and other hellish beings cheer and roar in the crowd* "This is a bit much.." *Ryder nervously scratches the back of his neck as he looks in the crowd* "PEOPLE OF THE UNDERWORLD WHO'S READY TO RUMBLE!?" *Hades shouts through a speaker that echoes throughout the underworld* "HERE WE HAVE OUR LIMITED TIME CONTESTANT...RYDER!" *Hades points at Ryder from a booth over the crowd of dead people cheering and roaring* "It's TIME FOR OUR FIRST ROUND!" *A large door opens up and Shadow Heartless starts flooding out of it. "Hm..Conner, Kiki, Levi, Hercules..This is for you!" *Ryder rushed into battle swinging his Keyblade around making the Heartless disappear* "AHHH!" *Ryder dashes and flips around hitting the Shadow Heartless with multiple combos causing the round the end*

"Not too shabby..but let's see how you handle this!" *Powerwilds (the monkey heartless) come flooding out of the gates screeching and jumping around* "GAHH!" *Ryder dashes toward the Powerwilds destroying them one by one* "THIRD ROUND WILL KNOCK YOU OUT FOR SURE!" *Hades shouts as two Wide Bodied heartless slide into the arena* "HUH?!" *Ryder gets knocked on the floor and he catches himself with his Keyblade* "GET BACK!" *Ryder jumps up and knocks the wide-bodied heartless towards the other one making them both disappear*

"UGH SEND THEM ALL!" *Hades Demands as a swarm of heartless shadows floods the arena* "There's too many!" *Ryder swings his Keyblade knocking only a small sum of the heartless* "But..I can't give up!" *Ryder tries to fight the heartless but they pile on him* "AHAHAHA!" *Hades laughs sinisterly as he watches them* "RYDER!" *Ryder hears an echoing voice in his head that sounds almost like Conner* "No....CONNER!!!!" *Ryder shouts and a huge beam of light shoots from his heart, and the heartless fly off and disappear* "I have to save my brother and my friends!" *Ryder shouts as a light aura shines from his heart* "WHAT!?..GRRR AHHHH!" *Hades shouts in rage and fire shoots from my body* "TITANS!" *Hades snaps and a large volcano titan rises from the surface* "GET DOWN!" *Levi hits a flying boulder out of Kiki's way* "I'm guessing Ryder didn't win the games" *Levi gets in a fighting stance with my chain scythes* "That's okay!" *Kiki spawns her small Keyblade with fairy wings on the guard, and a butterfly on the keychain, * (I didn't like the way I designed her old Keyblades so I changed it!)

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