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Levi, Ryder, and Kiki search for Xamaris in Agrabah. They find a city and Ryder buys a necklace. Suddenly, Venus attacks. Venus disappears into a portal and shouts her second wish to the genie, freeing Jafar and causing chaos. Levi and Ryder fight Jafar, with Ryder defeating him. They seal the keyhole and decide to find the hooded people who kidnapped Conner. Kiki reassures Ryder, and he agrees not to go into The Dark World unprepared.

Conner's eyes flickered open, his head throbbing with pain. He tried to push himself up, only to realize he was no longer in his room. "Where...am I?" he mumbled, his voice echoing in the eerie silence. Suddenly, he noticed the island around him, the sky above him, and the water beneath him. "What is this place?" he muttered, glancing around frantically. As he stood up, a wave of fear washed over him. Where was Ryder? His best friend had been with him just a few moments ago, but now he was nowhere to be seen. "RYDER!" Conner shouted, his voice echoing across the island. But there was no response. Suddenly, a voice spoke from behind him, and he spun around to see a figure rising from the water. "Hush now little one," the figure said, its voice chilling Conner to the bone. "WH-WHO ARE YOU!?" Conner stepped back, his heart pounding in his chest. "You'll be our perfect vessel," the figure replied, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. Conner felt a shiver run down his spine. "What?" he gasped, his mind racing."You are the Key to my plan of flooding the world with pure darkness and hatred," the figure said, pointing a finger at him. Conner felt a surge of panic. "Key? What are you talking about!?" "You're just like your father...always so clueless," the figure sneered, removing his hood to reveal his identity. Xamaris, the powerful sorcerer who had been long thought to be dead, stood before him, his dark skin, yellow eyes, and short black spikey hair sending a chill down Conner's spine. "Remember this face for all eternity," Xamaris grinned, his telekinetic powers throwing Conner into the ocean. Conner felt himself sinking into the dark abyss, his mind racing with fear and confusion. What had he gotten himself into?

"The Heart of Sorrows" *Xamaris grins as he watches a taller and older version of Conner rise from the Ocean wearing an Organization XIII cloak* "Huh?... What happened" *Conner looks at his hand* "Rise my heartless minions!" *Seven hooded figures rise from the dark waters* "Today I'd like to introduce a new member of our Organization...His new name is Pluto, The Heart of Sorrows" *Xamaris looks at Pluto (Conner)* "Jeez he looks as dead as a doornail" *Mars cracks a joke as he looks at Pluto*

"Mercury, Heart of Pride... Venus, Heart of Greed... Earth, Heart of Lust... Mars, Heart of Envy... Jupiter, Heart of Gluttony... Saturn, Heart of Wrath... Uranus, Heart of Sloth... Neptune, Heart of Decisiveness... and Pluto, Heart of Sorrow." Xamaris looks around at the group. "Together, you create Organization XI," he grins. "We have completed the first phase of our mission. Now, let us initiate phase 2 by finding Sora's vessel and destroying it. Go!" Xamaris roars as the eight of them grow large crow wings and fly away, leaving only Pluto behind. "And as for you," Xamaris looks at Pluto, "you will need to go through intense training if you want to defeat Sora's vessel. Now come along." Xamaris turns his back and Pluto follows. "Yes, Lord Xamaris," Pluto says lifelessly as he sluggishly follows Xamaris.

- The end!

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