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Our heroes Ryder, Kiki, and Levi embark on a thrilling adventure to Halloween Town in search of a member of the organization. But little did they know that they would reunite with an old friend of Sora - the one and only Jack Skeleton! Together, they must face their greatest challenge yet, finding Santa Clause, who has been kidnapped by the heartless and transformed into a monstrous creature!
Ryder clenched his Keyblade by the handle and dashed toward the creature as he swung his large bag around. "DODGE IT!" Ryder jumped over the bag along with the others, and they all attacked using various spells and abilities. "GAH!" Kiki moved at the speed of light, hitting the monster from different angles. "HMPH!" Ryder shot a star-shaped fireball at the monster, making it fall back. "LET'S FINISH THIS!" Levi swung his chains with metal balls at the end as he charged up an attack. "ALL YOURS!" Ryder did a flying jump kick and kicked the monster towards Levi. Levi wrapped the monster in chains and slammed it down.

Ryder points his Keyblade at him and shoots a beam of light at the monster, removing all the darkness from him and turning him back into Santa. "Wh-what happened?" Santa sits up confused. "What happened to all the presents?!" Santa says in shock as he gets up and looks at all of the toys scattered all over the place. "Santy Claws! You're alright!" Jack rushes over to him happily. "Jack! My old friend! What happened here?" Santa looks around and sees Ryder, Levi, and Kiki. "Do you kids have anything to do with this?!" Santa says frustrated, but Kiki jumps in. "It's okay, Santa! We're only here to help." Kiki smiles softly, trying to calm him down. "Some guy in a black coat transformed you into a large monster, and you kinda lost it." Levi puts his hands on the back of his head. "How are we ever going to get all the toys ready for Christmas?" Jack says sadly, but Santa lets out a hearty laugh. "HO HO HO! We have plenty of time!" Santa pinched his nose, and the toys magically went inside their presents and back into the sack.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Santa floated up In the air leaving behind a present before turning into a sparkle, fading out, and leaving snow. "WOAHA PRESENT!" Ryder smiles as he grabs the present box and rips it open. "Huh?...A star?" Ryder takes out a small start golden star medal with diamond sparkles "Woah! That's a Star charm!" Kiki smiles as she looks at the good star charm in his hand. "Star charm?" Ryder says almost confused at first. Kiki laughs. "Legend has it that Star charms are actual stars that fell from the sky! And can only be put back during a starry night!" Kiki has a soft smile as she looks at Ryder. "really?...that's amazing!" Ryder has a big smile. Kiki has a slight flashback of her older sister and she sheds a tear. "Y-uo okay?" Ryder says with a confused tone. "sorry I'm just...missing somebody" Kiki wipes her eyes.

"Aww, how cute" A man in a black coat stands on top of the statue staring down at them with a grin. "YOU!" Ryder points at the man in the black coat. "Oh please... it's not nice to point at people y'know?" that man in the coat smirks as he looks down on them. "What do you want with us!?" Kiki shouts as she grips her wand. (Wand blades are basically Keyblades but are slightly skinnier and can only cast magic) "Haven't you been reading your book?... The Book of Prophecy?" The man in the black coat grins as he looks down on them. "Oops! Wouldn't wanna spoil it!" The man in the black coat disappears into a black sludge.

The trio are left astonished. "The book of Prophecy?..." Kiki looks down worried. Levi puts his hand on her shoulder and pats it. "Whatever it is...sounds like it is really important! We should head over to the library at the king's castle!" Levi crosses his arms and looks at them with a serious face. "Yeah! And maybe it'll say more about my Star Charm!" Ryder holds out his star charm. "I wanted to thank you guys for everything!" Jack walks over with a smile. "Heh! No problem!" Ryder has a cocky smile. "Good luck on your adventure!" Jack waves them off goodbye as they leave Halloween Town.


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