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Ryder, Kiki, and Levi were all enjoying their day off when they were surprised by the unexpected arrival of Mickey and Minnie. Mickey and Ryder encountered Saturn, a formidable member of Organization XIII, who tried to stop him from reaching his goal. However, Ryder was not one to back down from a fight and battled fiercely against Saturn, emerging victorious. It was then that Mickey stepped in and handed over Starlight, a powerful weapon that would aid Ryder in his quest to take down Organization VI and find Sora.

"I want to understand what the Organization does," Pluto spoke in a slow and deep tone as he followed Xamaris around Hollow Bastion. "We're here to show you exactly that," Xamaris replied with a smirk as he stood on a tall building, looking down at the people of Hollow Bastion before summoning his Scythe. "These are moons. They open the Darkness in people's hearts," Xamaris explained as he spun his Scythe before resting it on his shoulder. "Do I have a moon?" Pluto looked at Xamaris curiously. "Only if you unlock the true Darkness in your heart...then you'll get one," Xamaris replied before jumping down into the crowd of people and swinging his Scythe around, turning people into pure blood heartless. "Hmm..." Pluto watched in shock as Xamaris continued his sinister mission. "I want to rid the world of all Happiness and light," Xamaris said with a wicked grin on his face as he clenched his Scythe.

"happiness?...light?" Pluto has a confused facial expression on his face. "hm?... I guess turning you into Heartless must've wiped your memory a bit huh?" Xamaris said in a sarcastic tone before dodging an incoming attack by somebody. "hm?" Xamaris looked at a tall building with Cloud standing on it. "So you make those things? Even though Sora sealed the Realm Of Dark away?" Cloud asked clenching his Buster sword. "You're right...But what are you going to do about it?" Xamaris smirked as he spins his Scythe. "Hmph!" Cloud jumped toward Xamaris and Pluto but they jumped away. "Too slow!" Xamaris comes up behind Cloud and attempts to hit him with the Scythe and they clash.

Cloud shouted, "You won't turn the world into Darkness!" as he pushed Xamaris away with his blade. Xamaris grew large wings and floated up over him, then asked, "And if I did, what would you do?" He tilted his head with a grin, manipulating and toying with Cloud's head. Suddenly, Xamaris spawned a fake version of Tiffa and asked Pluto to do the honors. Pluto spawned a small scythe and used it to slice Tiffa, turning her into a small heartless. Xamaris grinned evilly as he watched the scene. "no...NO!" Cloud shouted as he clenched his sword and leaped toward Pluto and he jumped away. "Do it, Pluto! Unleash the rage and evil in your heart" Xamaris shouts as Pluto reaches his hand out and engulfs Cloud in mysterious black flames.

Out of the fire comes Cloud with black hair, and yellow eyes. "Heart of Vengeance" Xamaris snaps Cloud is wearing an Organization XIII coat but the sleeve on his left arm is off and he's wearing a black glove and wielding his buster sword. "You're new name is...Sun, Heart of Vengeance." Pluto looked in shock as he saw the lifeless eyes of Cloud under the dark hood. "You shall report back to the Dark World. We're done for the day" Xamaris turns his head to look at Pluto. "Ok.." Pluto disappeared into the portal.

- Dark World

Pluto is sitting on the sand, looking into the dark horizon and remembering all of the wicked things Xamaris did. Suddenly, a slim woman wearing an Organization XIII coat comes out of the water with a grin and approaches him. "Hey, newbie, did you have fun at training?" she asks. Pluto looks up, confused, and asks, "Huh?". "My name is Earth," the woman says as she takes off her hood to reveal her short blonde hair and red lipstick. "Did you get to see the new member? I heard you made him yourself," she adds as she sits next to Pluto. "Not much of a talker, huh? I like that in a man," she teases him, but his face remains blank. "Yeah... Earth, why does Lord Xamaris want to get rid of happiness and light?" Pluto asks with a curious look on his face. Earth looks up at the dark sky and stays silent for a moment before answering.

"I don't know for sure, but if I had to guess, I would say that he wants to make everyone like us, or maybe he just hates the world," Earth answered Pluto's question. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small bag of Panda Mochi. "I snagged these on a mission...Want some?" she asked Pluto. Pluto stood in shock as he remembered something about the Panda Mochi, but he didn't know where. Tears flowed down his cheek, but he tried to keep a blank face. "Woah!? You okay, kid?" Earth nudged Pluto."I'm fine... what's happening to me?" Pluto wiped the tears away as he looked at the Mochi and took one, eating it. "Somehow...Somewhere I remember this taste." Pluto smiled a bit as he finished the Mochi.

- The End!

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