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Ryder plays in the Hades Olympic Games and Hades ends up gaining a dark magic power and ends up destroying Thebes but is shortly stopped by the power of the hearts of Ryder, Levi, and Kiki who defeat Hades and restore peace to Thebes!

Location - Desert

"Jeez, Kiki ya sure Xamaris was spotted here? I don't think a person like him would pick a hot place like this" *Levi fanned himself with his hand* "Yeah I'm baking like a muffin!" *Ryder fans himself* "I'm hot too you guys but..we have to keep looking" *Kiki sighs as she looks at the map* "WOAH!" *Ryder points at a nearby small city* "Hey I see it too" *Levi tilts his head* "You guys sure that's not a mirage?" *Kiki has an annoyed expression on her face* "I smell food!" *Ryder sprints towards the city* "Ryder Wait!" *Kiki shouts as she and Levi chases after him*

Location -Agrabah

"WOAHH!!" *Kiki's and Ryder's eyes shimmer as she sees the many food and clothing stands* "WE HIT THE JACKPOT!" *Kiki locks hands with Ryder and they both jump* "SEE I TOLD YA!" *Ryder laughs and smiles* "Like taking kids to a candy shop" *Levi smirks as he picks his ear with his pinky* "OK! We have to focus on the mission! We can only buy what's important!" *Kiki slams her fist on her hand trying to act serious* "O-M-G! FRESH FLAN!" *Kiki scatters off to go on a shopping spree* "I guess it's just us" *Ryder nervously laughs* "It's alright lil man" *Levi gives Ryder a fist bump* "We can do a little shopping too I have enough Munny to burn on some new weapons" *Levi puts his hands in his pockets as he walks a different direction leaving Ryder alone*

"Guys I'll do some shopping too!" *Ryder reaches into his pocket and they empty* "I don't have any money." *Ryder looks down in despair* "That's alright! I'll just do some small jobs here and there no biggie!" *Ryder has a determined smile as he runs toward town* "So that's the pipsqueak that defeated Hades?" *Two people wearing Organization XIII cloak float above the town, spying on Ryder* "I can't believe it either" *A feminine voice says* "Once we snag the lamp it's over for him" *A deep male voice says as he looks at the other member* "Remember your mission" *he says before fading away* "lord Xamaris will be proud of me for sure" *The feminine voice let out a sadistic chuckle and fading away*

Timeskip - 20 minutes later

"Okay let's see what we got!" *Ryder pulls out a small pouch that looks like a Moogle* "10..20..30..40.." *Ryder begins to count his Munny* "100!" *Ryder smiles and laughs* "Now I have to go buy something!" *Ryder rushes into the shop* "Rings..necklaces.." *Ryder looks over and sees a small peddler shop* "WOAHH!" *Ryder's jaw drops and he looks around seeing huge stacks of gold, Various jewelry, and weapons made of pure gold* "Welcome!" *A woman wearing a purple head wrap to conceal her curly brown hair, a purple crop top with a golden rose design, purple harem pants with a golden rose pattern up and down the pants leg, multiple wristbands, and a golden necklace with a large purple gem greeted Ryder behind the counter*

"Hello! I'm looking to buy something!" *Ryder smiles as he looks around* "Isn't everyone?" *The lady laughs a bit* "So whaddya looking for?" *The woman leans forward on the counter* "Hmm..some type of necklace, rings, or any type of jewelry!" *Ryder smiles and spots a necklace that has a crown on it almost like Sora's and he gets a faint flashback as he touches it* "This necklace..looks so familiar.." *Ryder picks it up and looks at it* "It's a beaut' huh?" *The shopkeeper looks at Ryder and smiles* "How much for this?" *Ryder looks at the shopkeeper* "100 munny" *The shopkeeper smirks* "DEAL!" *Ryder dumps his money pouch on the desk* "Heh thanks, kid!" *The shop lady says before Ryder walks out and puts the necklace on* "woah.." *Ryder smiles as he looks at the necklace*

"Yo Ryder!" *Kiki shouts as she and Levi walk over to him* "So whaddya buy?...woah" *Kiki looks at the necklace and immediately thinks of Sora* "What?" *Ryder looks at Kiki with a confused expression on his face* "Nothing it's just that's Sora's necklace he must've left it here for you" *Kiki softly smiles as she looks at the necklace* "Kiki...Did you ever meet Sora?" *Ryder looks up at her* "Yeah...but that's a story for another day" *Kiki ruffles Ryder's hair* "C'mon let's go find Levi!" *Kiki smiles as she walks next to Ryder*

"Yo!" *Levi waved as he had a huge new makeover. (Levi is wearing a black compression shirt with no sleeves, Dark red harem pants, and black boots) "L-LEVI!" *Kiki has a slight blush on her face* "The other clothes weren't my thing"*Levi puts his hands in his pockets* "Woah! Looking good!" *Ryder holds a thumbs up with a smile* "Woah..Ryder is that?" *Levi points at Ryder's crown necklace* "This necklace.I saw something but I don't remember seeing that" *Ryder looks down at the crown necklace* "That's a cool necklace, if ya don't take care of it I might just snag it off ya" *Levi says jokingly as he nudges Ryder's arm* "I'd like to see you try!" *Ryder laughs a bit before getting interrupted by the ground shaking*

"Huh?" *The ground beneath them begins to shake and tremble* "An Earthquake?" *Ryder gets knocked to his knees but stands up* "LOOK!" *Kiki points to the roof of the castle and it's a woman wearing an Organization XIII cloak and she's are holding Jafar's lamp* "Time to cause some trouble around here" *The hooded woman stands on top of the palace rubbing the lamp and a large red Geenie emerges from the lamp and he looks around* "WHO DARES TO SUMMON MEE!?" *The large red genie shouts as the sky turns red* "Me and you will only listen and obey me" *The woman smirks under her hood* "You fool! You don't seem worthy of holding the lamp!" *Jafar snaps* "You asked for it.." *The woman holds the lamp and focuses all of her dark magic on it turning Jafar from red to black with yellow eyes and a heartless symbol on its chest*

"We gotta stop her!" *Ryder says as he clenches his Keyblade* "Wait!" *Kiki grabs his shoulder* "We have to be careful because she can wish for almost anything!" *Kiki looks at Levi and Ryder* "So I'm guessing the plan is to take out the Genie?" *Ryder says with sarcasm as he holds his chain kunai* "Pretty much" *Kiki shrugs as he pulls her Keyblade out* "Now for my first wish..bring me Sora" *The woman snaps and Ryder spawns on top of the building* "AHHHH!" *Ryder hangs onto a pole that the woman is standing on top of* "Well, Well, Well" *The woman looks down at Ryder* "I've always wanted to see what you looked like under my feet" *The woman smirks as she takes off her hood and reveals her jet black spiky hair, red lipstick, and black eyes* "B-But Im not Sora!" *Ryder says trembling as he tries to hang onto the pole* "Oh? I'm guessing you're related to him?" *The woman smirks as she spawns a large scythe. The blade is red velvet, the beard (the thing that holds the scythe blade) is a heartless symbol, and the handle of the handle is black*

"I bet you'd be better looking as a heartless then" *The woman raises your scythe but gets interrupted by Levi surfing on his chains and tries to kick the woman but gets interrupted by the Heartless Jafar punching Levi but Levi counterattacks, knocking it back, and lands on a floating chain link around the city* "Ryder! Hop on!" *Levi holds his chain scythe* "Mhm!" *Ryder jumps onto the chain and clenches his Keyblade* "Don't worry about falling cause with my magic your feet are locked in" *Levi smirks* "What about Kiki?" *Levi looked around* "She went to evacuate the people" *Levi clenched his scythes* "Hahah! I find it adorable how you think you two could stop me" *The woman laughed wickedly* "Who are you!? What's your name?" *Ryder points Hero's Crest at the woman* "Names Venus" *Venus grins as she puts her scythe away and replaces it with floating cupid arrows with the Heartless symbol tips*

- To be Continued!

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