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This is a short introduction to Kiki's backstory, who is one of the main characters in the story. As the story unfolds, I will provide more insights into other prominent characters as well. Therefore, make sure to stay tuned for more exciting updates!

"I'm off!" a younger Kiki in her teens walks out of her small house wearing beige shorts, a white shirt with a red long-sleeve shirt under it, boots, and holding a small duffle bag filled with newsletters. Kiki boards her Skateboard delivering mail and doing other jobs around Twilight Town. "Heh! You were too slow! I already got to the last house before you!" A small girl with red short hair wearing a Vest, jeans, and sneakers. "Everything isn't a competition Koko!" Kiki rolled her eyes as she smiled. "You're right! But if it was I won!" Koko smiled and laughed along with Kiki.

"Come on, we should get home before dinner," Kiki says, laughing as she walks off, holding her skateboard. "Have you heard anything from Dad?" Koko walks with Kiki by her side as they talk about their father who is a Keyblade Knight. "Nope, not a single letter today, but hopefully he will send one tomorrow!" Kiki smiles at Koko. "Tch, I want to become a Keyblade Knight so I can see him whenever I want!" Koko looks up into the twilight sky as she dreams of being with her father on the battlefield. "Well, I want to be a Mage just like Mother," Kiki says, smiling to herself as she makes her way home.

"We're Home!" Kiki and Koko say in unison as they drop their stuff off at the door. "My beautiful daughters," A tall beautiful woman with long brunette hair holds a perfectly cooked Turkey in her hand and sets it down. "Look how much you've grown" *Mother rests her hands on Koko's cheek. "Did Father send us a letter?" Kiki asked curiously as she checked a small box that says "Mail" carved into it. "Sorry dear he didn't send anything today," Mother says nervously as she sets the table. "It's time for supper make sure you wash your hands"
Mother says softly as she watches Koko and Kiki walk upstairs.

"I just know she's hiding something," Koko says as she leans against the door frame, crossing her arms and shaking her head. "Maybe she's just sad that Father didn't leave anything for us," Kiki responds, drying her hands with a small blue towel.

Koko walks downstairs to the dinner table, with Kiki following behind, and they both thank their mother before eating the turkey. "You okay, Mom?" Kiki asks, noticing that her mother hasn't touched her food.

"I lied...Father did send a letter," Mother says sadly, handing the girls a small opened letter. Inside, there is a paper that reads, "To my two beautiful daughters. I have invited you to the Land of Departure to start your journey to becoming a Keyblade Warrior! Love, Father."

Kiki and Koko's eyes light up as they read the letter. "YAYYY! WE CAN SEE FATHER!" Kiki laughs as she jumps out of her seat. "I'm so proud of you both" Mother smiles with a tear rolling down her cheek. "Thank you, Mother" Kiki and Koko hug Mother as they laugh and smile. "You guys better get packing for tomorrow" Mother kisses Kiki's forehead. "Yes, Mother" Kiki and Koko say as they run upstairs. "I remember when I was their age...always wanting Adventure," Mother says softly as she grips her Mark of Mastery necklace.

- To Be Continued

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