CH.13 - Some things never change

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Johnnies pov:

It's been a few months since I told Jake about that night. I still feel horrible about it though. I've gone back to my ways of not eating.. except when I'm around Jake. I think he knows what I'm struggling right now but I don't think he knows why. I also don't think he knows how to bring up how worried he is. It's nice to know that he cares though. It's nice that he forces me to eat at least one meal a day. It's not like it was a big deal that I wasn't eating. I'm still walking around like normal. I mean normal to an extent. I do feel like passing out most days...okay i know that sounds bad but let me explain

This week has been really rough, and I haven't been able to hang out with Jake or anyone because I had to do a project for one of my classes. So because I wouldn't see Jake after school i always wouldn't eat. So long story short it's been a week or so since I've ate anything..but I'm fine.

"Johnnie." Jake asks as he takes a seat next to me at the lunch table
"Are you okay? You seem really pale. Like more pale compared to normal.."

"Yeah I'm fine." I lie
"Just tired I guess."

"Johnnie, I think you should eat something." Jake frowns

"No, I'm fine. I promise." I smile at him

The rest of the lunch I have my head down, trying to sleep away this dizzy feeling.

Jake's pov:

The bell rings and I help Johnnie off the bench. I hold his hand as we walk to class...his cold, skinny hands. I know something is definitely wrong. Before we reach the stairs that leads up to to his class, Johnnie passes out. Holy shit. I catch him and look around. What do I do? I pick him up and carry him to the nurses office. As I talk to the nurse she takes me to the same room that we were in before. I set him down on one of the chairs and let him rest his head on my shoulder. After the nurse takes a look at him she tells me that he's dehydrated and needs to start eating more food. I knew that he had a problem and was struggling right now but I didn't think that it would get this bad...why didn't he tell me? why didn't I tell him my concerns? Fuck.

"Mhmmm." I hear Johnnie muffle as he starts to move his head

Not wanting to stress him I sit still till he fully wakes up.

"What happened?" He asks as he rubs the back of his head

"Y-you passed out." I stutter

"O-oh.. I'm sorry."

"Johnnie um..I know that this isn't the place that we should be having this conversation but uh..have you been eating? I mean eating even when I'm not there to give you food?" I ask

Johnnies pov:

Fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck. What do I say? I don't want to tell him, I can't tell him. He can't always be worrying about me. Shit. Just then I have the brilliant idea. I pull him into a kiss. Is was nice and sweet. He just looks at me and smiles. Fuck, I love his smile. It brings me so much joy. Soon the nurse comes in and tells me that I need to take better care of myself and that we're free to go once the bell rings.

As the bell rings Jake lifts me up and walks us out of the building.

"W-what are you doing?" I blush

"Making sure that you come home with me." He smiles

Once we get to Sam's car he puts me down.

"Jake , where were you? You didn't come to class." Colby whines

"Oh uh, I had to go to he nurse office. I'm all good now though." He smiles

"Oh shit? Next time text me." Colby smiles

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