CH.7 - Party

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Jake's pov:

It's been a week since Johnnie has had lunch with us. Like YEAH, we get it, you have other friends...but also WTF I think they can handle ONE lunch without you. Sure we did steal you for like a month but this week has felt like forever. Its not even the lunches that get on my nerves. I never see him in the morning as well. Scuff has been taking him to school AND he gives him a ride home. That's taking away all of MY Johnnie time. We also haven't been texting as much. Like we used to text all of the time but now I've talked to him once. Walking to class has been boring as well. I walk to all of my classes alone and IF I get lucky enough to see Johnnie in the hallway hes with some chick. I think it's that Alex girl he would sometimes talk about. His 'best friend' or whatever. I mean come on. If you like her so much then go out with her....dam..I sound really jealous. Jealous over someone I'm not even dating. Whatever. Hopefully I'll be able to see him this weekend.

As the last bell rings I walk over to my locker. As soon as I open the door a little piece of paper falls out...a party invitation? It doesn't say who's party it is, it just has a address written on it in shitty handwriting.

"Huh" I think to myself
"I should ask if anyone else got one."

As I walk to the parking lot I see Johnnie about to get into scuffs car with two other girls. Bingo.

"Hey, Johnnie!" I yell as I walk closer to the car

"Hey, Jake." He smiles

"Uh..I got this random party invitation in my locker and was wondering if you wanted to come?" I stay as I feel my heart start pounding
"I-i mean you can bring your friends too." I stutter

"Yeah, I would love to." He smiles
"Will you be, uh, picking me up?"

"Y-yeah, of course. See you tomorrow at 5." I smile as I walk away

As I walk to the other side of the parking lot I can feel my heart pounding, my head is spinning. I don't know why I'm all of the sudden so nervous to talk to Johnnie. Like yeah, before I would sometimes get flustered but never like this. I practically skipped my way over to Sam's car with a big goofy grin.

"What got you so happy?" Colby asks as he takes a hit from his vape

"I just talked to Johnnie." I smile

"Ohhhh about what?." Sam asks as he lets me in his car

"I got this random party invitation and decided to man up and ask Johnnie to come with me. AND HE SAID YES." I scream

"Hell yeah, I think we got the same invite." Colby smiles

"Are you guys going?" I ask

"Yeah, of course we are." Sam giggles

It didn't take long to get to Sam's house. We all get out of the car and go straight to his room. Him and Colby start to do homework as I start to ask some other people that I know to see if they know who's throwing the party.


Yo dude
Did you get some party invitation  in ur locker 2day??
*Delivered at 4:00p.m*
*Seen at 4:12*

Yeah I did!
It's one of the Stoner kids

The skater stoners or the lame ones

The lame ones
Imma still go tho
Just hope I don't get drugged💀

Yeah imma go to
Didn't even think about the drugs
Bro they suckkkkkkk

bathroom boy (Johnnie Guilbert X Jake Webber)Where stories live. Discover now