CH.27 - bad feeling

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Jake's pov:

I wake up horribly hungover. I open my eyes and try to sit up but I find my hands stuck together. I lift my arms from under the sheets and see that there handcuffed. I look down more and notice that I'm completely naked with bite marks, hickeys and bruises all over. I start to blush as I remember what we did last night. I slowly life up the sheets and see Johnnie's naked body. I blush even more as I look him up and down. I shake my head and drop the sheets. I then start to look around to see if I can find the key to the handcuffs. After a few minutes of searching through the sheets I hear a knock on the door. Shit, shit, shit. The door slowly creeks open and loud music instantly fills the room. I quickly cover myself.

"Thank God I found you guys." Colby smiles as he fully opens the door
"We weren't sure if you guys left. It feels like we haven't seen you."

"Y-yeah." I stutter, not wanting Colby to know that I'm handcuffed naked

"Did you just get up?" He asks

"Yeah, um..were you guys planning on leaving?"

"Yeah, imma look for Sam just call one of us when you guys are ready to leave." He smiles then shuts the door behind him

"Fuck." I groan as I pull my knees to my chest

I look over to Johnnie and sigh.

"Babe, wake up." I gently nudge him
"I need your help."

"Hmm?" He Burris his face deeper into the pillow

"I need your help.." I say a little louder

"With what.." he groans

" might want to fully get up." I blush

I watch as Johnnie furrows his brows before fully opening his eyes. He sits up and yawns before looking at me.

"What did you need?" He asks

"Um..." I blush even more and just pull my cuffed arms from under the covers

" that" he stutters
"Is that from last night?" His eyes grow wide as he looks me up and down, focusing on my hickeys

"Y-yeah." My face is now completely red
"We must have forgotten to take them off last night and I don't know where the key is..."

"Oh shit, let me look around." Johnnie says as he pulls the sheets off his body. There's a moment of silence before he quickly pulls the sheets back over himself

"What's wrong?" I tilt my head

"Um...I'm like.. completely naked." His face turns pink

"yeah so am I. We also fucked last night so I think it's fine if I see you naked." I roll my eyes
"Now hurry up before anyone walks in."

Johnnie takes a deep before fully getting out of bed.

"I remember you getting the cuffs from the drawer next to you so the key is probably in here." He kneels down and searches the drawer
"It's kind of weird that there is just a random set of handcuffs in this room."

"I guess."

Johnnie finally finds the key and let's my hands loose. I shake my hands, happy to now have my hand mobility back. Johnnie giggles as he starts looking for his pants. I just sit and watch him get dressed, smiling at the marks that I left over his body. I get knocked out of my train of thought by Johnnie throwing a pair of pants at my face.

"Get dressed." He smirks

I sigh then take the covers off of me. I watch Johnnie's facial expression change and his face quickly turning bright red.

bathroom boy (Johnnie Guilbert X Jake Webber)Where stories live. Discover now