CH.28 - N.M.E

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Johnnie pov:

It's been a few weeks since Bryan has talked to me and I couldn't be happier. I also have finished my project. Im note sure when it'll be out up but I don't really care. I just know that once I find out where it is being put up I'm going to ignore that hallway forever.

It's lunch now and as I was about to start eating Colby runs over to the table and slaps the back of my neck. Everyone just looks at him confused.

"What the fuck was that for?" I rub the back of my neck

"You lying son of a bitch!" He yells

"What? What are you talking about?" I ask

"Yeah, what's wrong dude?" Jake says as he walks over to the table

"Do you know about the painting that johnnie did?" Colby asks

"Kinda, I mean he didn't let me see it." Jake says

"Well now you fucking can because in hung up in the hallway." Colby says

"Fuck, you saw it?" I say embarrassed

"Yeah, and it's fucking good! I thought your not good at art? It's a fucking good painting you loser." He sits down next to me and pulls out his phone

He takes a moment until he pulls up a picture of the painting that I turned in.

"Babe, that's good. Why do you never show us your drawings?" Jake says as he holds his arm around my waist

"I don't know. I just think it could be better." I sigh

"Shut the fuck up ,i will hit you again." Colby brings his hand back up

"Okay, fine. My drawing is good. I don't see why it's such a big deal."

"It's just the fact that you lied to us all." Colby sighs as he puts his phone away

"Sorry I guess."

"Guys!" Sam yells as he gets to the table
"There's going to be a party tomorrow and we should go."

"When dont we go to a party?" Colby laughs

"True. But still, we should go." He give Colby a kiss

"F-fine." Colby sighs

"We can also all stay at my house. My parents won't be home and I'm kind of tired of sleeping in Jake's guest room." Sam smiles as he finally takes a set at the table

"You just want to sleep in your own bed." Colby rolls his eyes

"And what? Do you guys want to do my house or not?" He playfully crossed his arms

"I'm down." I smile, looking up at Jake

"So am I." He smiles back

The rest of the day went by as normal. At the end of the school day we all met up at Sam's car. As soon as we got in his car Jake took out his phone and opened Instagram. I couldn't really see what he was looking at.

"Oh my God.." Jake says as he puts his hand over his mouth

"What?" Sam asks

"People started posting pictures of that big party and there's so many pictures of me and Johnnie." His face turns red

"..what?" I question

"Look." He says as h hands me his phone

I start scrolling and I see pictures of us drunk kissing, play beer pong, and just us randomly in the background. The pictures aren't as creepy as I thought they would be but they still are embarrassing. Colby then grabs the phone and start looking the the pictures as well.

bathroom boy (Johnnie Guilbert X Jake Webber)Where stories live. Discover now