Chapter one

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Gerard's pov: It's 7:55 class starts at 8:30 walking to art someone pushes into me. I turn to look and I see Frank I was feeling Mad that he pushed me but I couldn't be I have feelings for him. I like him but we never talked how can I like him the way I do,Frank is cute I wish that he was my Boyfriend. Oh shit I'm to class i'm gonna get in trouble is what I was saying getting out of my thoughts of Frank.I walk in right when the bell rings everyone staring at me now just cause im late.

Frank's pov: The teacher is talking about our project we have due next week When I noticed That someone is walking in, that someone is Gerard I thought wait it's Gerard the boy I pushed in the hall should I apoligize to him. I never meant to Push him He's hot I like Gerard but I can't He doesn't know me and I don't know him. I snapped out of my thought when I saw that Gerard is sitting next to me now im thinking should i talk to him get to know him become friends. Omg how can I do this I'm thinking then I heard someone trying to get my attention it was Gerard he was asking me to be his Partner without even thinking I said Sure I would love to be your partner.

Gerard's pov: It's been two weeks already. Frank and I have become friends and now we are in a band with my brother Mikey and His Friend Ray and Bob. Our bands name is My chemical romance Mikey came up with the name. Mikey is the bass player, Frank and Ray are both Guiter players and I do Vocalist. I want to tell Frank how I feel about him but I don't know if he likes me the Same way like I do I hope he does Mikey i call What Gerard. Can I tell you something Mikey please. Yes Gerard what is it. I think I like Frank no wait more like love him. Oh aww Gerard thats sweet have you told him yet. No I can't tell him I don't want to Ruin our friendship.

Mikey's pov: Hey Frank can I ask you something. Yeah whats up Mikey. Don't get mad can you please tell me if you have feelings for my brother Gerard. Well umm...Mikey yes I do I like your brother alot. Aww thats sweet why don't you ask him out or tell him how you feel about him. I can't Mikey what if he doesn't likd me back the same way as I like him it would ruin our friendship and I can't have that happen. Gerard come her please. Yeah whats up Mikey what do you want me for. Gerard I think you should ask out Frank or at least Tell him how you feel. Mikey why he might not like me like that. Gerard Frank like you alot talk to him okay please bye Gerard. Fine Mikey i will bye.

Frank's pov: Gerard can we talk please. Yeah sure Frank what do you want to talk to me about. Gerard this is hard to say. What is it Frank you can tell me anything we're friends Remember. Gerard I love you and not just like a friend I love youmore then a friend its okay if you don't like me back I shouldn't have said said anything I'm sorry I have to go now bye. No Frank wait I love youmore then as a friend too. Im happy you told me I've been wanting to tell you for a long time but I thought you didn't like me like that so I didn't tell you. Awww Gerard it was the same for me but i have to go it's getting late bye love you. Okay Frank Bye love you too see you tomorrow. Bye "thinks" why didn't I just sleepover. Wait Frank. Yeah whats up Gerard. Frank will you go out with me. OMG YES Gerard I will go out with you bye goodnight I love you Gerard. Bye Frank love you too. Gerard leans in and Kisses Frank Passionately Frank kisses back Passionately as well bye bye they both say at the Sametime.

Gerard's pov: I have to get up Frank is coming over soon I can't wait I have a whole day planned out for us. DING DONG. Omg Frank is here early what do I do AHHH okay Gerard opens the front door Frank walks in. Hi Gerard what are we doing today. Hi Frank and umm...I was thinking Maybe we could watch a movie together. Yeah that sounds good Gerard what movie. I don't know how about a scary movie. Okay we'll watch a scary movie then. 20 Minutes later Frank gets scared and curls up next to Gerard. Gerard just smiles and holds Frank close, then Frank turns to look at and he pressed his lips Agaisnt Gerard. Frank want to come to my room with me. Yeah I'd love to Gerard. Okay lets go Gerard takes Frank in his room and they lay down and start talking. Gerard I should leave. No wait Frank you can stay the night and we can watch movies until we go to sleep. Okay Gerard sounds good Frank kisses Gerard. Then Gerard kisses back He takes off Frank's shirt and Frank Does the same but also unbutton's Gerard's Pants then pulls them off. Gerard undresses Frank and undresses Gerard. Now Frank and Gerard are laying down in bed they start kissing then Gerard bits Franks Bottom lip and a moan comes out of Frank. Frank then Bits Gerard's botom lip as well and Gerard was trying to hold in his moan but Frank did it again and Gerard let it out. Gerard im tired now. Go to sleep then Frank love you and goodnight. Lovd you too Gerard and goonight. 2 Minutes later Frank falls asleep awwFrank looks so cute when he sleeps Gerard Leans towards Frank and kisses him on the forehead and Whispers I love you and always will Frank. At 12:30 Gerard falls asleep right next to Frank while he is holding him and before he falls asleep Gerard says I'll always hold you and never let you go.

Mikey's pov: wow Hi Frank and Gerard. Hi Mikey what brings you here today and in my room. Nothing and Frank did you sleep with Gerard. Um...yeah I did. So you guys are dating now. Yes Mikey we are. Yes Mikey you wanted us to talk and we did. I'm going to tell Ray and Bob that you Guys are dating Mikey runs out. NOOOOOO!!!!Mikey stop Don't tell them that we are dating. To late Gerard I'm telling them. Mikey nooo please I'm begging you.

Gerard's pov: Frank no Answer. Frank where are you at. Still no answer I'll wait and see if he will come back I hope he does. 2 Hours later where is Frank he still isn't here I'll go to his house and Check if he is there. "Thinks" I hope Frank is okay I can't be without himplease let him be home. Gerard finally arrives at Franks House. Frankie are you here please answer the door please are you okay. Wait why is Franks door open for he always locks it thats strange. I walk in Frank are you here please let me know . Right when Gerard is about to give up he see's something what is that he wonders.

Okay guys this is the end of my first chapter you guys can comment what you think Gerard has found in Franks house. Love all of you and i hope you enjoyed the story even though i feel like its bad

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