Chapter 5

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Mikey's pov: I wake up and Realize i can't move cause Ray is holding me close to so i don't want to wake him. I try to turn slowly so i won't wake him up cause God knows how he would act this early in the morning its 6:20. I moved but when i did Ray didn't want to let go he held on tighter so i figured why not just wake him up so i can get up. I move slowly again and reach my arm out and Flick Ray in the ear but not to Hard. Mikey what was that for. Nothing i wanted to get up but you didn't want to let go. Oh why didn't you wake me up by calling my Name. I didn't know how you would react if i did i didn't know if you would get mad if i woke you up this early. What Time is it Mikey. Its 6:23 now. Oh Mikey i wouldn't get Mad i normally am awake at this time. Oh well thats good to know. Yeah so do you want to go see if Gerard and Frank are awake yet. I don't know Ray Gerard never is up this early. Well lets just go and see if they are awake people change you know. Yeah I guess lets go. Ray and Mikey walk in Frank and Gerards room and they try to hold in there aww's because they see that Gerard and Frank are holding each other.

Ray's pov: Mikey and Me are trying not to let out an awww because we are looking at Gerard and Frank its cute to see them holding each other. Ray should we Wake them up. Mikey I don't know how do we even know how they will react. Well whatever let them react the way they are gonna react. Fine i wake Gerard you wake Frank on the count of three. Okay. Mikey counts 1 2 3. Mikey and Ray Run and Yell. GERARD AND FRANK WAKE UP.

Frank's/Gerard's pov: WHAT THE FUCK GUYS WHY DID YOU WAKE US UP FOR ITS 6:35 IN THE FUCKING MORNING. Yeah we know sorry its just there's nothing to do. Well you guys could have watched t.v or put on a movie. Yeah we know but we want to Hangout with you guys. Oh Well you guys couldn't have waited till like 8:00 to wake us. Nope. Wow then give us like A few Minutes to Get ready then. Okay we will. Maybe when we are done we can leave to go and eat breakfeast. YAY SOUNDS GOOD both Mikey and Ray Say. Gerard and Me start getting ready. Hey Frankie where should we go for breakfeast. Uhhh....I don't know Gee how about I hop. Yeah sounds good. Well we're ready lets go to Mikey and Ray and tell them we are taking them to I hop. Okay. Mikey Ray Gerard and Me are Taking you guys to I Hop for breakfeast. Okay Frank and Gee. So lets get in the car its only ten minutes away. Okay. 10 minutes later we're at I Hop what are you Gonna want. How about we all get Pancakes. Alright. The Lady comes and Takes our order. What can i get you guys. Mikey and Ray both said they wanted Chocolate chip Pancakes. Gerard and me said Regular pancakes. Our food is Here. Hey Frankie and Gee do want one of our chocolate chip Pancakes and we have one from you guys. Yeah sounds Good Mikey. 20 minutes later.

Ray's/Mikey's pov: Thanks Guys for Taking us to eat. No problem Mikey and Ray we just hope You enjoyed it. Yeah we did. Anyways i think Ray and Me should leave now. Okay bye guys see you another day. Yeah sounds good. Ray you want to come to my house or we go to yours. I don't know Mikey Its up to you. Okay we'll go to My House and i'll take you home in an hour. Okay sounds good. 10 minutes later We arrive at Mikey's house. So Mikey what are doing then. I don't know whatever you want. Well okay so Ray leans in and Kisses Mikey. Mikey's eyes went big. What was that for Ray. What do you Mean Mikey your my boyfriend so i have every right to kiss you when i want and cause i love you. Oh well Okay Ray and I love you Mikey kisses back.

Gerard's/Frank's pov: Frank. Yes Gerard. I'm bored Frankie. Well what do you want me to do about that Gee. I don't know how about you come here and Kiss me. Gee i can't kiss you everytime your bored. Why not Frankie i'm not bored when you kiss me what you don't love me no more is that it. GERARD DON'T YOU DARE SAY I DON'T LOVE YOU CAUSE THATS A LIE I DO LOVE YOU WILL ALL MY HEART I NEVER WANT TO HEAR YOU SAY THAT AGAIN. Frank runs to Gerard and pinns him on the Couch. Ow Frank that hurt and okay i promise i won't say that Again. Okay good and sorry for hurting your wrist. Well its fine cause when you did that i wasn't bored anymore. Well okay Gerard goes to Kiss Frank but Franks moves. Frankie why did you do that i was about to kiss you. I know you were do you really want the kiss. Yes Frank i enjoy kissing you. Then you have to catch me to kiss me. Fine i will. Frank runs and stops after and looks for Gerard. Gerard i know your around here somewhere. Frank got scared when he felt arms around his waist. AHHHHHH. Frank calm down its just me but now i get that kiss. Thats not fair you scared me. You didn't say i couldn't wrap my arms around you all you said was you have to catch me if i wanted a kiss from you so i did so where is my kiss Frankie. Fine Your Right Gerard i did so here you go your. Gerard goes to kiss Franks and Frank Kisses back but presses his lips to kiss more roughly. I love you Gee Frank says. I love you too Frankie they say inbetween breathes.

This is the end of this chapter hope you guys enjoyed it maybe not im getting bad at writing this please let me know what you you think of this chapter bye guys and i love you all enjoy your summer.

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