Chapter 11 Mikey and Ray move in

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Frank's pov: I wake up and wonder why am i on the floor asleep i look around and see Mikey Ray and Gerard next to me. Oh thats right we all Came after school to Gerard and My house after what happened with Mikey and Ray yesterday all cause of Bob. I honestly thing That Ray and Mikey should live with us so Mikey doesn't have to be around Bob anymore and so Ray isn't Far from Mikey. I'm gonna Ask Gerard when he gets up.

Gerard's pov: I wake up and i see Frank he is right there. Goodmorning sleephead he says. Morning Frankie. Hey Gee Can i tell you something. Yes Frankie what is it. Well you know how Bob almost messed up Mikey and Ray's relationship Yesterday. Yes what about it. Well i was thinking that since you have that extra Room That we ask Ray and Mikey to move into it so Ray doesn't have to be Far from Mikey and Mikey doesn't have to live with Bob anymore. Yeah thats the Same idea i had Frankie we will ask them when they wake up. Okay sounds good But ima go get ready for school. Yeah okay Frankie i gotta get ready too.

Mikey's pov: I wake up and see that i'm not at home well i kinda am and then again I'm not cause its my brothers house. Oh I know why anyways I'm gonna wake up Ray. Ray. Ray. RAY WAKE UP. AHHHH Mikey really. Yes Really Ray. Okay fair enough. Hey Mikey. Yeah Frankie. Gerard and me Decided to ask you something. Yeah what is it. Well we decided to ask you if you and Ray wanted to Move in with us. Sounds great but like were are we gonna sleep. My extra Room Mikey you know that. Oh okay yeah i would like to but Ray i don't. Ray. What. You wanna move in with Gerard and Frank. Yeah i can do that but we just gotta get my stuff from my house and Mikey's house but we all go in. Okay sounds good.

Ray's pov: School is over and now we are going to Mikey's house first to get his stuff from his room and Mikey puts it in his Car and drives with us in it. Gerard and Frank are going home while Mikey and me go to my house. We arrive at my house and i get my stuff and put it in Mikey's car it went fast cause Mikey helped me. Now we go to Gerard and Franks house which is now also gonna be our house. We are finally here and we walk in and see a banner that says welcome home Mikey and Ray. We go to the room Gerard and Frank have for us and the bed is bigger then before. We go to the car Frank and Gerard Come and Help which is really Fast we got everything in and everything is fixed the way we want it to be. Yay our new home together Mikey but with your brother and Frank this is gonna be good. Yes it is Ray I'm happy they asked us. Yeah me too Mikey.

Mikey's pov: My phone goes off its a Message From Bob. I read it. The message say Frank Where are you why are you not at home you little Basterd you know i'm sorry for all that. Mikey. Yeah who is that. Its Bob he texted me. Yeah like i ever will go home nope never this is my new home and i like it better. Thats good Just ignore all his messags. Yeah i should. Okay good. We finally Sleep both of us but before we do Goodnight Mikey I love you. Goodnight Ray i love you too. See you in the morning we both say.

Gerard's pov: we all woke up Early and got ready and headed to school. Frank and me holding hands while walking to school and Ray and Mikey doing the Same thing we arrive to school all four of us doing the same thing we walk to our lockers and Talk. The bell rings to let us know it time for class. Hey Frank. Yeah Gerard. We stopped talking cause both Mikey and Ray walked into the class and handed the teacher there shedule saying they come to this class now. They come to Me and Frank. Hey guys. Hey Mikey and ray you guys changed your shedule. Yes well i did Ray got called down. Oh why did you Change. Cause third period i Have Bob and i can't really do that. Yeah i understand. We went to all our classes well i Had Mikey for all my Classes actually so Far now its time for Lunch. We get our lunch and sit down we are fine for about 30 minutes until Bob comes and goes up to Mikey. Hey Mikey just caused you moved out of the house and changed your Shedule doesn't mean i won't ever find you. Bob Just leave me alone. NO I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU ALONE OKAY YOU GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD. NO JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE BOB I TOLD YOU WE WERE FRIENDS AND I WOULD NEVER SEE YOU OTHER THEN THAT. WOW OKAY MIKEY SO IM NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE A CRUSH ON MY BESTFRIEND THATS FUCKING STUPID. I NEVER SAID YOU COULDN'T YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CRUSH ON ME FOR ALL I CARE BUT YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE EVER TRIED TO BRAKE UP RAY AND ME JUST TO GET TOGETHER YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN HAVE KISSED ME. WOW MIKEY JUST WOW. The next thing i saw was Bob Punch my brother in the face and said FUCK YOU MIKEY. i Can tell it hurt Mikey Cause one he was crying and he crys when he is in pain mental for pysical pain and two because His noise was bleeding. Ray rund up to Mikey and just holds him. Mikey is just Crying and holding on to Ray. A Teacher walks in and Ask what happened we told her and she let us all go home and told all our teachers so we are excused from Homework.

Okay guys This is the end of this chapter i love you all hope you are still Enjoying summer vote and comment what you think.

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