- Two -

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"Honey, I'm home!" I vaguely hear Alex call from the livingroom.

I, however, was in our bedroom, looking all over the internet for answers. I also had the tv playing the news, waiting for something about this new mystery man to pop up. I mean, something had to show up, right? I couldn't have been the only one to notice all of a major college's power go out. I know for a fact Lafayette saw the person use his powers and steal a super rare crystal from said major college.

"Now, what could you possibly be doing that is so important you didn't say anything when I walked in?" Alex asks in a teasing manner as he enters our room. I go to shut my laptop, but I'm not fast enough, and he ends up peeking at my screen.

"Ooh, that's a pretty box." He comments before tilting his head. "Why do you look so worried about it?"

I sigh and look over at him. "Something really weird happened today, Alex. And you're going to think I'm crazy, but I promise you I'm not."

"Now, I would never call you crazy." Alex says before chuckling softly. "Not to your face anyway." He teases.

"Alex, this is serious. I was.. There was this.. Person. He had powers.." I explain to him.

He raises an eyebrow and sits on the bed, placing his hands in his lap. "Like Hyperion? You saw him today? I thought nobody had seen him in forever."

I shake my head. "No, no this wasn't him. He was someone else, I just don't know who. But remember that crystal my professor was studying? I told you about it forever ago."

He looks up at the ceiling as he tries to remember. "Umm, I think so. Yeah, the really pretty one he was obsessed with?"

I nod. "Yeah, that one. This person took it. But before he did, it caused some sort of power outage throughout the whole school, and you could see the crystal glowing from all the on the other end of the hall."

"Huh, weird light trick." Alex mumbles slightly before looking back at me. "What happened next?"

"Well, then he put it into this box," I say, pointing to the box on my screen in front of me. "And it started playing a melody. And then my phone went off and he caught me in the room, and he threw the table with a simple wave of his hand. And then he pinned me up against the wall with the same motion before escaping with the box and crystal."

Alex furrows his brows in a worried expression, scooting closer and examining me. "Are you alright? Why would you go in there with him?" He grabs my hands and I wince slightly, and he frowns. "What happened to your arm?"

"I'm fine, love. I promise. I just landed on my arm when he left the room." I explain to him, but he simply looks at the ace bandage I had since taken off and placed next to me. "And I went in there because I was going to try and stop him from taking the crystal."

Alex shakes his head, grabbing the ace bandage again. "John, I get that you want to do the right thing, but sometimes the right thing is to stand back and let things happen. You shouldn't have gone in there with him, now you're hurt. And you couldn't have taken him anyway, I mean, he had powers for Pete's sake."

He goes to rewrap my arm and I roll my eyes and push his hand away. "I'm fine, Alex. I'm not going to just stand by and let it happen. First, I need to find out what that box was and why he wanted the crystal. Maybe I could find out his intentions and-"

"And then tell the authorities." Alex warns. I look over at him and he gives me a scolding look. "John, you have to promise me you won't go after this guy. He sounds dangerous, we don't know what he's after."

"But I can't just sit here and do nothing!" I say.

"He attacked you today! Don't get in his way, leave it to people who can actually deal with him."

I pout slightly but then sigh in defeat. "Fine, I'll leave it be. But I am still going to look into this, figure out what he's going after." I state. It was a little lie. Of course I was going to go after him, just not as John. John would do all the research, Hyperion would do the actual confrontation.

Alex sighs softly. "You know, I wouldn't expect anything less from you." He looks me over one more time. "Are you sure you're alright, though? You don't have any bruises or anything I can help with?"

I shake my head. "No, it's just the arm, and it'll be alright by morning I'm sure of it. Thank you, though." I smile slightly and kiss his forehead. "You're always looking out for me."

"Hey, well someone's got to. I can't let you get into too much trouble." He jokes slightly. He then looks at my laptop. "Okay, let's see what the big deal about this music box is."

Timeskip brought to you by Renee Rapp (aka the love of my life)

I stir slightly and wake up, not realizing I had drifted off to sleep. I look over and see Alex cuddled into my side and my laptop still wide open on the other side of him. I reach over the best I can and close it, placing it on the nightstand.

I then look down at Alex and pull the covers over us. It was dark out now, so I guess we fell asleep while we were researching the music box. The TV was still on, the boring news channel talking about some nonsense. I sigh and grab the remote off of my nightstand, going to turn it off.

Right before I press the button, though, the TV flashes the words "Breaking News!"

"Earlier this evening, there was a disturbance in the National History Museum. After closing hours, there was a trespasser found in the gem section. The man had a mask on, and was after a rare pink crystal."

I sit up, instantly more awake than I had been, and shake Alex slightly. "Alex, Alex wake up. It's him!" I say.

He groans and swats my hand away, cuddling up into me some more.

"How he got past security isn't even the strangest part of this story, the way he grabbed the crystal was. This footage shows him approximately ten feet away from it, lifting the rock without moving a muscle."

The screen then shows a video of the same guy I saw earlier doing exactly what the reporter had said. I shake Alex again and he moves his head slightly to look at the TV, his eyes half open.

"Is this some sort of magic trick? An illusion of sorts? Or is this another powerful person coming our way? We're not sure, but we do know that the gem was returned, but broken into many pieces with a note claiming it was fake. The museum claims they had no idea one of their treasured collections wasn't real, but more on that-"

"Alex, did you see? He was after a different crystal. He's crystal hunting. What does it mean?"

Alex lays on his back and looks up at me. "Why do you care so much, John? You don't even know why he's doing it." He yawns tiredly.

I turn off the TV after they go back into nonsense topics and I look down at Alex. "That's why I care. I need to know what he's doing. What if he's a villain? Someone's got to warn Hyperion."

Alex scoffs slightly. "No one has seen or heard from Hyperion in ages. I doubt he's just going to come back to solve a nonexistent problem. You heard the reporter, the guy returned the crystal."

"Because it was fake, he's only after the real things." I look back at the now empty screen. "And I'm sure Hyperion will come back. I mean, it wouldn't be totally weird for him to make a comeback for something like this." I say, shrugging slightly.

"Can we just go back to sleep? We can talk about this more in the morning."

I sigh gently. There was no way I could justify this to Alex right now. Not without revealing my identity. And I couldn't do that, he didn't need that kind of responsibility. I look down at him and kiss the top of his head. "Okay, we can do some more looking tomorrow morning."

He smiles and pulls me gently, and I take the hint and lay down next to him. "Good, because I'm too tired to do anything right now." He says, cuddling into me. I turn the TV off and relax, holding him close.

"Goodnight, Alex."

1499 Words

If you didn't see the announcement, I will be releasing a new chapter (roughly) every Sunday! Subject to change if I finish writing the story cuz I'm impatient, but as of right now Sundays are the day. See you next week!

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