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It’s been three weeks since we last heard from the mysterious crystal thief. He hasn’t performed any other heists since I made a reappearance as Hyperion, but you can never be too careful.

Meanwhile, I was researching these crystals any chance I got. I started working with Professor Lee, since his crystal was the first to be stolen. Of course he doesn’t know the reason I’m asking all these questions now.

Alex doesn’t either. I feel bad, because I can tell he knows I’m hiding something. But it’s not that easy to tell him.

“Hey babe. You working on homework?” I hear him ask, wrapping his arms loosely around my neck from behind the couch. I shake my head and he sighs. “You and these stupid crystals. Why are you so invested in this?”

“I just.. I don’t know, they’ve become very interesting to me recently. I mean, aren’t you curious as to why this guy wants them?” I ask, looking up at him.

“No, I couldn't care less, John.” He states.

I pause and then shrug. “Yeah, but he stole from my professor. We were studying that exact crystal, so now I’m trying to find out why it would be worth anything, and if there really are more of them out there.”

“It’s just a stupid rock. Plain as that.” Alex says, moving from behind me to come sit on the couch next to me. “You never cared about this thing before, and now all you do is look for things about the crystal.”

“But what if this guy is dangerous? I mean, we could very well be close to meeting our doom, and we wouldn’t know it.”

Alex looks at me for a moment before hopelessly chuckling. He rubs the bridge of his nose and shakes his head. “See? You’re going crazy over these damn rocks. At the very least, you need to take a break.” He stands up and holds out his hand for me. “Come on, I have the perfect distraction.”

I look up at him hesitantly. I really shouldn’t go, I have so much to do here. Not to mention a nightly patrol. But Alex needed me, and I had to make sure he didn’t suspect anything. I smile gently at him and take his hand, setting my computer to the side and closing it.

“Okay, let’s go. Let’s do it.” I tell him.

Next thing I know, Alex and I were at the movie theater. The movie hadn’t started yet, so Alex handed me the popcorn.

“Okay, you go get us a seat, near the back preferably, I have to go to the bathroom.” He kisses me on the cheek and then walks in the opposite direction.

I smile slightly over at him and then head into the theater for the movie we were watching. I choose a seat in the back and set the popcorn in my lap as the previews play. I look around, determining that no one was around me, and pull out my phone.

I open up google and continue to look at the articles I was looking at before. I know Alex wanted me to take a break, but I was too close, I couldn’t stop now.

In the middle of typing, I notice the lights around me all turned off at the same time. I thought it was normal at first, since it was a movie theater, but the lights didn’t dim the way they usually do, they just shut right off. I look up at the screen and see nothing on it. The theater was practically pitch black.

Something wasn’t right.

Suddenly I hear a scream and stand up, the popcorn flying out of my lap. I find myself running, using the walls and railings to guide me out of the theater. When I exit, I notice the power is out in the rest of the building, too.

He’s here.

I duck into the janitor’s closet and use my phone as a flashlight so I can get into my bag. Yes, I had my super suit with me, I had no choice but to bring it with me everywhere. It was in camouflage with the rest of my items in my bag, though, so nobody would ever see it.

Beyond Good and Evil (Lams Superhero AU)Where stories live. Discover now