- Five -

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"Hey, Lex, I'm just going to head out and grab us some takeout for dinner." I call out, assuming he's in the bedroom.

I was corrected however, when I turned and saw him standing in the kitchen. He raises an eyebrow.

"John, I'm making dinner for us tonight. I told you this earlier, I'm making meatloaf." Alex frowns, leaning against the counter as he sets the pan down.

"Oh, uh.. Right, I remember now." I say, looking around. "Well, um, I just remembered we're on the last roll of toilet paper, so I'd better head to the store and grab some." I laugh nervously.

He crosses his arms. "Right now? It's eight at night, the stores are about to close."

"Well then I'd better be fast." I say, walking up to him. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back before dinner is done, I promise."

He stays in his frowning position, but sighs gently. "Okay.. Don't be too long." He says.

I nod and walk out the front door, running out the building. I find a public bathroom and when the coast is clear, go to change into my super suit.

I've had to up my patrols since the last heist, which means at least one a night. But that meant more lying to Alex.

I fly out of the bathroom and do my nightly routine, with nothing seeming out of the ordinary.

After I finish making sure everything was alright, I change back and walk back home, picking up some toilet paper on the way to make my story plausible.

I get back in time for dinner as promised and we eat, Alex not having much to say.

The night after that it was the same thing again. And same with the night after that, and the next night. I hated it, but in all reality, I was doing this for his safety.

After about a week and a half, though, Alex was not happy.

"John, where are you headed?" Alex asks. I turn to see him sitting on the couch, setting his phone down. "Let me guess, you're going for a stroll in the park. Or you're picking up some eggs. Oh wait, that was last night, we couldn't possibly need eggs right now."

I freeze up. He knew I was lying. I mean, obviously he would. He's the smartest person I knew, and unfortunately lying wasn't one of my powers.

"I was just going to meet up with one of my classmates and go over some homework we had." I explain.

"Right, that explains why you're leaving without your school stuff. What's really in your bag? Because I saw all of your binders and shit sitting on your nightstand." He says.

"Well, I mean, I already did the work. I'm just helping him out-"

"So it is a 'him,' then." He interrupts, crossing his arms.

I raise an eyebrow. "I- what?"

"You think I'm stupid or something? You've been sneaking out every night to meet up with someone - with some other guy! Do you not understand how this looks?" He asks.

It takes me a moment to understand what he was saying, but once I do, I quickly drop my bag and walk over to the couch, shaking my head. "Alex, I swear that whatever you're thinking, it isn't that. I would never."

"Then why have you been sneaking out every night? Why are you really leaving?"

I sit down next to him and try to grab his hand, but he pulls it away. "Alex, please. It's nothing, I swear. You don't need to worry about it."

"Then stay. Don't go out tonight. Stay with me."

I hesitate, but eventually nod, giving in. I couldn't justify doing this all for Alex if in the end I was going to ignore his needs anyway. "Okay, I'll stay. I'm sorry."

Beyond Good and Evil (Lams Superhero AU)Where stories live. Discover now