- Seven -

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"Hey, babe. How were your classes today?" Alex asks as I walk in the door.

I shake my head, unable to comprehend what had just happened. "Lex, I just met the gem thief."

He sits up, concerned about what I said. "What? What do you mean you met him?"

"I was in the park- in that spot I like so much- and he just.. Came up and made me to take him to a crystal." I say, walking over to the couch and plopping down next to him.

Alex immediately begins to examine me, checking for any signs I had been attacked. "Did he hurt you? What did you do? Please tell me you didn't try to fight him."

I shake my head. "No, none of that happened. I mean, he threatened to hurt me if I didn't take him to the gem, but we made a deal, actually. He told me what happens if he gets all seven gems."

He sits back, looking at me with a cautious expression. "Well... What happens?"

I look over at Alex, frowning gently. "He gets to make a wish. One with no limits, he can wish for anything he wants. The only rule is he has to sacrifice something in return for it. Or someone."

He nods slowly. "Someone? Who do you think he'll sacrifice?" He asks, tilting his head. "Hyperion?"

"Yeah, I think so.. Which would be bad. Right?"

He shrugs gently. "I mean, I don't think it would personally affect us. It would still be bad to sacrifice him I guess, but we don't know the guy personally. And before this new guy came along we hadn't even heard from him in a year anyway."

"What? How could you say that? What if someone worse than Cyclone comes along?"

"Cyclone?" He asks. "The Gem Thief has a name now?"

"Yeah, it was really strange, he was conversing with me like we were buddies or something. It was weird, and I wasn't a fan. I could never be friends with someone who wants to sacrifice another person for whatever their wish is." I say, rolling my eyes slightly.

Alex hesitates but smiles softly. "I know, dear. That's why I love you so much. You're such a kind person, the world doesn't deserve you." He says, kissing my cheek.

I blush gently. "Aw, thanks, Lex. You're very sweet." I say, kissing his forehead back. "I love you, too."

Alex sighs softly. "How about we forget about all this nonsense for the rest of the night. We can go back to talking about this situation tomorrow, but let's just have tonight to ourselves."

"Oh? And what else could we possibly do, Alexander?" I ask, smiling at him.

"Well, I do know we have a couple movies on our to-watch list." He says, getting a little closer as he smiles back.

I tilt my head slightly, looking at his lips. "Is that the best that you could think of?" I ask, to which he rolls his eyes.

"Oh shush, you know what I mean." He says.

I laugh gently and pull him into a kiss, trying to forget what happened earlier for now.

Time skip brought to you by me being here to remind you of the mess you left when you went away

"Did you hear they found out his name?"

"What? No way. What is it?"


"Honestly, that's kind of hot."

"What? Are you serious right now?"

"Hey, you know I'm a sucker for that type of guy."

"Well I don't see how anyone could like someone who hurts people... Though the name is cool."

I fight the urge to let out an irritated groan as the two girls behind me gossip about Cyclone. No, I didn't necessarily need to pay attention to the lecture, but I just need a day where I don't think about him. He's driving me crazy.

"Peggy, Katherine, do you two have an opinion on what we're talking about in class?"

"Well... No, not really.." Peggy mumbles slightly.

"Then could we please keep the chatting down? Or take it outside of my class. Some students still want to learn." The professor says before going back to his presentation.

"God, what a buzz kill." Katherine mumbles, and I shake my head.

Ever since Cyclone's name was announced, that's all anyone can talk about. I hear his name everywhere, and the only thing I can think of is how I haven't managed to stop him yet.

He's planning to take me out, and all anyone can think of is the mystery of this man, and how intriguing he is. Like he's some celebrity or something. It's getting bad.

After class was over, I decided to change and do a quick patrol. Alex had work tonight, so he wouldn't be home for a while anyway.

While flying around the city, I don't see anything out of the ordinary. Just people being people, blissfully living without the fear that a villain is just a few gems away from erasing you from existence.

Just as I decide it's time to head home, a bright blue light flashes in my peripheral vision. I stare for a moment, contemplating whether or not I should head towards it. It could be a trap.

But it could be a lead.

I fly towards the light and find myself in an alleyway I had never walked past before. It was actually in a part of the city I've never been in before.

Just as I land, the light goes away. Strange, I thought. Where could it have gone?

I check around the area, hopelessly trying to find what could have been making that light, and see nothing out of the ordinaryl. But just as I'm about to give up on my search, I see a box in the corner of an alley, gently illuminating the usually dark area.

I slowly walk towards it, cautious of what could be inside, and as I approach it, I see..

A gem.

I stare at it for a little bit, studying it, memorizing it. This was definitely one of the gems that goes in the music box.

But all the other gems were in significant locations, why would this one be in an alley?

I crouch down to pick it up and give it a closer examination. I might not know why it's here, but I do know one thing.

I have an advantage over Cyclone, now. 

1060 Words 

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