- Six -

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I walk back into my apartment, knowing Alex is up. I don't know what he's going to say or do, but I'm ready for it. I think.

I walk into our bedroom and see him sitting up on the bed, scrolling on his phone. He looks up and smiles tiredly at me.

"Hey, you're back." He says, yawning slightly.

I nod and stand in the doorway, not sure how he was feeling about me right now. "Yeah.. I'm sorry I left without saying anything. I hope you haven't been up too long."

"Just an hour or so." He sighs. He reaches his arms out, opening them up to me. "Come lay back down, it's time to go back to bed."

I raise an eyebrow as I set my bag down. "Wait.. Really? Aren't you like.. Mad at me?" I ask, confused about what was going on. He waves me over and I walk to the bed, sitting down next to him.

He grabs my hands and looks up at me. "John, I don't know what you're hiding from me. But I don't need to. I know you." He kisses my hand and I just stare at him in complete awe and utter confusion.

"I'm sorry, love. I just, I don't understand.. Earlier you said.."

"I know. I got mad at the lying. I still don't like the lying but.." He looks up at me. "I know you wouldn't keep something from me without good reason. But from now on, maybe don't try to come up with some bullshit excuse? Just let me know you need to step out and say how long?" He suggests.

I smile gently. "Okay, I can do that." I tell him. "I promise, from now on I won't make up excuses."

This went way better than I anticipated. I guess my talk with him as Hyperion worked.

"Though, do you think maybe you could cut down the leaving just a little bit? It's lonely seeing you go out every night." He says, looking down slightly.

I nod. "Yeah, yeah of course. Anything for you, Alex."

Compromises had to be made. I had to go back to patrol being every other night, but Alex wouldn't ask me why or stop me from going out. I think it's pretty fair, honestly.

Time skip brought to you by Doechii's introduction to the class (wow, a way different song than most of my time skips)

"So yeah, I've started this website that updates people on all of the gems that person has stolen, so that they can see how Hyperion isn't doing anything to stop him. Or at least to see how he's trying, but failing. I've also been researching what the guy is after, and I'm hoping to expose it so that people see that maybe-"

I don't know when Lafayette decided we were friends. I also didn't know that he talked.. So much... The only reason I started hanging around him is because I thought he might be the gem thief. The more he talks though, the less I'm convinced. I mean, how can someone talk so much while knowing so little?

No, the gem thief is a genius. Lafayette is not that.

"John? What do you think? Do you agree?" Lafayette asks, interrupting my thoughts.

I snap out of it and look up at him, tilting my head. "Hm? Oh, yeah, sure." I say.

He smiles contently. "I knew you would. Who would have thought we'd have such similar opinions?" He asks.

I sigh but nod. "Yeah, it's crazy." I look at my phone and then up at him. "Oh, hey I gotta go. My boyfriend just texted me saying he got out of work, so I'ma meet up with him." I lie.

"Oh yeah, see you later, John! Hey, don't forget to check out my website!" He calls as I start to walk away, waving without looking at him.

I had to get away from him, I couldn't stand one more minute listening to him shit talk me- well, Hyperion. It was just weird.

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