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Alex's POV

I won't lie, learning John was some super human was not an easy thing. Trying to maintain our relationship after learning this has been tricky, too. I didn't know truly how much danger John was in before, but it worries me.

But either way, life goes on. I still had to work at my job so I could help pay rent and buy food and whatever.

I sit at my desk, labeling files, reviewing cases, and just whatever bullshit my boss deemed needed my attention. She's not happy with me lately, but there's nothing I can do about it.

So, instead of complaining, I just do everything she tells me to, and get through the day.

Once I finish all the work she has for me, I step into her office, knocking on the open door. She looks up at me and rolls her eyes.

"Let me guess, asking to go home early yet again?" She asks.

"Well, I finished all the work you assigned me, and nothing new has come." I start. "Plus, you already know that my boyfriend is out of town, someone has to take the dog for a walk in about twenty minutes or the apartment will not be a pretty sight to come back to."

She sighs. "I think you should tell your boyfriend to come back so you stop leaving early everyday. It'd be nice for you to go back to your original availability, too." She points out, sipping her coffee.

"He's coming back by next week. He's almost done with his work, and then everything can return to normal, I promise." I assure her.

She hesitates but nods. "Alright, fine. You can go home. But when your availability goes back to normal, I want you working harder than ever, understood?"

I nod. "Yes, thank you Carrie. I'll see you Friday."

I walk out of her office and gather my stuff together. Now I had plenty of time to make it home.

Timeskip brought to you by your wildest dreams


I look around in shock at our trashed apartment. Everything was strewn about, like we were robbed.

I see John come out of our bedroom, an empty shoebox in his hands and a scared look on his face.

"Cyclone found the gem." He says.

I close the door behind me and tilt my head. "How do you know it was him?" I ask.

"The only thing missing is the gem." He shakes his head, before holding up a piece of paper. "That, and he left a note."

Before I could respond, he starts pacing through the apartment. "I mean, this isn't good. I don't know how many of the gems he has now, I don't know how close he is to completing the box. Not only that, but he knows where we live now. How did he find it? Does he think this is where Hyperion lives? Or just some civilian who happened to have a crystal? And what happens if he comes back and finds you and-"

"John, I need you to take a deep breath." I tell him calmly. I start to pick things up around me. "Maybe not all is lost. I don't think he could've gotten the other gems without being noticed."

He pauses for a moment, before crossing his arms. "Where were you today?" He asks suddenly.

I look up at him, giving him a confused look. "What do you mean? I was at work, like I am almost everyday."

"Well, not according to your boss." He says, causing me to stop in my tracks.

"You talked to my boss?" I ask.

"Well, I tried calling you, to let you know our apartment was robbed, but then you didn't answer. I figured it's because you were still at work, so I called your boss." He takes a step closer. "But she informed me that you had left early to take our dog for a walk?"

"And what did you say?" I ask carefully. If my boss finds out I was lying to her, that would be yet another thing I'd have to worry about.

"I figured you had a good reason to lie to her, so I covered for you. Told her I was calling to make sure you were taking care of the dog."

I sigh a breath of relief. She didn't know I was lying to her, that's a good thing.

"So, what was the reason?" He asks. I raise an eyebrow and he rolls his eyes. "The reason you're lying to her. The reason you're lying to me? Because here I thought you were working extra hours, but apparently you've been leaving early often, and even changed your availability? Where are you if you're not at work?"

I stare with wide eyes for a moment before looking down at the ground, rubbing the back of my neck. "I was.. In therapy." I mumble.

I look up to see John's expression softened. He tilts his head. "Wait.. really?"

"I.. Didn't want to tell you because I was embarrassed. You know how I've been about it." I sigh softly. "I've been doing a couple group sessions a week, as well as a personal session. I wanted to be at my best for you, and not have to carry my baggage around so I could really let myself be happy with you."

He smiles gently and walks over, pulling me into a hug. "Oh, Love. You should've just told me. You know I would have supported you." I hug him back.

"I know. I was going to, but then when you told me you were Hyperion, I just.. I had to process it. And luckily, my therapist helped me understand it better and-"

He pulls away and looks at me. "Wait, your therapist knows about me being Hyperion?" He asks.

I look up at him with a curious look. "Well, I never said any names, but he probably does, yeah. Why?"

"Alex, my identity is supposed to be a secret. This," He says, gesturing to the mess around us, "is why we can't tell anyone."

I gasp. "Wait, do you think.."

"I think I should go check out this therapist. It could be a lead to Cyclone. That could be how he figured out where to find the crystal." He panics slightly.

I frown and rub his arm. "Shit, I'm sorry John. I didn't think this is what would happen."

"It's fine, I just.. I have to go out and find this guy. Do you think you could handle cleaning this up?"

I nod. "Yes, yes you go do your work, I'll clean up here." I assure him.

He gives me a quick kiss and then grabs his bag, practically running out of the apartment.

After I'm sure that he is gone, I pick up the couch so it's back in its spot. I then push it out of line a bit, walking towards the center of where it was.

I kneel down and pry back the floorboard, revealing the six gems I had found over the course of the last couple months. I push them to the side and grab the music box, opening it up to play the melody inside.

So maybe I sent John on a wild goose chase, but it will all be worth it. He'll see.

The box is almost ready. It's almost time to carry through with my plans.

1239 Words

Yes, you were all right. Get ready for what's next

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