- Eleven -

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Once I’m in my suit and in the clear, I fly to the address Alex had sent me. This was one of my first leads on who Cyclone could be. 

I’m still a little confused as to why Alex would tell his therapist who I am, though. He knows why my identity has to be a secret.

But no matter, what’s done is done. I just hope if this is the guy that I can stop him in time.

I arrive at the office and walk through the doors, the receptionist looking bored in her expression as she sees me. I walk up to her and greet her with a nod. 

“Can I help you?” 

“I’m looking for a therapist named Doctor Kinloch?” I ask, glancing around the room. 

She raises an eyebrow at me. “Do you have an appointment?” She asks back. 

“I- what? No, I don’t have an appointment, but I need to talk to him.” I say. 

“Sorry, sir. If you don’t have an appointment I can’t let you back there.” She says. “Have a nice day, though.” She then goes back to typing on her computer and I scoff slightly. 

“Okay, I don’t wanna pull this card, but you do know who I am, right?” 

She looks me up and down and then rolls her eyes. “Yeah, I know who you are.” 

“And you aren’t at all worried that what I am asking for could be for the greater good? Aren’t you aware I could be trying to save lives here?” 

She scoffs. “Right, okay. You haven’t saved anyone yet. You’re just a poser in a costume.” 

I’m trying my best not to get frustrated here, I really am. But this girl is definitely getting on my nerves. I take a deep breath and read the name tag on the desk.

“Look, Ms. Maria. It’s clear you’re not a big fan of me. But I really need to talk to this guy. Could you point me to his office?” 

She groans gently. “He’s not even here. Will you quit bothering me and let me get back to my work?” 

“He’s not here? Where is he?” I ask. I couldn’t let him get away without at least questioning him. 

“I don’t know, his last appointment was like an hour ago. Now, shoo. Fly away or something.” Maria says, once again returning to her computer screen. 

“Thanks for nothing.” I mumble as I walk away, leaving the building. So much for that route. I thought for sure I’d be able to find him through there.

Just as I’m planning out my next move, I hear a door slam shut. I peak around the corner and see one of the therapists exiting through the back door. He looks around him, seeming like he didn’t want to be seen. I quickly fly up to the roof, watching him from above as he scrambled into his car, quickly pulling out of the parking lot. 

I decide to follow him while staying out of sight. He seemed pretty suspicious to me, and it could be just the guy I was looking for. I follow him all the way to an old supermarket that looked almost abandoned.  

He enters the store and I follow in after him. When he dips into one of the aisles, I casually stroll behind him. “Excuse me, do you know where I could find the box section?” I ask. “Particularly a music box?” 

He turns around and looks at me. Upon first glance, I can see he shares some traits with Cyclone. About the same height, similar dark hair. Of course I haven’t had time to study his appearance fully, but I wouldn’t rule this guy out just yet. 

The man in front of me adjusts his glasses, laughing nervously. 

“Hy-Hyperion! Wow, what an honor it is to uh- well, what are you.. What are you doing in this store?” He stutters. 

Beyond Good and Evil (Lams Superhero AU)Where stories live. Discover now