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“Shit, I have no idea where that folder went.” I groan, looking around the living room of Alex and I’s one bedroom apartment. “Alex? Do you know where the green folder I had went? It has all the notes I need for my exam today.”

I hear the bedroom door open and Alex walks out, holding said folder. I sigh a breath of relief and as I go to grab it from him. “You know, John, you really oughta hold onto your stuff better. It could get into the wrong hands at some point.” He says, holding the folder out of reach.

I playfully roll my eyes and smile down at him. “The wrong hands? Come on, Alex, nobody comes into this apartment but us two. Now, can I please have my notes? I’m going to be late for class.”

Alex glances at the notes before holding them behind his back. “And what will I get in return?” He asks cheekily.

I tilt my head at him, my smile not leaving my face. “Whatever you want, my dear.”

He chuckles softly and leans forward a little bit. “A kiss will do, then.”

“Well, I have no problem with that.” I lean in and give him a kiss, grabbing my folder from behind his back. I pull away and he sighs dramatically, plopping down on the couch next to us.

“Now go, Laurens. Leave me all alone.” He says.

I laugh at his antics, putting my folder in my bag. “You are extra dramatic today, what’s going on with that?”

“I’m just in a good mood, I guess.” He shrugs, sitting up and looking at me. “And I’m hoping that my good vibes will rub onto you so that you ace this test. Not that you need it, you’re like, a super genius.”

I let out a nervous chuckle, shaking my head. “Super genius? Yeah, okay. Says you, Mr. Early Graduate.” Yes, I did have supernatural smarts, but Alex was the smartest person I knew. He didn’t need superpowers to outsmart me.

“Well, it was either that, or let school continue to drain the life out of me.” Alex jokes, before looking at the time. “Oh shit, you gotta go. You’re going to have to run if you want to make it to your exam.”

I smile and go up to him, giving him a goodbye kiss. “You work later, right?”

He nods. “Yep. It’s going to be a busy day, so I probably won’t be home until later tonight.” He informs me.

I nod and put my folder in my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. "Alright, then I will see you when you get home. Bye, I love you."

"Love you, too."

And with that, I was out the door and on my way to my class. I walk at a quicker pace, slightly wishing I wasn't in the middle of New York City. There's too many people here, meaning I couldn't use my powers to get to class, I had to be regular.

Not that I minded being regular. In fact, I liked it more sometimes. Sure, I miss the life of regularly being Hyperion, as any normal person would. But not having to be on call all the time was nice.

I got to live my life with Alex, with no secrets. We were open books with each other, he knew everything about me (except for the powers I rarely use anymore), and I knew everything about him.

And it was perfect.

I ended up getting to class five minutes early, so I grabbed my notes out and pretended to study for the test. We were learning physics, it was very easy for me. But based on my classmates’ reactions during classes, it wasn’t supposed to be naturally easy. So, it was yet another thing about myself I had to hide.

Around thirty minutes later, I turned in my test. I had completed it before, but waited so I wouldn’t be the first to turn it in. Since we were allowed to leave after we finished, I went and gathered my stuff together.

Beyond Good and Evil (Lams Superhero AU)Where stories live. Discover now