Chapter 16

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Sorry it's so short!

The Lost Cities were shrouded in an eerie stillness as Sophie Foster navigated the dimly lit corridors of Exillium. The air felt heavy with secrets, and the weight of her recent discoveries pressed upon her. The Black Swan's elusive plans, the true identity of the mysterious figure known as the Wanderling—everything seemed to be unraveling.

A sudden flicker of movement caught Sophie's attention. She turned to see a cloaked figure emerging from the shadows. As the figure approached, the hood slipped back, revealing the face of someone she never expected to see here—her friend, Dex Dizznee.

"Dex? What are you doing here?" Sophie asked, her confusion mirrored in her eyes.

Dex's expression was grave. "Sophie, there's something you need to know. Something that changes everything."

Intrigued and slightly apprehensive, Sophie followed Dex to a hidden alcove, away from prying eyes. He took a deep breath before dropping a bombshell that sent shockwaves through her.

"The Black Swan isn't what you think. They're not the heroes we believed them to be," Dex confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Sophie's eyes widened in disbelief. "What do you mean? They're fighting against the Neverseen!"

Dex shook his head. "That's what we were led to believe. But the truth is more complicated. The Black Swan has its own agenda, and it involves something much darker than we can imagine."

As Dex spoke, he revealed a hidden scroll containing encrypted messages. Together, they deciphered the coded language, uncovering a chilling revelation about the Black Swan's true intentions. The organization was seeking to harness forbidden powers, risking the balance of the magical world.

"The Wanderling," Dex continued, "is a key player in their plans. But it's not who we thought it was. It's someone from our own ranks, someone we trust."

Sophie's mind reeled with the implications. The ally they had trusted, the Black Swan they had believed in, was now cast in a shadow of doubt. The fate of the Lost Cities hung in the balance, and Sophie knew she had to make a choice.

As Dex and Sophie grappled with the newfound knowledge, the corridors of Exillium seemed to close in around them. The once-clear lines between friend and foe blurred, leaving them standing at the precipice of a revelation that would change everything they thought they knew about the magical world they called home.

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