Chapter 7

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"Hold up. You are not taking my girlfriend to some prison for something that happened 100 years ago." Keefe says in a very serious tone. He can be very serious when he wanted to. He, Grady, and Biana crowded around my hospital bed as to protect me from the handcuffs. Now Biana may seem innocent, but she can fight like a mad bull in a bull fight. Especially when her friends are in trouble.

"Keefe, Dad, Biana, move I'm going to inflict on this dude, but I need you to move so I don't take you guys out too." I tell them telepathically. They move and I channel all the moments that the Neverseen have attacked me and hurt my friends. As my vision was rimmed with red the power went out, but I didn't care. All I cared about was staying with Keefe and not going to jail. After all my anger has been released, I fall back and the last thing I see is Keefe telling me,

"It's ok Foster, Just sleep. We'll talk to you when you wake up." Then the world went black.

When I come to I see Keefe snoring sweetly next to me. A nurse came in and started giving me a lengthy lecture about safety since I was being released from the San Diego hospital today. Keefe woke up while she was talking, so I decide to reach out telepathically. "Keefe? We need to get back to the lost cities today. We need to inform Mr. Forkle about what happened and we also need to go see Elwin so I can get properly treated for what ever this disease thing is. I miss all of our other friends and we really need to get back. 

"Ok, well your good to go just make sure that you stay safe. That disease really took away some of your strength so you need to take it slow, got it?" On that note the nurse leaves the room and Keefe goes to get me some fresh clothes since I am just in a hospital gown. When he returns I see that he is holding a pair of pink sweatpants with a white tunic and zip up jacket that is also a light pink. I change and then Keefe pulls out a clear crystal and he leaps us home. As we leap away I feel something pull at my jacket hood but I think it's just the light pulling us away. Havenfield glitters into view I feel another pull and this time I know it's not from the light because we aren't about to light leap. I turn around and gasp Keefe spins around and I grab his hand. I see the police officer pointing a gun at my head. He pulls the trigger and the bullet speeds towards my head. I am too shocked to move but Keefe pushes me out of the way only to get hit by the bullet right in the temple. He crumples to the ground with blood streaming from his wound. I turn around and see the police officer reloading his gun but he never gets the chance to shoot because he just shot my boyfriend! I take all the fury and anger which isn't hard considering he just shot Keefe in the head. He crumples to the ground withering and shaking. Serves him right.  I think. Then, I let all of my emotions out. I crumple to the ground crying over Keefe when I hear a faint heartbeat when I wrap my arms around his neck. I shoot up and flail to grab my imparter. "Show me Elwin" I whisper. Elwin's face pops up and his face contorts into a look of worry spreads across his face.

"Sophie? Are you ok? And don't say no because it sure doesn't look like you're ok." He tells me.

"Elwin it's Keefe!" I sob "this human some how followed our light leap and then he shot Keefe in the head!" I break down sobbing again. "Elwin you have to come to Havenfield! It's the only way Keefe will survive!" Grady and Edaline have heard my crying and are hugging me and telling me it's going to be alright. Elwin is no longer visible which probably means he is already on his way. Yep, in fact he is running across the pastures towards the Panakes tree. I pressed some of the petals into Keefe's wound and it has slowed bleeding a little bit. There is blood spread all over the grass and the police officer is still unconscious. Elwin snaps his fingers and an array of colorful bubbles of light float around Keefe's body letting Elwin see his cells and how bad the damage is. "Well, I'll tell you this Sophie," Elwin starts heaving a sigh "Keefe is going to make it but it will take a while to get this bullet out of his head. I can start the operation now but Livvy won't be here. Livvy is good with the sort of operation. But, if you want Livvy here, then you have to wait until she can get here." 

"Actually, I'm already here Elwin. Edaline hailed me saying that Keefe was severely injured and you needed my help. So, are we doing it here or do we need to go to Foxfire?" Livvy asks with a face of genuine worry on her face. 

"Here." I croak out horrified at how cracked my voice sounds. "Keefe isn't up for a leap and he could loose parts of himself too." I explain my voice slightly better. Elwin nods and goes to talk to Edaline about conjuring some stuff for the operation. Livvy walks over to me and starts rubbing my back like Edaline does. "Hey, he's gonna be ok Sophie. Don't worry Elwin and I got this." Livvy reassures me. At this I start crying again and Livvy pulls me into a hug still rubbing my back. "So, you and Keefe huh?" She asks. I nod my head and I wipe my eyes my tears finally stopping. My mascara is probably gone and smeared all over my face. Biana insisted on giving me a makeover because she said, "We need you looking like you're Keefe's girlfriend." I am still deep in thought when I feel someone shaking my shoulders and screaming in my face. "Hi Ro" I mumble not even bothering to look up to see who it is. "Uhhhhh as much as I love Ro that is not who I am." says a familiar voice. My head snaps up to see Biana standing there with Marella, smirking. "Hi Bi, hi Marella." As I stand up from the grass wiping the mud and pieces of grass that have latched onto my pink sweatpants. Biana frowns at the makeup smeared all over my face and says this, "Alright what happened to you. I did your makeup less than two hours ago and now it's smeared all over your face." she scolds. "I'm sorry Bi it's just been a very eventful half hour." I tell her Livvy and Elwin walk over in all of their doctors gear. We're ready to start but we need to move Keefe over here so that there are still some of the healing powers of the Panakes if we need them." Livvy tells me. Biana and Marella's faces drop staring at Livvy and Elwin. Livvy looks at them and tells me. "Why don't you go inside and get something to eat and you can tell the girls what happened." I nod walking inside with Biana and Marella trailing behind me. 

Sophie's outfit:

Sophie's outfit:

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