Chapter 5

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Sorry for the late update! I have been very busy the past couple weeks and haven't had a chance to update. Hope you enjoy chapter 5!

Then I coughed and I felt something on my hand. I looked down and there was blood on my hand. I was coughing up blood. I needed to get out of here and now. The radiation was certainly poisoning me, and I needed medical attention. As I tried to hobble towards the fence, I saw red and blue lights, so I hid behind a tree. I saw officers creep towards the hole I had previously cut from the fence. They climbed through and I rotated so they wouldn't see me, but then I stepped on a twig, and they looked my way. I tried to be as still as a branch and luckily it was night and I had smeared on mud and grass before getting out of the cave, so they didn't see me. They turned away and I started creeping towards the hole. Oh, how I wished I were a Vanisher so they couldn't see me. After I got out of the fence, I ran for one of the police cars, not caring if they saw me. They didn't realize until I had restarted the car. I made sure they couldn't follow me by slashing their tires and cutting the wires to the battery. The thing is electric vehicles were much easier to disable then gas-powered cars.

As I drove off, I called my boyfriend to book me a plane ticket for back to California. The soonest flight was in three hours, so I rushed off to the airport. I had to swing by my hotel to pick up my backpack. Being in a police car had its advantages during traffic. I turned on the sirens and people pulled out of my way as I sped off to the airport.

I was rushed through security and towards my gate. I was almost late for my flight. I heard the other police officers running behind me as I rushed towards the gate. They were closing the door! I flashed my ticket and the lady closing the door and she let me in. She slammed the door shut behind me right in front of the officers. I could hear their shouts echoing down the corridor. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief as I boarded the plane and sat down in my seat. I made sure that I changed into new clothes so I wouldn't look like a mess and people worried that I had killed someone. My wounds had scabbed up as well and people were shooting me worried looks.

The lady sitting next to me even asked, "Are you ok sweetheart?"

"Honestly, no," I replied. I was tired, hungry, and thirsty. I told this to the lady she looked even more worried than before. She pressed her call button to call for one of the flight attendants. When one came, she explained the situation and I finally got some medicine to help with my coughing and pain. As I drifted off into a dreamless sleep, I heard the lady telling me it would be alright. When we landed the flight attendant that gave me the medicine rushed Ruth and I off the plane. (Ruth was the lady that sat next to me). Ruth got our luggage, she only had one bag as well. Once I got on the wheelchair Ruth had gotten for me, I called Keefe and told him to meet us at the hospital. I was finally going to get some real care for the disease of some sort. 

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