Goodbye's are hard || Part 4

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A few days had past since I decided I would be leaving my life behind and moving out to California. I was sitting in Will's room because I didn't want to be home with my parents when they could care less about me. I looked at him. "What am I gonna do without you?" I asked and bit my lip sighing. We just became best friends two weeks ago and now I'm leaving him. How could I be so selfish. I gave him his first kiss and now I'm just ditching him. "I'll be coming to visit you Lex. California isn't that far from here." He said and sat down next to me on his bed. "Just promise me you won't find a better best friend while you're out there?" He said and held up his pinky. I pinky promised him and looked into his eyes "Of course I won't." I said. "I have one more question." He said while leaning in closer to me. "Yeah?" I responded already knowing what he wanted. "Kiss me one more time for good luck." He said and bit his lip. I giggled and kissed him lightly. We kept kissing this wasn't just a small kiss it held a lot of meaning in it. He pulled me on top of him and moved his hands down my back and I got the chills. He rested his hands on my hips and pulled away from the kiss. "Fuck, don't go." He said biting his lip. "D-Don't go." He started crying, I've never seen this side of Will Ahrens before. I hugged him so tightly. "I'll be back for every Spring Break, Christmas Break, and February Break I promise." I said resting my head on his chest. I was gonna miss this.

The rest of the day was filled with cuddling, food, and Disney movies. I really didn't want to do much since I was leaving him the next day. I looked at the clock. 12AM. "W-Will I gotta go." I said standing up. "Don't go." He said begging. I sighed. "I have to go." I kissed him lightly and bit my lip. I wanted to tell him I loved him but I couldn't say I love you and leave the next day. That'd break not only him but, me. "Can you give me a ride home?" I asked. "Of course." He responded. We walked downstairs to his car and got in. I put on my seatbelt and he put on Drake. It was like the day after I first came back to school. I just sat there I didn't speak I didn't say anything. This was the last day with my best friend. He held onto my hand. "I don't know what I'm gonna do without you. Not seeing your smiling face at school everyday. Not surprising you at your locker everyday." He sighed and looked at the road. I just didn't say anything. I just sat there. "I'm driving you to the airport tomorrow." He said. "O-Okay." I managed to get out without crying. We pulled up to my house and I got out and waved at him. I walked inside of my house and up to my room. My parents didn't care I was gone this late at night. They could care less about me and that's why I was excited to live with my Uncle.

I woke up around 8AM and my flight wasn't until 12PM. I packed more stuff in my two bags and my carry on. I looked around my room and just sighed. "Goodbye." I said and walked out of the room while shutting off the light closing the door behind me. I said goodbye to my parents and gave them hugs goodbyes. They told me I was welcomed back anytime but frankly, I didn't want to come back. I sat down on the couch and in walked my tall best friend Will with a serious looking face. "You okay?" I asked looking over at him. "What do you think? You're leaving me today but, I have a question." He made me stand up. I stood up and held onto him and sighed. "I know you're gonna ask me to be your girlfriend Will, I just can't be committed to you. You're gonna be here I'll be there." I sighed. "It's okay I understand." He kissed my head and took off his gold cross necklace. "Just take this for me and wear it everywhere you go." I smiled and put it on. "Of course." I said and looked at the time. It was 10AM. "We should get going." I said and he helped me carry my luggage outside.

It'd be an hour. We drove to the airport, parked, walked in, checked in my luggage, went through security, and now the hard part. He walked me over to my gate. I already felt the tears forming in my eyes. "Fuck." I said and wiped a tear away quickly. "Don't cry." He said and lifted up my chin. "You'll be back." He said and smiled. "We can facetime every night and fall asleep on facetime together just like I'd be there." He said and hugged me while resting his chin on my head. I looked up at him. "Promise you won't forget me and you will help me with Pre-Calc even though I'll be all the way in California?" I asked while crying. "I promise. How could I ever forget a beautiful and amazing girl like you?" He smiled and I looked down. "Hey don't look down I only have thirty more minutes to look at your beautiful face." He said and I giggled while blushing. "I hate you." I said referring to the fact that he made me blush. "Well, guess what?" He said. "What?" I responded. "I love you.." He said I smiled and kissed him. "I love you too." I said and kissed him back. Our relationship was confusing, we'd kiss in public told each other we loved each other but I just couldn't commit to being his. Especially with me going away.

It was finally 12 and they started boarding our flight. "First Class may now board." I sighed. "I love you so fucking much William Francis Ahrens." I said while crying. "Goodbye don't forget me." I hugged him for the last time and walked over to the lady as I handed her the ticket I walked on. I turned around and looked at him one last time. "Ma'am can you keep the line moving please?" The lady asked. "Y-Yeah of course." I sighed and got on. That was the last time for awhile I'd be seeing his huge smile in person. Fuck.

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