What? || Part 7

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Months had passed and it was finally Spring Break and I decided I'd go home to see what was going on in Nebraska. Sammy and I boarded the plane and held onto each others hands. "Are you excited to go home and see Will?" Sammy smiled brightly. "I guess. He hasn't been answering his phone, he doesn't even know I'm coming. It's a surprise." I said and smiled back at him as I squeezed his hand. "Yeah, well he'll be excited to see his best friend probably." I relaxed myself in my seat and smiled. Hopefully he'll be excited to see me I don't want to go and have him upset that I'm there. 

Hours had passed since we were in the air and I got off the airplane with my carry on luggage slung around my shoulder and Sammy had his around his shoulder. It was only 2PM so I decided I'd take a ride over to Will's once we got settled back at my house. My parents knew I was coming which meant they wouldn't be there because they didn't give a damn about me. We drove to my house and I pulled into the driveway. Of course, no one was home like I suspected. We walked in and Sammy's mouth opened. "Woah, your house is hu-" "Huge I know." I laughed. "Here follow me upstairs babe." I smiled and walked upstairs with him into my room. I put down my bag and smiled as I laid on my bed, I missed it. "I'm gonna head to Will's. Are you okay hanging out here?" "Yeah." He smiled. "Okay, see you soon." I kissed him lightly and grabbed the keys and walked out. I got into the car and began driving.

I was anxious to see Will, he hadn't been answering my calls or texts. He couldn't be that mad at me for meeting someone else. We weren't dating, did I really hurt him that much? I questioned to myself. I sighed and finally got to his house and I saw another car that looked familiar in the driveway. Was that Jack's? No, he wouldn't steep that low would he? I sighed and parked the car getting out. I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. I saw his big smile appear on his face then it turned to a straight face. "What are you doing here?" He shook his head. "I came to say hi." I said looking down. "Well hi." He said. "Who's here?" I asked politely. "Jack and my girl." I bit my lip and turned around with that being said. I ran to the car and got in. His new girl. Will ran out. "LEX." I looked at him and sighed. He was walking towards the car and he opened the passenger door. "Why do you care so much?" HE asked. "You have that new kid Sammy, you don't need me. You don't want me. Ever since you left, I've been so fucked up in the head. I've been drinking and doing stupid shit with Jack who I shouldn't even be hanging out with but I do it because it helps me forget the fact that you left me." Will said and looked at me. I turned my head and stared into his eyes. "I still love you." I said biting my lip. "Guess I was wrong though, I thought you'd wait. Get out of my car." I looked at him sternly. He got out. "FUCK." I screamed loud enough for him to hear me. I locked the doors and blasted the song Hide Away by Daya as I rolled down the windows and took off.

"Where do the good boys go to hide away?" I sang loudly and drove around my old town. Everything was the same but him. Memories of him and I flashed in my head and I bit my lip and felt myself crying. 

"You're so beautiful." Will whispered in my ear. "I love you." I said and bit my lip. "Y-you what?" He smiled. "I love you with my whole heart, I know we aren't dating but I love you more than anything William Francis Ahrens and I want you forever. It sucks I have to go away because I don't want you here waiting for me to come back when I might not be coming back at all." I said and looked at him as we laid down on my bed staring at my ceiling.

I heard a honk that woke me up from my dream and it was a car coming head onto mine. Bam. 

I woke up and felt an IV in my arm, one of the worst feelings anyone could ever imagine. "Holy shit you're awake." Sammy said crying and hugged me. "What happened?" I said lightly. "You crashed pretty badly, the doctors thought you wouldn't make it." He said and bit his lip. "Fuck Lex, what happened?" He asked. "I-I can't remember." I said crying. Did I have memory loss? What was going on? I saw someone knock on the door. It was Will. Jesus bad timing. "Get the fuck out dude." Sammy said standing up and looking at him. "Sammy, it's fine. Can you let us be for a few minutes?" I asked lightly being in pain. "Yeah of course." He said and got up bumping his shoulder on his. "This is my fault." Will said and sat on the bed next to me. "Kiss me." I said. "W-What?" "Kiss me idiot please." I asked and looked at him. "L-Lex I can't." He said. "That's how I know you don't love me anymore. If you loved me you'd be so fucking happy for me to say those words." I said. 

I felt his hand on my cheek moving it towards him and he kissed me so lightly. It felt right. It felt like nothing else I've felt before. I missed him. I wanted him not Sammy. He was my everything, my light, and my world. 

"You're crazy Lex. That's why I love you." Will said and held onto my hand.

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