This is crazy || Part 3

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I got into Will's car and put on my seatbelt as he turned on the car. I put on the radio "Do you love this shit? Are you high right now?" The lyrics blasted out of the speakers. I giggled. "Drake?" I turned my head to the side and looked at him. "Y-Yeah. I dig him." Will said laughing as he was driving and singing. I sat there and listened, his voice was beautiful. I looked at him just watching him. He was really my savior. He saved me from everything, even the first time we met. I decided to speak up. "I-I'm sorry." I bit my lip. "Why?" He questioned. "You dealt with me when no one wanted me. I'm sorry you saw me at my worst. I'm also sorry for not texting you back after two weeks when you were my knight in shining armor." I sighed and looked down. "Don't worry about it Lex." I smiled in relief. "I couldn't hate you either way. Are you still coming over now or do you want me to take you home?" He questioned. I felt my phone buzz. I looked at the caller ID, it was Jack Johnson. I answered "Yo Johnson." I laughed a little. "Come overrrrr." He whined. "Okay, okay." I responded. "Be there in five." I said. "Can you drop me off at Jack Johnson's?" I asked smiling. "Yeah, if you need anything I'm a call away." Will said and began driving as I gave him directions.

I got out of the car and smiled as I grabbed my bag. "I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled and looked at him. "I promise I'll come over tomorrow." I said and smiled shutting the door and I heard Will sighed. I probably wasn't supposed to hear that. I ignored it and continued to Johnson's front door and knocked. There was one of my favorite boys with his arms wide open. "Jack!" I yelled and jumped into his arms as I walked in. "How are you gorgeous?" He asked. "I'm great." I responded and smiled at him. "It's like you've been dead Lex. Where have you been the past two weeks? You didn't answer my calls, texts, or facebook chats." He sighed. "What's going on? Does Jack know what's going on with you?" He asked. "Jack is highly aware. He's the one who did this too me." I responded. "Well come in and explain it to me more." I followed him in and said hi to his mom.

We walked downstairs to his basement and Jack G was there. "YOU LIED TO ME YOU KNEW." I said and stepped back moving slowly up the stairs. "L-Lex please stop." Jack G said crying. "I-I'm sorry." He said. "I fucked up and now you're dating this new loser Will." Jack G said. I crossed my arms. "One, he isn't a loser he was there for me when you posted that shit of me. Two, he never hit me like you did. I had a bruise on my cheek for a whole week. Three, he has never ever made me cry as much as you do. I fucking hate you." I spat at him and walked upstairs. I grabbed my phone and called Will. "Can you come get me as soon as possible. This was a mistake." I said and he could tell I was scared. "I'm on my way wait outside do not stay in that house Lex." 

I walked out and sat in the driveway and waited for Will. I shook my head. How could I ever be so stupid? I need to move. I need to leave. I can't be here anymore and have these things haunt me. I want to move to a different town, a different state where no one will know me and I can start over and graduate and go to to college and be happy with my life. I wasn't a smart kid. I was flunking all my classes I never studied for shit because Jack ran my life. Our plan was too live on his dad's money for the rest of our lives but that wasn't what I wanted. I wanted someone who would be there to support me in school and give me help. I just wanted to be happy for once. I sat their crying hysterically. I heard the horn honk and looked up to see Will's car. He got out and picked me up. "Beautiful girls don't deserve to cry." He kissed my cheek and put me into the car putting on my seatbelt.

We headed back to his house because I didn't want to bother to go home. "I'm leaving." I said and bit my lip. "I'm going to California." I said and looked at him. "I'm going to stay with my uncle and I'm sorry but I can't be here. I can't get harassed everyday of my life." I said and looked over at him. "If you're happy that's all I care about just come visit me please." He asked and smiled. "Of course I will." I responded. "When do you leave?" He asked. "Next week, I have to go to school and tell them everything and I have to pack and get ready to go." I said. "Well, you'll always have a place here I promise." Will responded and smiled brightly at me. "I love you Will." I leaned my head on his shoulder as he drove. "I love you too Lex. Forever no matter where you go." 

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