Here we go || Part 5

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A couple weeks had passed and I was finally settled in California. I took two weeks off of school and I went back today and I was more nervous than anything. I put on some ripped skinny jeans and rolled them up a little so they were Capri's. I then put on a plain black v-neck shirt and Will's cross necklace. I sent him a picture through text.

(W: Will L: Lex)

L: -Picture attached- Missing you. Have my lucky charm around me.

W: You've got this Lex. I believe in you. Facetime when you get home!

I smiled and put my phone into my bag and walked downstairs. I ate some breakfast and then my uncle gave me the keys to his car. "Be careful please." I nodded my head and put on some converse. I walked out and got into the car. I turned the car on and put some music on as I sang a long to whatever song was on the radio. Not going to lie, I missed Will but I was loving California. I was loving no one not knowing me and things like that. 

Eventually, I arrived at school and got out of the car. I bit my lip and looked around. There were so many people. I didn't do well with this. I walked into the school and looked around to find the main office. "Hey you seem lost." A girl shorter than me with ombre curly hair walked up to me. "Y-Yeah I am I'm new. Do you know where the office is?" I said smiling at her. "Yeah come on I'll take you." I smile brightly. "Thank you so much, I'm Lex I moved here from Nebraska." I looked at her as we walked through the crowded hallways. "I'm Gia." She smiled. "Jesus, Nebraska. Sounds boring." She laughed. "It was." We eventually made it into the main office and I walked in. Gia stood behind me. "I'll wait for you so I can show you around." I told the secretary who I was and she smiled. "Oh the principal will be ready for you in just a moment he is just finishing up with someone." She said politely. I smiled at her. I sat down next to Gia on a bench and saw the most handsome guy walk out. He had tattoos up his arms that probably went onto his chest. He had dark black hair with a snapback on and piercings. I was basically drooling. "Lex, Lex Kennedy!" The principal said loudly. I stood up. "Be right back, Gia." I said and walked over to the office.

"Hello, I'm Principal Ditzler. Welcome." He smiled and shook my hand. "Thank you for welcoming me." I said smiling. "Of course, anyways." He said quickly. "I was looking at your application and your transcript and may I say it is very impressive especially for missing two weeks of school." He smiled. "Why thank you, I just know getting into a college requires hard work and not slacking off. My best friend back home taught me that." I smiled brightly. "Well here is your schedule! If you have a problem come to me and I will do my best to fix it to your liking." I stood up and grabbed my backpack along with my schedule. "Thank you so much Mr. Ditzler." I got up and walked out. Gia grabbed my paper out of my hands. "Dang, we have the same classes." I smiled, I would know someone thank the lord. I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket and I looked at it.

(W: Will L: Lex)

W: I hope your first day is going fantastic gorgeous. Miss that beautiful face.

L: Oooooh, so lovey dovey to the Cali girl. 

W: Just want to make sure you're okay. You are my best friend after all.

L: Yeah I'm good. I saw a really hot guy before better watch out Ahrens ;)

W: Always will when it comes to you.

L: Love you, talk to you later. First class is starting Pre-Calc gross.

W: Love you too :) x7

Seven smiley faces was an inside joke we always had with each other. I smiled at my phone and locked it. "Oh you have a boyfriend." Gia smirked and looked at me. "No, I don't just a best friend who I've kissed a lot." I giggled. "Besides, I'm here for a fresh start." I said and walked into Pre-Calc. Gia ran over to a boy and kissed him. So I'm guessing she has a boyfriend. I sat in the desk next to her and then I saw the familiar boy with dark black hair walk in. "Nate Maloley you are late!" The teacher scolded. "B-But so were they!" He said pointing at us. "She is a new student and Gia was helping her." "Oh, a new girl." He said under his breath but it was loud enough to hear. Gia began talking to a girl in front of us and holy shit was she gorgeous. Dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and make up was stunning. "Hey, I'm Caroline." She smiled and put out her hand to shake mine. "Hi I'm Lex." It seemed like Gia was dating this boy and Caroline was this boy's best friend. Seemed like a good friendship. Nate, as I learned came and sat in front of me and turned around. "Hey there new girl." He smirked and leaned his arm onto my desk. Holy shit he was hotter up close. The way his tattoos were on his body fuck. I bit my lip. "Hi there troublemaker." I winked. "Hey, there's a party tonight at my house and I'd love if you came so I could get to know you and you could meet my friends. Gia you can come along too." He smiled. "Sweet!" She responded and told her boyfriend. "Oh by the way Lex, this is Nick my boyfriend." Nick smiled and nodded his head in the sup motion. 

The day was  over and I already got invited to my first party. Damn this all happened so quick. I walked out to my car and got in and began driving. I drove home and when I got home I got a facetime call from Will as I was doing my hair. I set him up so I could see him as I straightened my hair. "Hey Will!" I shouted into the phone, excited to tell him about my first day. "What, where are you going?" He laughed. "I got invited to a party by that guy I was telling you about." I said. "A party?" He questioned. He didn't sound happy. "Just be careful okay, I-I gotta go." He hung up quickly before I could say anything. I sighed a little. "Oh well." 

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