Home. || Part 13

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A/N: HI GUYS!!! Okay, just came to say this part is long but it's a very happy part since a lot is going on in my life right now. Also, anything italics and underlined is a phone call or text and anything italics is a flashback!

After a long day of traveling home, I was finally back in California. I went to my Uncle's house and laid down on my bed sighing about how I was going to have to confront Sammy about Will and I but he needed to know, no more secrets. I called Gia and filled her in on everything and she told me it was bound to happen once I saw Will again and she was so right. I got into the shower and then put on my pajamas and got into bed. I felt my phone buzzing and I saw a FaceTime call from Will. I smiled and answered.

"Wow, hey gorgeous." He smiled brightly and was laying in bed as well. "I miss you." He retorted quickly before I could get out a word. I giggled and smiled. "I miss you too." I said lightly. "I booked my ticket to your connecting flight to New York so we can be on the plane together." Will smiled, I sighed remembering I would have to leave my family and all my friends behind. "You okay?" He asked knowing something was wrong with me. "I'm fine, I'll just miss my friends and shit." I looked at the phone. "I wish you weren't a phone screen right now. I could really use a hug from you." I said and bit my lip. "Three days babe, three days. We can do it I promise." I smiled and looked at him. "You're right we can but, do you think I can fall asleep on FaceTime with you, it'll make me feel better knowing you're next to me right now." "Of course I can." He said quickly. I fell asleep quickly smiling at the fact that I had company next to me, no he wasn't right next to me and holding me but, he was there. That's what mattered. 

I woke up the next day and saw him asleep still on FaceTime, he kept his promise. He didn't hang up overnight he stayed with me. I kissed my phone screen and hung up knowing I had so much to do today. Today was the day I would see Gia and then go confess to Sammy about everything moving to New York, being back with Will, and leaving him forever. My heart was aching but I knew in the long run it would be okay. I sat up in bed and looked through Instagram and saw a screenshot of me asleep on FaceTime from Will with the caption "Just like an angel." I liked it and commented, "Your angel loves you, and is watching over you." I decided it was time to get out of bed, I did my hair perfectly straight, put on some light make-up, threw on a sundress and high top white converse. Let's do this, I thought to myself grabbing my keys. 

I got into my car and began to drive to Sammy's house. He didn't know I was back, so I guess I was surprising him but, it was going to be bad. I knocked on the door and a sleep Sammy opened the door slowly. "Y-yea, LEX!?!" He yelled and picked me up. He tried to kiss me but I pulled away from him. "Oh, okay." Sammy lightly put me down and invited me inside. I walked in to see the house I knew so well and soon wasn't going to see ever again. I walked into the kitchen to where he was eating cereal and I sat on the island. "Well, is there something we need to talk --" I cut him off. "Yes, there obviously is. Sammy, when I went back to Omaha I noticed how much of a mistake it was to leave Will like that, I loved him scratch that love him. I always will with everything in me and you need to notice that. I'm not trying to hurt you it's jus-" He cut me off by kissing me. "Lex, listen I love you please just please don't." "I'm leaving in three days, I'm going to New York to live with Will and go on tour with him, I'm sorry. I hope you understand how sorry I really am." I ran out and into my car. I sat there crying. I called Will as quickly as possible.

"I'm coming home early."

I stayed another day in LA but I knew if I stayed any longer Sammy would come find me, yeah it's hard breaking up with him because we did have chemistry together but enough was enough the real person I wanted to be with was Will. I packed up all my things and said goodbye to my uncle and my cousins and went to the airport. I texted Will.

"I'm boarding right now, can't wait to see your smiling face." - L

"I can't wait to have you back in my arms beautiful. See you so soon in your real home." - W

I got on the plane and turned my phone on airplane mode, I slept peacefully the whole way back to Omaha. A flight attendant ended up waking me up and I got up and said thank you for the great flight. I walked out of the gate to see Will standing there with his big smile on his face. I ran over to him and dropped my bags jumping onto him. "God I missed you. I'm never leaving you again." I kissed him hard and passionately. 


This is where I wanted to be the rest of the life, this is my person, the one I've loved since the first time we met back at that party. He changed me for the better. He made me better, got me out of drugs and alcohol and a horrible relationship. Taking me in when I needed it most and making sure I was okay from the moment I met him. I looked up at him. I was so blessed. I was so proud of myself for making the right decisions. "Ready to go home?" He asked. "Never been more ready in my whole entire life." I replied back.

Driving home together, singing, smiling, holding hands, and laughing was everything I wanted and more. The fact I was moving with the love of my life to my favorite city and was going to help him with his dream job made me so happy. His happiness equalled my happiness. We got home and pulled into the driveway. I grabbed my bags and Will helped me carry them inside. I walked in to see a welcome home sign and Will's parents and my parents standing there. "Welcome to the family." They said. I turned my head sideways. I was confused by what was going on until I turned around to see Will on his knee. I stood there in shock.

"Lex, I love you. You know I do, and I want us to be forever. No, we don't have to get married right away but I want you to know that I love you and I want you to myself. No boys getting in the way. Yes this will be hard for us, but it doesn't matter. We've gone through so much like.." Instant flashbacks were hitting me as he told me all these little things.

"The party that night I saved you from Jack."

"Hi, I'm Will." He said smiling. "Hi I'm -" He cut me off. "I know who you are, I see you in the halls all the time but you never notice me."

"When we had our first kiss."

"Will, have you had your first kiss yet?" I asked quietly. "No, why?" He said shyly. I looked at him and kissed him lightly.

"When you were leaving me for California."

"Promise me, you won't find someone better then me?" He asked. "Of course." I smiled.

"Everything we have been through together is a little story leading up to this moment. What do you say Lex? Do you want this, me and you?" He said smiling nervously. "Of course I do." I said crying slightly. "I'm yours." He put the ring on my left ring finger and kissed me passionately. "Welcome home." He whispered as I hugged him.

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