Still Just Friends...or More?

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Jaxon sat in the hospital waiting room, his leg bouncing nervously. After he brought Grey in, a nurse quickly bustled him away to an empty room. Jaxon wasn't allowed to follow since he wasn't family, but they assured him they were going to call his emergency contact. It was probably thirty minutes since they arrived when Jaxon noticed Casey walking into the hospital, following an older man and woman, both with concerned expressions. The man was tall, maybe just a few inches shorter than Jaxon, with steel gray eyes and short dark hair. The woman was petite with long, wavy dark hair pulled back into a ponytail and greenish-blue eyes. She looked very similar to Grey. Casey saw Jaxon and rushed over to him, while the man and woman walked over to the nurse's station.
"Hey," Casey said softly, "that's Grey's parents...what happened?" Jaxon let out a shuddering breath.
"I'm not sure," he replied, "we were at the bar and everything was fine, then I noticed he was gone so I went looking for him and found him outside in the alley...he kept saying he couldn't breath and he was too I grabbed him up and brought him to the ER," Jaxon paused for a second, "was it a panic attack or something?" Casey raked a hand through his hair.
"Maybe," he replied, "Grey's never had one before though...I'm sure his parents will find out what happened."

Grey was lying in the hospital bed as the nurse hovered around him, checking his vitals. The ER doctor already came in and gave him a very strong suppressant. It was making him a little nauseous, but at least he wasn't burning up anymore. Deep down, he knew what was happening. He hadn't been taking his suppressants like his doctor instructed and he started a heat cycle. Grey felt powerless to his instincts and worse, Jaxon had seen him like this. He never had any intention of telling Jaxon that he was an Omega and as far as he knew, Jaxon still didn't know. There was a soft knock on the door and he looked up as his parents walked in. His mom rushed over to him, embracing him tightly.
"Oh, honey," she said, "what happened?" His dad came over to his other side and took his hand, squeezing it gently. There was another knock before the ER doctor came in. He introduced himself to Grey's parents before explaining to them what happened. Grey was in heat and because he hadn't been taking his suppressants as prescribed, it overwhelmed him. He was lucky that Jaxon found him and not some random Alpha that could have taken advantage of him.
"I spoke with Dr. Patterson," the ER doctor stated, "and he said since you're a Recessive Omega, your cycles will be irregular so you'll have to closely monitor the time between your cycles and the dosage of your suppressants, otherwise you can be caught off guard again." Grey groaned softly, shaking his head. What a pain! Why couldn't he have been born a Beta? The doctor said they gave Grey a minor sedative along with the suppressant, so he would need a ride home before leaving.
"You can stay with us for a few days." His mom stated firmly. Grey opened his mouth to protest, but his father shot him look.
"Can I talk to Jaxon before we go?" Grey asked softly.
"Is that the Alpha who brought you here?" His dad asked. Grey nodded.
"Are you two dating?" His mom asked, smiling. Grey felt his cheeks warm slightly and it wasn't from his heat cycle.
"No...well sort of, but not really," he stammered awkwardly, "we're just getting to know each other."
"You should invite him over sometime then," his mom said, "so we can properly thank him for helping you." Grey could only hope she would eventually forget, but the odds weren't in his favor. His parents left and then a few minutes later, there was a soft knock on the door before Jaxon came in.
"Hey," he said softly, a concerned look on his face, "how are you doing?" Grey fiddled with his fingers in his lap.
"I'm ok now." He murmured.
"I met your parents on the way in," Jaxon said, "I hope that's ok?"
"This isn't how I was expecting you guys to meet." Grey muttered. Jaxon felt a happy warmth spread throughout his body. Grey had wanted him to meet his parents?
"It's ok," Jaxon said, giving him a reassuring smile, "I'm just glad you're good." They were both silent for a few seconds.
"So...umm...I'm sure you're wondering what happened," Grey said softly, "I'm an...Omega, Jaxon and I understand if that's a problem for you...I mean I've already caused you enough trouble." Jaxon gave him a confused look.
"Why would you being an Omega be a problem?" He asked. Grey hesitated, nervously biting the inside of his cheek.
"L-Lex mentioned you hated Omegas." He whispered. Fucking Lex. Jaxon sighed deeply, scrubbing a hand through his hair.
"I don't hate Omegas," he said softly, "my dad is an Omega and I certainly don't hate him...I've just had complicated past with Omegas." Jaxon didn't offer up anymore information so Grey thought it would be best not to push it.
"I understand," Grey murmured, "if you don't want to see me anymore it's ok...I mean I haven't exactly been honest with you."
"I'm not upset if that's what you're worried about," Jaxon said softly, "I'm a little surprised is all...I thought you were a Beta, but you being an Omega doesn't change anything." Grey finally peaked over at him. That fluttering feeling was in his stomach again. Jaxon really was a great guy. He had been so patient and nice. He really deserved to be treated better. He told Grey he would wait until he was more comfortable and he was true to his word. Grey hesitated for a second, taking a deep breath.
"I...I like you, Jaxon," he whispered so quietly that Jaxon almost didn't hear him, "I think I would like you." Grey liked him. And Grey wanted to date him. Did this mean he could hug him now whenever he wanted? Could he kiss him? Grey reached out and took his hand, tugging him a little closer.
"I would like that too...very much," Jaxon said smiling, "plus it would have been awkward as hell showing up by myself at your parent's house for dinner next week if you dumped me." Grey groaned softly, hiding his face in his other hand.
"Your mom invited me," Jaxon said softly, "but if it makes you uncomfortable, I can decline." Grey lowered his hand. If he was serious about Jaxon, then he was going to be around his parents more often. He just didn't realize it would be this soon.
"No, I don't mind," Grey said, "I'm just worried my brothers are going to show up."
"I talked to Parker already," Jaxon said, "he seemed like a good guy."
"That was before," Grey said frowning, "now we're dating." Grey did mention how protective his brothers were. Jaxon was determined not to let them scare him off though. He took a tentative step closer, giving Grey's hand a gentle squeeze.
"So does that mean I can call you my boyfriend now?" He murmured softly. Grey felt that familiar warmth spread through his body and his stomach tingled. He looked up at Jaxon and nodded.
"Would you go out on a date with me this weekend," Grey asked softly, "if I'm still ok by then?"
"I would love to." Jaxon replied sincerely.

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