College AU Part 1

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**Fun little AU where Grey transfers to Jaxon's high school when they're both thirteen and they become best friends. Then five years later, they head off to college together and Jaxon realizes he's in love with him**

Jaxon sighed deeply, scrubbing a hand through his hair and then down his face. He wasn't anxious about heading off to college and leaving his family and childhood home behind. No, he was actually excited about that. No, he was anxious because he was going to share an apartment with his best friend, Grey, and he was pretty sure he was in love with him. These feelings didn't manifest overnight. Jaxon knew he's been in love with him for awhile now. Maybe even from the moment they first met when they were only thirteen and Grey was the new kid at his school. Only he was too young at the time to understand what these feelings really meant. Now they were going to be seeing each other every close proximity...alone. Jaxon let out a little groan and flopped down onto his bed, burying his face into the comforter. This was going to be torture. He had thought about just confessing his feelings to Grey and seeing what would happen. Maybe Grey felt the same way? That's what Jaxon hoped for anyway. But he wasn't too sure. Grey never showed interest in or dated anybody in the five years they've been friends. In fact, the last couple of years their friends kept wondering if they were actually secretly dating. Their suspicions were even further confirmed when Jaxon and Grey mentioned they were getting an apartment together.

Being an Omega, even a Recessive one, Grey's parents weren't comfortable with him living in the dorms even though his roommate would be an Omega as well. In fact, there was a whole dorm just for Omegas. When they voiced their concerns, it was Grey that actually suggested he and Jaxon get an apartment together. His parents were surprisingly ok about him living with the young Alpha. Jaxon was basically a part of their family like their fourth son.

Jaxon's nervousness was temporarily forgotten as their families helped load his and Grey's belongings into the bed of his truck. They had already taken their furniture last week and set up their rooms now they just needed their clothing and other necessities. It wasn't until Jaxon coasted to a stop in the apartment complex parking lot a few hours later that his nerves came back tenfold. Grey was practically bouncing in his seat with excitement. It was really cute actually. He flashed Jaxon a big smile and jumped out.

"C'mon Jax!" He called out grabbing the first box he could get his hands on from the back of Jaxon's truck and hurried towards the stairwell. Jaxon chuckled softly, grabbing a box as well and hurried after him. He was happy that Grey was so excited about living together. It certainly pleased his Alpha which definitely enjoyed seeing the Omega so eager. It only took them a few hours to unload his truck and get everything unpacked since it was just the two of them. The apartment was nice and in good condition. It was in a quiet area close to their school and there was a park across the street. Down the block as it neared the campus, there was a cozy shopping area with a cafe, coffee shop, and a grocery store. Everything they needed was right there. They were on the third floor and their tiny balcony overlooked the park. It was a two bedroom with one bathroom and had an open floorplan. The kitchen, dining area, and living room were all in one spacious area.

Grey came out of his new bedroom and flopped down onto the couch where Jaxon was sitting and playing on his phone. He still had his clothes on his bed that he either needed to hang up or put away in the dresser and he hadn't made his bed yet, but he figured he still had time to get that done later. Grey on the other hand had already finished unpacking, organized his belongings, and made his bed. He laid his head on Jaxon's shoulder and absently watched him play his game.

"I'm hungry," he announced, "should we order pizza?" Jaxon hummed in agreement and tried not to think too hard about how it felt to have Grey's head resting on his shoulder. Grey was very affectionate and not shy about hugging or touching him. Jaxon just wasn't sure if those gestures were still only friendly. Then it dawned on him that they were truly alone now. If Grey was over at his house, his little brother, Noah, was always bugging them to play video games or basketball. And for some unknown reason, Grey actually tolerated the little pest. If Jaxon was over at Grey's house, his parents were always nearby or his older brothers would drop by for a visit. It was never just the two of them.

"I'll see what's close by and get something delivered." Jaxon said switching over to browse through the restaurants in the area. He already knew what Grey wanted. It was the same thing every time. A large pizza with ham and green peppers. There was a kind of comfort in that certainty...that Jaxon knew Grey. It definitely didn't help lessen his feelings at all.

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