Jaxon's Story...

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(Mentions of sexual assault, no actual details)

Grey waited a few days before calling Jaxon, but it went straight to voice-mail. He tried texting, too, and his messages went unread. Dr. Patterson suggested he take a few weeks off from work while his body needed time to adjust to the higher dosage of suppressants he prescribed. So all Grey had now was copious amounts of free time to worry and over-think.

He spent a couple of days at his parent's house. His mom made him breakfast every morning and he helped his dad around the house. It didn't take long for his mom to sense something was wrong. Grey was sitting out on the back porch, wrapped up in a fuzzy blanket. The days had turned steadily colder as winter neared. Lara, Grey's mom, came out a few minutes later with two mugs of hot chocolate. Grey took a cup from her, smiling slightly. Lara sat beside him on the empty rocking chair, wrapping her blanket tighter around her shoulders.

"So what's going on," Lara asked, glancing at him, "you've been moping around for the last few days?" Grey shrugged, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

"Is it work," she asked and he shook his head, "friend problems," another head shake, "boyfriend problems?" Grey hesitated for a second before nodding slowly.

"Did you and Jaxon have a fight?" She asked softly. Grey gave her a censored version about what happened when he met Jaxon's parents. He definitely didn't want his mom knowing that they had dry humped each other in the bathroom, no matter how open and straightforward his parents were about all that.

"Has Jaxon talked about what could have happened?" Lara asked softly.

"No, I don't want him to feel like he has to tell me." Grey replied. She sighed softly, setting her mug down on the small table between them.

"Do you remember what they taught you in school...about Alphas and Omegas?" She asked. Grey nodded, giving her a puzzled look. Lara gave him a small smile.

"It's the same thing they taught us when your father and I were in school," she said, "maybe even your grandparents too," she paused for a second, "what I'm getting at is that a lot of what we're taught isn't so simple." Grey looked to her, waiting for her to continue.

"Omegas are always seen as shy, docile, and delicate," she went on, "Alphas are always aggressive, dominate, and strong...there are always variables though," she sighed deeply, " an Alpha can just as easily be affected by an Omega and people forget that just because we're taught they're the aggressor they can still be taken advantage of." Was that what happened to Jaxon? Grey didn't want to jump to any assumptions, but it made sense.

It was almost two weeks later when Jaxon finally called back. He asked if he could come over to Grey's apartment to talk. Grey had to prepare himself for the worst. If Jaxon decided it was too much for them to stay together, Grey needed to be able to accept that. He wasn't sure how he felt about that. Jaxon was the first person he ever had feelings for and this might be the last time he ever saw him.

Jaxon arrived awhile later and Grey buzzed him up. When he knocked softly on the door, Grey opened it, looking up at him. Jaxon looked tired. There were dark circles under his eyes and his gaze was troubled. Grey stepped to one side, holding the door open for him. Jaxon walked inside and stopped in the living room, looking unsure.

"Would you like to sit down?" Grey asked softly after shutting the door. He nodded slowly before lowering himself down onto the couch. Grey sat on the recliner. He hoped he was far enough away to make Jaxon comfortable.

Jaxon frowned, balling his hands into fists in his lap. He hated this. He hated seeing Grey so far away from him, almost as if he were afraid. He hated how those memories still had control over him. It's been ten years. He thought he was over it already. Grey watched him quietly and he could see Jaxon struggling.

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