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Spice Level: 🔥 🔥 🔥

Grey never realized he could become addicted to a simple touch. There was a kind of reassurance when he felt the warmth of Jaxon's skin, but there was also a craving now...a need to explore more. So far, he's familiar with the feel of his hands, his arms, and even his neck a little bit when they kiss. But the desire for more was slowly outweighing his self-consciousness.

Grey was over at Jaxon's house, which is now a common occurrence since they got back together, and they're cooking dinner. Very innocent, very domestic, and he's enjoying just being with him. Grey finished chopping up some veggies for a salad, scrunching up his nose at how much green there was on the cutting board. He was content with eating instant noodles or freezer meals. Seeing the grimace on his face, Jaxon chuckled softly as he headed back towards the stove with some drained spaghetti noodles, pressing a quick kiss to Grey's temple on his way by. Jaxon's back was towards him while he finished making their dinner so Grey could oogle him as much as he wanted without the embarrassment of being caught. He was wearing a fitted, white v-neck t-shirt that was so conformed to his body that Grey could see every single ripple and bunch his back muscles made as he moved. Grey felt his face start heating up and knew he should look away, but instead, he found himself walking over to Jaxon and wrapping his arms around his waist from behind. Jaxon didn't flinch or freeze he just relaxed into Grey's embrace for a second before turning in his arms to face him. Grey didn't even have to say anything. He just tilted his head back a little and Jaxon was cupping his face between his hands and kissing him. It wasn't until he felt bare skin beneath his palms that he realized he had his hands under Jaxon's shirt. Grey jerked back slightly, balling his hands into fists.

"What's wrong?" Jaxon whispered breathlessly. Grey tentatively peeked up to look into his eyes to make sure he was okay.

"Sorry." He murmured softly, starting to draw back, but Jaxon's grip tightened, holding him in place.

"Why?" He asked, giving him a confused look.

"I just don't want to make you...uncomfortable." Grey replied quietly. Jaxon sighed softly, placing his hands on Grey's shoulders.

"I'm okay, really," he murmured, "if I wasn't, I would let you know." Grey gave him a look like he still wasn't sure.

"C'mon." Jaxon said, grabbing Grey's hand and leading him towards the living room.

"But dinner...," Grey protested, stumbling after him. Jaxon halted to a stop for a second to look back at him. There was a heat in his eyes that Grey hadn't seen before and it made his stomach flutter unexpectedly.

"Can be eaten...later." He stated lowly. Grey felt a shiver roll up his spine at his deep, husky tone. Jaxon knew he scared Grey that night at his parents' house when he let his memories and emotions overwhelm him. During their time apart, Jaxon thought a lot about how he would feel if Grey was no longer in his life and that just wasn't going to happen. And even though Grey was an Omega...he was always just Grey first. His designation didn't define him. There was no cruelty or malice to his motives. His touches and actions were only curious and innocent. Jaxon didn't like seeing him so unsure and reluctant, not after they both worked so hard to get to where they are now. Grey needed reassurance and that meant Jaxon had to take the lead.

He brought Grey over to the couch because his bed would just tempt him to take things further than he was planning right now. The thought alone had a flush of arousal rush through his body. But first, he had an apprehensive boyfriend to take care of.

Jaxon sat down and then grabbing Grey's hips, he started pulling him down onto his lap. Grey wobbled a little bit, almost losing his balance, and realized that Jaxon wanted him to straddle him. He placed a knee on either side of his thighs before tentatively lowering himself to perch on his knees. Jaxon placed his hands on the small of Grey's back and drew him closer until their chests were flush. Grey hesitated before slipping his hands onto Jaxon's shoulders.

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