Meatballs and SNAFU

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Grey was really, really nervous. More than he was when Jaxon met his family. This was something he's never had to do before. Meeting his boyfriend's parents. He didn't sleep very well the night before because he was so anxious and doubts clouded his mind all night long. What if they didn't like him? What if they didn't approve of him and Jaxon dating? What if he said something embarrassing or offensive? So many what if's...he felt like he was losing his mind. Not to mention his Omega was on high alert, thinking he was in some sort of distress. He was so worked up that the week leading up to the dinner, he completely forgot to take his suppressants.

It wasn't until Jaxon texted him, saying he was on his way that Grey realized he had forgotten. He quickly took one, figuring he would be fine. He hadn't had a heat cycle, even a mild one, since that night at the ER and he still couldn't smell pheromones as far as he could tell. Grey looked himself over for what felt like the millionth time, nervously smoothing his hands down his shirt. He wore an aqua blue button-up that made his eyes stand out and a pair of dark wash jeans. He took a deep, calming breath before making his way downstairs to meet Jaxon.

Jaxon could tell Grey was nervous as soon as he climbed into his truck beside him. He glanced over at him as Grey stared out the passenger window, his hands clenched into tight fists against his thighs. Jaxon reached over, gently placing his hand over his. Grey winced, suddenly jerked out of his racing thoughts. When he realized that Jaxon was trying to comfort him, he slowly relaxed, taking his hand and lacing their fingers together. Grey glanced at him, giving him a grateful smile.

They left the city behind, heading towards the outskirts of town, to a quiet suburb with large ranch-style and farm type houses on expansive lots. Jaxon drove through the neighborhood until he turned down a long gravel driveway that led up to a single story ranch house. It was red brick with white shutters and a big front porch. There was an older tan truck and a blue SUV parked in front of the attached garage. Jaxon coasted to a stop behind the SUV before cutting the engine and turning to look at Grey.

"Ready?" He asked softly, smiling. Grey nodded but still looked anxious. When he didn't make a move to get out, Jaxon finally slid out from behind the driver's wheel and headed over to his side. He opened Grey's door and held his hand out to him. Grey hesitated for a second before taking his hand and letting Jaxon pull him to his feet. He started towards the front door but came to a stop when Grey stood still.

"What if they don't like me?" He murmured anxiously. Jaxon gave him a reassuring smile before pulling him into a hug.

"They'll love you," he replied softly, "I promise." Grey buried his face into the side of Jaxon's neck, trying to calm his beating heart. Usually, when Jaxon comforted him, he felt more at ease, but something was different this time. Grey couldn't recognize the feeling that washed over his body right then. His face heated up even though he knew he wasn't blushing and there was also a different type of warmth that pooled in the pit of his stomach. His Omega stirred restlessly. Grey thought it could simply be from his anxiety, but he almost felt...flustered, which was something he rarely felt. Jaxon stiffened and drew back slightly.

"Are you feeling ok?" He murmured. Grey nodded, giving him a confused look.

"Yes...just nervous." He replied quietly. Jaxon lifted his hand and placed the back of it against Grey's forehead.

"You just felt a little...warm," he said, shrugging, "but it doesn't feel like you're running a fever."

"I'm ok," Grey said, taking his hand, "let's go." Jaxon nodded and led him up to the front door. He pushed it open, ushering Grey inside. Grey almost groaned from the delicious aroma that greeted them. Whatever Jaxon's parents were cooking smelled amazing. A shorter, more delicate version of Jaxon rounded the corner, smiling happily. Angelo had the same black hair, although he kept his a little longer than Jaxon's and soft brown eyes. The man following close behind him was tall and broad, definitely an Alpha. He had dark brown hair and a neatly trimmed beard. His eyes were dark green.

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