Nesting Omega

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Jaxon gave Grey his t-shirt to wear before leading him upstairs. He dug through his drawers before finding a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt that Noah had left the last time he stayed over. They would still be oversized, but Jaxon's clothes would be even more. He showed Grey where everything was in his attached bathroom, gave him a clean towel, and then left him to get cleaned up, shutting the door behind him. He hadn't said anything since and Jaxon hoped he didn't regret what they had just done. Jaxon headed to the secondary bathroom down the hallway and took a quick shower. He pulled on a pair of clean shorts before heading back to his room. He grabbed his pillow off the bed, thinking he would sleep in the guestroom. Grey came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, his hair still damp and wearing the very oversized pajama pants, but Jaxon's Alpha was so pleased to see that he still had Jaxon's shirt on.

"What are you doing?" Grey asked when he saw Jaxon holding his pillow.

"Oh, I thought you could sleep here and I'd take the guestroom." He replied simply. Grey glanced at Jaxon's king-sized bed and then back to him.

"Can we sleep together," he asked softly, "just...sleep...for tonight?"

"Yeah, of course," Jaxon replied, tossing his pillow back on the bed, "if you're sure?" Grey nodded and stepped closer to the bed, pulling the blankets down. Jaxon did the same for his side before climbing in. Grey curled up beside him, leaving a considerable space between them. Jaxon flicked off the lamp on the bedside table and the whole room was plunged in semi-darkness. Grey didn't think he was a fussy sleeper. He could practically fall asleep anywhere. But for some reason, he couldn't get comfortable. He wanted Jaxon to hold him but didn't want to come across as clingy. He heard Jaxon sigh beside him before an arm snaked around his waist and he was pulled closer. Grey let out a soft gasp, his head landing on Jaxon's chest. Jaxon raised his other hand and threaded his fingers through Grey's hair before brushing a kiss across the top of his head.

"G'night, baby." He murmured softly. Grey felt a pleasant warmth flush through his body at the term of endearment.

"Night." He whispered back, relaxing into Jaxon's arms.

Grey now understood why his friends made such a big deal about having a romantic partner. It was kind of ridiculous how he couldn't keep his hands to himself. If Jaxon was within arm's reach, he would find himself touching him. Jaxon sure didn't seem to mind, though. They hadn't taken things any further since that one night. When Grey slept over, they just cuddled up together in bed and slept, but now, when they were alone, they never missed a chance to make out. Jaxon was pleasantly surprised how easily Grey adapted to this change in their relationship. He was worried that Grey would feel embarrassed or timid, but everything just felt so natural. Then Grey's heat cycle came back.

It was Thanksgiving and they were going to spend part of it with Jaxon's family and then go see Grey's family a few hours later. Jaxon called him that morning, but Grey didn't answer. He kept trying off and on throughout the day, but his calls went to voice-mail and his texts unread. Jaxon even called Parker to see if an emergency had suddenly come up, but he hadn't heard from Grey either. He had pretty much made up his mind that he was going to Grey's apartment to check on him when Jaxon saw that Grey was finally calling him back.

"Hey," he greeted after hanging up with Parker and promising he would let him know what was going on, "you ok...I was worried." Jaxon heard Grey take a shaky breath.

"Jaxon," he murmured, his voice strained, "I think I need help."

Grey woke up Thanksgiving morning feeling like his skin was trying to crawl off. He had gone to bed nervous the night before because they were going to have to see his brothers and it was the first time he would be back at Jaxon's parent's house since that disastrous first meeting. Jaxon assured him that his parents were excited to see him again and they weren't going to bring up the last time they were there, but Grey couldn't help not feeling anxious. So when he woke up feeling hot and achy, he thought maybe he was getting sick. It progressively got worse. He was so hard and leaking slick pretty much nonstop. He tried taking care of himself just like Jaxon had done, but he couldn't cum and his stomach burned...his whole body ached for a release. Grey curled up into a ball on his bed, letting out a frustrated sob. He needed Jaxon. Jaxon would know what to do. He could stop this burning. But first, there was something wrong with his bed.

When Jaxon walked into Grey's apartment a while later, he nearly fell to his knees. The whole place was flooded with his pheromones. If Jaxon hadn't been on inhibitors and a younger, inexperienced Alpha he probably would have gone into rut. He took a steadying breath before calling out to Grey. He appeared in his open bedroom doorway, wearing just a pair of sweats. His face was flushed and his hair disheveled. Grey gave him a shaky smile and Jaxon rushed over to him, pulling him into an embrace. Grey's pheromones were so much stronger as Jaxon held him. His Alpha surged closer to the surface, realizing his Omega was in heat and distressed. Jaxon felt that familiar cold rush of anxiety but he managed to push it aside for the moment. Grey needed him right now. Jaxon slowly released some calming pheromones and felt Grey start to melt into his arms.

"I'm sorry," Grey managed to choke out, "it's just so bad this time...I didn't know what to do."

"Hey, it's ok," Jaxon murmured softly, pressing a kiss to Grey's fevered forehead, "I'm here now."

"Maybe I should go to the hospital?" Grey suggested quietly. Unless they wanted every unmarked Alpha within a mile radius to go into rut, that wasn't a very good idea.

"No, it's probably better if we stay here," Jaxon said, "I'll take care of you." Grey knew he was in heat, but it was so much more intense this time. He wasn't sure how Jaxon would be able to handle that. Jaxon was fine with touching and kissing while Grey wasn't in heat, but what about when he was no longer lucid? Grey still wasn't sure how he was going to act when he completely succumbed to his cycle. What if he got aggressive and hurt Jaxon? Grey wasn't exactly tiny and dainty.

Jaxon felt Grey start pulling away and instinctively tightened his hold on him, drawing him back. His Alpha didn't know why Grey was pulling away, but he didn't like it.

"I-I think I'll be ok on my own now." Grey choked out. Jaxon knew that was a lie and Grey was just trying to protect him. If they were going to be together for the foreseeable future, which Jaxon planned on, they were both going to need to face this head-on. He hated seeing Grey feeling uncomfortable or even ashamed of his heat cycles.

"I'm staying if you want me to," Jaxon stated firmly, "we can get through this together." Grey did want Jaxon to stay. He had been feeling better since Jaxon got there, but Grey was still worried this would be too much for Jaxon to handle.

"Just promise me if it's too much that you'll go, please?" He pleaded softly, looking up at Jaxon. He nodded before leaning down and capturing Grey's lips into a heated kiss. Grey practically went limp in his arms. Jaxon lifted him up and carried him into his bedroom. He stopped by the foot of the bed and lowered Grey back down to the floor, taking in what was before his eyes.

Grey had stacked and arranged pillows and blankets across his bed. It would have looked like just a random pile, but Jaxon's Alpha knew what it was right away. Nest. He was surprised and pleased to see that the t-shirt he had given to Grey to wear at his house a while back was added to the nest. Jaxon knew Omegas nested when they were in heat and he's never seen it himself, obviously. But this...he liked this especially knowing it was Grey's. He felt...honored for some reason. Grey drew back slightly and took Jaxon's hands before pulling him down onto the bed top of him. He felt himself slipping further into his cycle. His brain felt like mush. His eyes fluttered open for a second and he gazed up at Jaxon with hazy, unfocused eyes. Grey wasn't in control now and Jaxon's Alpha could see his Omega staring back at him. Grey lifted his hand and gently cupped Jaxon's face, his thumb brushing along his bottom lip. He tilted his head back slightly, his back arching, and exposed his throat for Jaxon.

"Please." Grey pleaded so softly and sweetly.

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