It's Been One Week

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Friends? Maybe we can just be friends?! What the hell were you thinking, Grey thought to himself as he headed into work Monday morning. He knew he should have just turned Jaxon down and went on his way, but he was uttering that lame ass reply before he even realized it. Of course, they couldn't just be friends! Jaxon had feelings for him, obviously. What surprised Grey even more than his stupid response was that Jaxon agreed! And so began day one of their "friendship."

Jaxon wasn't interested in being Greyson's friend that should be pretty obvious. But when he turned him down, Jaxon was afraid that would be the last time he would ever see him, so he quickly agreed. Jaxon didn't intend to stay 'just friends' for very long, though. He figured that Greyson just needed time to get to know him. It wasn't that Jaxon thought he was shy. He just seemed more reluctant and a little reserved. So, on Monday morning, when he should be asleep since he worked nights, he texted Greyson. Day one of his plan to draw Greyson closer had begun.

Jaxon: good morning Greyson hope you have a good day

A few minutes went by before he replied.

Greyson: just call me Grey, all my friends do
Greyson: also you might get a call from my older brother Parker
Greyson: he found out what happened and wants to thank you
Greyson: just a heads up
Greyson: later I gotta go to work

Then another couple minutes later.

Grey: hope you have a good day as well

Jaxon smiled, resting his phone on his chest, and stared up at the ceiling while he lay in bed. Grey might not make this easy, but Jaxon was ready to put in the work.

A week. A week of two texts a day. One in the morning, then one in the evening. Usually, it was a variation of the same thing. A good morning text and then a good night text. Grey didn't reply, but it seemed like Jaxon wasn't expecting one or wasn't offended that he didn't. Now it was Monday morning and when Grey woke up, he found himself reaching for his phone to check his messages. Jaxon always sent the first one early before he was even awake. Grey frowned when he saw he didn't have a message. Well, maybe Jaxon was busy or forgot. Maybe he had finally moved on? Grey couldn't imagine sticking around someone for a week and them not bothering to respond. He yawned, stretching as he got out of bed and started getting ready for work. When his phone alerted him to a new message, he quickly snatched it up without thinking. He couldn't stop the slight disappointment that curled uncomfortably through his body when he saw it was just his mom, reminding him about Sophie's birthday party this weekend.

Grey had five nieces and nephews between his two brothers. Parker and his wife, Shannon, had three kids: Sophie was the oldest at five, then Aiden was three, and little Kayden was eight months old. Declan had Liam, who just turned two, and his partner, Avery, was currently five months pregnant with their second child, a girl. It was always somebody's birthday. Grey didn't mind. He loved spoiling them.

But back to the issue at hand, Jaxon still hadn't sent a message and Grey was already heading into work. He waved at a few guys who were loading up one of the box vans with supplies and then made his way up to his office. He put his wallet and keys in his desk drawer and set his phone down before heading to the break room to get some coffee. A few of his coworkers were already there, getting their caffeine fill, and chatting. Grey joined in for a bit, then headed back to his office to start working. He glanced at his phone and saw he had no new messages.

Grey hadn't heard from him all day, even as he made his way home with his Thai takeout. Well, it was still early. Jaxon usually didn't send his second message until around nine. Grey ate, watched a movie, and then took a shower before getting ready for bed. When nine o'clock rolled around, his phone was silent. He mindlessly scrolled through the internet for about an hour before finally settling down. It was best not to over analyze this. Jaxon had simply given up and Grey should be grateful about that.

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