Burning Up...

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Spice Level: 🔥

Grey felt hot and his mind was fuzzy. He tried splashing some cold water on his face, but it didn't help. He leaned against the counter, staring at his reflection in the mirror above the sink. His cheeks were flushed and his pupils looked dilated. He let out a small sound when his stomach suddenly clenched painfully. Grey was too forgone to really comprehend what was actually happening, but his Omega was fully aware, especially when Jaxon knocked softly on the door. His scent instantly enveloped all his senses and Grey was moving forward to open the door before he even realized it.

Jaxon stood there, his hands gripping either side of the doorframe. For a second, Grey regretted opening it, but that was quickly forgotten when Jaxon's heated gaze met his eyes. He wrapped his arms around Grey as he came through the door, kicking it shut behind him with his foot. Grey stumbled back and he would have fallen if Jaxon hadn't been holding him as his lips descended onto his in a rough, demanding kiss.

Jaxon had always been so gentle when they kissed, but this was desperate and hungry. Grey felt like he was being consumed...that was the only word to describe how he felt right now...not only by the heat flooding his body but by Jaxon's lips. He didn't realize that Jaxon was still walking him backward until he hit the edge of the counter. Grey's hands flew up to grab Jaxon's shoulders when he reached down to his hips and lifted him up onto it, settling himself between Grey's thighs. Jaxon pinned him in place with a bruising grip, rolling his hips forward to grind against him. Grey jerked back, gasping sharply at the feeling of desire that shot through his body. He realized he was just as hard as Jaxon, his dick straining painfully against the zipper of his jeans. Grey's had erections before, usually in the morning when he first woke up or sometimes at random. It was basic biology, but he just never felt the need to do anything about it. They always went away on their own eventually anyway. But this...this was different. He wanted that friction again...he craved it. Grey tried moving on his own, but Jaxon was holding him too tightly. He made a small sound of protest and then groaned softly when Jaxon repeated the same movement. A jolt of pleasure sizzled through the whole length of his dick and he found himself clenching his hands, balling Jaxon's shirt into his fists.

Instead of capturing his lips again, Jaxon trailed open, wet mouth kisses down along Grey's jaw to the fevered skin of his neck where his teeth grazed the sensitive flesh before latching on and sucking a mark. The small room was quickly immersed in their combined pheromones, a highly potent mix that had them both panting and gasping. Every touch, every breath, was frenzied...desperate. Grey didn't want to stop. He didn't think he could even if he tried, his body ached and shook with a need that excited and scared him at the same time. He wanted more. Jaxon drew back slightly, his body heaving and trembling, and pressed his sweaty brow into the crook of Grey's neck.

His Alpha wanted him...needed to claim him, mark him...find where the sweet scent flowed from and sink deep inside. But distant memories that had been buried in the back of Jaxon's mind suddenly surged forward, unbridled, pushing through the haze of heat and pheromones. Visions of amber eyes, a hand stroking his face, and murmuring that it was fine. But it wasn't fine...it was a touch he didn't want. It made him shudder in fear and repulsion. No matter how hard his Alpha tried convincing him this time was different, terror washed through his veins like icy water.

Grey felt the change in Jaxon, sensed it. The grip on his hips turned painful and Jaxon shivered but not from pleasure this time. Something was wrong. He tried resurfacing through the heat and fog clouding his brain as Jaxon's distress mounted. Grey blinked a few times and took a shuddering breath. Jaxon was still holding him, his face buried into the side of Grey's neck, but his breathing was labored and shaky. His whole body was rigid except for a faint tremor in his hands. Grey took another breath as the heat slowly began to dissipate from his body. He released his hold on Jaxon's shirt and reached for his face, but Jaxon flinched and jerked back suddenly, letting him go. Grey went to reach for him to comfort him, but Jaxon balled his hands into fists, and his whole body started quaking.

"Get out." He growled lowly, his voice raspy and harsh. Grey opened his mouth to speak, to ask what was wrong, but then Jaxon finally looked up, eyes glinting dangerously. The scent of Jaxon's pheromones changed as his anxiety began to spiral out of control. The warm, calm smell turned sour. His Omega started panicking.

"Get the fuck out," Jaxon roared fiercely, "NOW!" Grey stumbled to his feet and quickly staggered to the door. He flung it open and fell to his knees in the hallway. Jaxon slammed the door shut behind him, making the walls shake and causing a few pictures to fall to the floor.

Through his heat-addled mind, Grey was vaguely aware of a commotion towards the end of the hallway. He looked up and saw Owen and Levi lurching towards him, practically crawling over each other. Then Damon appeared behind them, wrapping an arm around each of the young Alphas, and started dragging them back. Owen let out a growl that was more animal than human as he was pulled away. Grey curled up into a ball, burying his head into his hands.

Angelo rushed to Grey's side and crouched down beside him, tentatively placing a hand on his arm. Jaxon never told him that Grey was an Omega.

"Grey," Angelo murmured softly, "are you in heat?" He sniffled and nodded as shame flooded his body. Angelo rubbed his back, comforting him.

"Come on," he said softly, "let's get you somewhere more comfortable, ok?" Grey nodded again and slowly climbed to his feet. Angelo took his hand and led him further down the hallway to a guest room. Grey sat down on the edge of the bed, wrapping his arms around himself.

"I-is Jaxon ok?" He choked out shakily. Angelo gently rubbed his shoulder.

"He'll be fine," he replied softly, "he just needs some time to calm down."

"And Damon?" Grey whispered. Angelo gave him a small, reassuring smile.

"He's ok," he replied simply, "Noah and Theo were able to help him." Grey felt awful. Guilty and ashamed. He ruined everything. If he had been a Beta, none of this would have happened and Jaxon wouldn't be hating him right now.

"I'm so sorry." Grey whispered sadly. Angelo pulled him into a warm embrace, shaking his head.

"Don't apologize," he murmured, "sometimes these things happen...it's not your fault, Grey."

"I t-think I would like to go home now." He said softly. Angelo nodded in understanding, drawing back and they headed out to the hallway. Grey noticed the bathroom door was open but Jaxon was gone. Damon, Noah and his friends were also nowhere to be seen.

Angelo led Grey out to the blue SUV and they climbed in. He maneuvered around Jaxon's truck and Grey gave him directions to his apartment. They were silent the whole way, but Grey was grateful for the quiet. When Angelo pulled up to a stop just outside Grey's apartment, he turned to him before he could climb out.

"Jax didn't mention you were an Omega," he said softly, "so I'm guessing he hasn't told you about what happened when he was fourteen?" Grey shook his head, sighing.

"No, he only mentioned having a complicated history with Omegas." He murmured.

"It's not really my story to tell," Angelo said, "I think just give him some time and everything will work out...Jax is happy, the happiest I've seen for a long time." Grey nodded, but wasn't so sure. Angelo wasn't there to see the look of disgust and rejection on Jaxon's face.

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