Just Friends

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Grey was still trying to figure out what had possessed him when he gave that guy his number. Maybe it was the effects of the painkillers. He managed to take a shower, checking himself over in the mirror above the sink, and took a couple more pills before collapsing onto his bed, quickly falling asleep. He didn't think he had looked that bad when he checked and he wasn't feeling any pain, but it was probably the combination of the pills and the alcohol that helped.

Now he was sober, hungover, and the painkillers were barely helping now. Grey groaned softly, gingerly climbing to his feet and headed out to his kitchen. He was hungry and thirsty. His whole body was sore and aching, especially around his ribs. He was still sure they were just bruised, though. He had some leftover lomein noodles that he quickly warmed up since he didn't feel like cooking. He sat down at his tiny dinette table and pulled out his phone while he ate. He had several unread texts and some missed calls from his friends that he was out with last night. He forgot to let them know he had made it home. He quickly sent them messages, giving them a quick rundown on what happened last night, and then noticed he had a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey Greyson this is Jaxon Pace
Unknown: Hope you're feeling OK? Just let me know when you get a chance

Grey hesitated, tempted to just block the guy's number, and be done with him. But that would be rude and if his mom found out, he would never hear the end of it. If it were up to them, they would invite Jaxon over for dinner at their house and praise him for rescuing their baby. He wasn't going to risk something like that happening. So all he had to do was let the guy thank him and that should be good, right? Grey added Jaxon's number to his contacts before messaging him back.

Grey: Hey yeah I'm good thanks. Just a little sore

He was surprised when Jaxon replied right away.

Jaxon: glad you're ok. So do you think we could get together tomorrow sometime?

Grey hesitated, chewing on the inside of his cheek, nervously. Why did it feel like he was being asked out? No, that was ridiculous. He shook his head, taking a deep breath. He was supposed to meet his parents and brothers for brunch tomorrow, so he had some time in the morning.

Grey: Yeah I'll have some time in the morning. Is 9 OK?
Jaxon: sure works for me. Do you know Jib's Coffee Shop?

Grey did know Jib's. It was close by and sometimes he stopped in for a coffee if he wasn't late for work. Sometimes, even if he was. Their coffee was really good.

Grey: Yeah I'll meet you there
Jaxon: sounds good. See you tomorrow

Grey had just set down his phone when it started ringing. He picked it up and saw his older brother, Parker, was calling. He answered, but before he could even get a greeting out, Parker was already yelling.
"You were mugged last night?!" He demanded angrily.
"What...mugged," Grey replied, confused, "I wasn't mugged!"
"Casey called and said you were mugged." Parker said, his tone softening a little. Grey was friends with Casey, who was also friends with Parker, so anything Grey did when he was around always managed to make its way back to Parker. If Casey hadn't been such a great friend, Grey would have dropped him a long time ago. He was pretty sure Parker set Casey up to spy on him.

Even though Grey didn't have heat cycles or was affected by pheromones, Parker, being the oldest and very overprotective, didn't like his baby brother living alone. If he had it his way, Grey would still be living at home with his parents. His mom and dad weren't nearly as opposed to Grey having his own place. It was Parker that he had to finally convince that he would be fine on his own. His middle brother, Declan, wasn't nearly as overbearing. But they were also closer, being only two years apart. Grey was close with Parker, too, but he was more like a second dad.
"I wasn't mugged," Grey repeated, "I was just beat up."
"Oh, well, that's much better," Parker said dryly, "what the hell happened?" Grey explained to him what happened last night and how the four Alphas helped him out. He left out the part about agreeing to meet Jaxon tomorrow, though. Parker would have just demanded more information.
"I knew it was a bad idea letting you live on your own," Parker muttered, "what if those guys hadn't come...you would be in the hospital right now or worse?!"
"But I'm not and I'm ok," Grey said simply, "besides, I couldn't just stand by and not help."
"You're not a fighter, Grey," Parker said sharply, "you practically faint at the sight of blood!"
"I know I'm not a good fighter," Grey hissed out, "I was well aware of that fact when I was getting my ass kicked...but I'm fine, nothing is broken, and I'm sure those guys will stay clear of the area since the Alphas have their scent now." Parker sighed deeply.
"So what are you going to say to mom and dad?" He asked quietly.
"Nothing," Grey stated, "they don't need to worry about it."
"Grey," Parker started, but he interrupted him.
"Please, Parker, just let it go," he begged, "mom doesn't need to worry over nothing, alright?" Parker was silent for a few seconds.
"Fine, just because I don't like seeing her anxious," he said, "but I want the name of the Alpha that helped you home."
"Why?" Grey asked incredulously.
"So I can thank him properly for helping out my baby brother." Parker replied simply.
"I already thanked him," he said, "so there's no need."
"Grey, stop being a stubborn ass and give me his name." Parker demanded firmly.
"Fine," he huffed out, "it was Jaxon...Jaxon Pace, I think."
"Thank you," Parker said smugly, "and you said he works at a bar nearby?"
"Yeah, it was Mickie's." Grey replied. A second later, he heard kids screaming and crying in the background and then a baby crying too. His nieces and nephews must be terrorizing his sister-in-law.
"Gotta go," Parker said, "I think Aiden just tried cutting Sophie's hair." He hung up before Grey could even say goodbye. A few minutes later, Declan called.
"You got into a fight?" He demanded angrily. Grey sighed deeply.
"Did Parker call you?" He asked.
"No, Casey." Declan replied. Well, Grey wasn't going to hang out with him anymore.
"Getting into a fight means I was actually holding my own," Grey said dully, "I just got kicked some before they were run off."
"Yeah, you were always a shit fighter," Declan said, chuckling softly, "remember when I tried teaching you how to throw a punch and you ended up giving yourself a black eye?"
"Ha ha." Grey said dryly. They chatted for a few minutes until Grey started feeling the affects of the pills wearing off. He told Declan he was going to take a nap before letting him go. Grey took a couple more pills and sent Casey a text, calling him a treasonous bastard, before collapsing onto his bed, quickly falling asleep.

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