By His Side

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One month. It had been exactly one month since Jaxon last saw Grey. They still talked or texted every chance they got, but it wasn't the same. Jaxon missed him and he knew Grey missed him too. He could sense it in his voice. His Alpha was going crazy as well. Constantly trying to locate the Omega. Wondering why they were apart. Jaxon couldn't take it anymore.

He was in his office at the bar, trying to get some work done. Fortunately, his friends had stepped up and helped him out for a few weeks. He hadn't been able to focus or get anything done during that time. Jaxon talked to Eli a lot. He was the only other person who really knew what happened. Most of the Alphas at school didn't see what the big deal was when they eventually heard about what happened to Jaxon. His biological father's solution was to just throw money at the media and police to keep the incident quiet. He didn't even bother asking how Jaxon was doing. That's when he finally decided to stop trying to have any kind of relationship with the man.

Jaxon was trying to get some important paperwork done, but his thoughts kept drifting towards Grey. Maybe he could text and see him tonight? No, it was already pretty late and Grey had to get up early for work tomorrow. Jaxon could take him out for lunch and they might have time to talk? But would an hour be enough time to say everything he needed to? He was so lost in his thoughts that he almost didn't hear his office door opening until his Alpha alerted him to a familiar presence.

Lex walked in, giving him a friendly smile as he shut the door behind him. Jaxon climbed to his feet, a surprised look on his face.

"Lex?" He asked softly. He took a couple of steps closer, stopping in front of his desk.

"Hey," he greeted, "I came by to see Hanna and wanted to say hi," he paused for a second, "and to apologize too." Hanna and Lex had been roommates in college and that was how they eventually met, so it wasn't unusual that he would be here.

"For what?" Jaxon asked, giving him a confused look. Lex sighed softly.

"I was jealous and spiteful when you said you moved on," he murmured, "I happened to meet your new boyfriend by chance and I said some very hurtful things...I'm sorry," he looked to Jaxon, "I would like to apologize to him as well if that's possible...I can understand if he never wants to see me again though." Jaxon sighed deeply, giving Lex a reassuring smile.

"Thanks for the apology," he said, "I appreciate it." Lex nodded, smiling back. Despite their relationship being mainly physical back in college, they were still friends. Lex was the only other person besides Eli and his family that he told about what happened to him.

"How have you been?" Lex asked, sitting down in one of the chairs across from Jaxon's desk. He sat down, shrugging.

"Good," he replied vaguely, "you know...just busy." Lex nodded but didn't look like he was convinced.

"If you need to talk or anything, I'm here, ok," he said softly, "I know we broke up, but I still hope we're friends?" Jaxon nodded, giving him a slight smile.

"Thanks," he murmured, "but I'm doing ok."

"Well, I should probably head's getting late," Lex said, climbing to his feet, "would it be ok if I hugged you goodbye?" Jaxon chuckled softly as he stood and made his way around his desk to him. He pulled Lex into a friendly embrace.

"I'm glad you stopped by," he murmured, "and I'm sorry too...about how things ended, I should have been more upfront about everything." Lex gently patted his back, his hold tightening just a little bit more. Jaxon heard his office door open and looked over, expecting to see Hanna or Eli, but instead, he saw Grey standing there. It took every ounce of self-control he had not to just push Lex aside and rush over to him. Jaxon knew they weren't doing anything wrong, but it obviously didn't look like it to Grey. He just saw his boyfriend in what looked like an intimate embrace with his ex. Grey opened his mouth before quickly shutting it and turned away.

"Grey!" Jaxon called out, finally pulling free from Lex and hurried after him.

Grey felt like an idiot. He was the one who suggested they take a break. What did he honestly think would happen? Did he expect Jaxon to wait forever? He knew he had already dragged him along because of his initial reluctance. Jaxon hated Omegas, so it only made sense that he was more comfortable around someone who wasn't. Grey barely made it to the sidewalk outside before Jaxon caught up to him.

"Grey," he called out, grabbing his arm and stopping him, "wait, please!" Grey turned to him but stared down at the ground. This was it. The moment he was dreading. Jaxon was going to break up with him. He couldn't blame him, really. Why would he want to be around someone who constantly reminded him of his painful past? Grey just hoped he was prepared for what was about to happen. The last thing he wanted was for Jaxon to feel bad. He thought he was ready anyway, but the last thing he expected was for Jaxon to grab him and crush his lips against his. Grey made a surprised sound and gripped the front of Jaxon's shirt as he was nearly bowed backward from the sheer intensity of the kiss. He froze for a second until he finally started returning the kiss, sliding his hands up from Jaxon's chest to wrap his arms around his neck. Grey didn't care that they were in public, making out in front of complete strangers. Jaxon reluctantly pulled away so they could both drag a much needed breath into their burning lungs.

"Fuck I missed you," he ground out lowly, pressing his brow against Grey's, "never again, ok?" Grey nodded, too overwhelmed to get any words out right now. Someone softly cleared their throat and they both drew back enough to look over. Lex stood there, giving them an apologetic smile.

"Sorry," he said softly, "I just wanted to say it was definitely not what you were thinking was going on...I came to apologize to Jaxon and you too." Grey nodded, taking a deep breath.

"Umm...thank you?" He murmured, still slightly dazed. Lex smiled back and gave them a little wave before leaving. Grey followed him with his eyes until Lex disappeared around the corner. He wasn't sure why, but his Omega still didn't trust the guy. Jaxon, running his hand up his back, brought Grey's attention back to him. He smiled and pressed his lips back to his in a kiss that was just slightly less desperate. His Alpha slowly relaxed, knowing that the Omega he thought was lost was now by his side.

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