Some Kind of Feeling

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Grey was anxious. His Omega had been very active lately. And he noticed something troubling as well.

Grey always thought he was asexual. To say he has zero relationship experience is an understatement. He's never been romantically or physically attracted to anybody. Around the time all his friends started showing interest in dating and sex, Grey was indifferent. The thought of having someone else touch him or touch them just didn't sound appealing. For a long time, Grey thought there was something wrong with him. He just couldn't imagine being intimate with somebody. It wasn't until he got older and looked some stuff up online that he came to realize he was asexual. And that was fine. He was actually relieved. He was glad to see his friends and family happy with their partners, but that was just something he didn't see for himself. That is until he met Jaxon. Now there was a...feeling. It was in the pit of his stomach like a tingling, fluttering feeling whenever he thought about Jaxon...or talked to him...or texted him. The feeling confused him. It had to be because his Omega had been more active. So Grey made an appointment with his doctor to get checked out.

Dr. Patterson has been his doctor since Grey's parents brought him in when he didn't start his heat cycle. He did the usual blood work to test his hormone levels and a regular physical. So far, everything looked normal. Dr. Patterson set up an MRI to see if Grey's Omega brain was more active. He even wrote a prescription for suppressants just in case. He told Grey this was a good thing. If his Omega was more active, then that meant his body was regulating itself naturally. Grey wasn't excited about that at all. And he couldn't help but think, why now? He's gone eleven years living his life basically as a Beta. Now, he was going to have to worry about heat cycles and pheromones. It sounded like a lot of work. Grey thought about asking his mom or even Shannon or Avery for information, but he knew Parker would eventually hear about it and probably try convincing him to move back home. The last thing Grey wanted to give up was his freedom.

It was Saturday night and Grey was heading out to meet Jaxon at his bar when he got a call from him.
"Hey," he greeted, "I'm on my way."
"Grey," it wasn't Jaxon that greeted him back, it was Hanna, "Jaxon wanted me to call...there was a fight at the bar and he got hurt." Grey felt his heart start pounding in his chest. Jaxon was hurt. His Omega started panicking.
"What happened?" Grey demanded.
"The paramedics are checking him now." She said softly.
"I'm coming right now." Grey stated before hanging up. He practically ran the whole way. Jaxon was hurt. He rounded the corner and Mickie's came into view. That's when Grey noticed the ambulance parked out front and a couple police cars. It felt like his blood froze in his veins. He rushed through the entrance, brushing past a couple officers, and frantically looked for Jaxon. Grey saw him sitting on a stool by the bar and there was a paramedic patching him up. He ran towards him without a second thought and rushed into his arms.

Jaxon thought he wasn't that hurt. Not so much that he needed an ambulance. But they came anyway when Hanna called the police. The group of Alphas that had started the fight were detained and now he had a chance to see all the damage they had caused. He looked up and was surprised when he saw Grey come rushing inside. He told Hanna to call him and let him know what happened so they could get together another time. Grey was looking around and when he finally saw him, he ran over. Jaxon barely braced himself before Grey was holding him tightly. He made a startled sound in the back of his throat. Grey was hugging him. Grey was hugging him! Jaxon felt his Alpha surge forward and he was hugging him back. He noticed that Grey was trembling.
"Hey." Jaxon murmured softly, gently stroking his back.
"You got hurt." Grey choked out.
"I'm ok." He said. Grey pulled back slightly, looking at him. Jaxon had a bandage taped over his left eyebrow.
"What happened?" He asked finally looking around. There were several tables and chairs strewn about. Broken glass scattered across the floor. Grey recognized the other three Alphas who had helped him that night and they looked all scuffed up too.
"A group of Alphas came in, got drunk, and started a fight," Jaxon replied, "we stepped in to stop them before they completely trashed the place." The paramedic shifted impatiently, looking to Jaxon expectantly, but Grey was still holding him so she could wait a little longer. Hanna came over to greet him and that's when he finally pulled away. Jaxon had to stop himself from tightening his hold around Grey and reluctantly let him go.
"I was so scared," Hanna said quietly, wrapping her arms tightly around herself, "nothing like this has ever happened before." The paramedic finished up with Jaxon and one of the officers came over. Grey headed back over, hovering at his side. Jaxon's Alpha was practically beaming at the attention. If Jaxon had known he only needed to get hurt a little to have Grey's attention, he would have done it a long time ago.
"Are you considering pressing charges?" The officer asked.
"I'll need to talk to my lawyer first," Jaxon replied, "I would like for them to pay for the damage they caused at the very least." The officer nodded.
"We'll submit a police report and you can come in to give a statement tomorrow," he said, "then you can decide from there." Jaxon nodded and walked them out. Hanna introduced Grey to the other three men. Eli used to do inventory, but now he helped with stocking and tending the bar. He had dark, chocolate brown eyes and a deep tan complexion. He was about the same height as Jaxon. Corey and Ryan were brothers and worked in the kitchen. They both had honey blond hair and green eyes. Corey went to college with Jaxon, where they first met, and Ryan was in his second year of college. Eli and Jaxon had gone to high school and through college together as well. After the police left, Jaxon let out an exasperated sigh and scrubbed both hands down his face.
"Guess we should start cleaning up." He said climbing to his feet.
"I'll help." Grey said slipping off his jacket and laying it on a stool nearby. Jaxon almost told him it was ok, but if Grey stayed, they would be spending more time together. Corey headed to the kitchen and came back with a few cleaning supplies. Hanna put some calming music on her phone and they got to work.

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