The Story So Far (not a Chapter)

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Hello author here! Hope you are enjoying the story so far. Thank you for taking the time to read it! I appreciate it 🙏

I just wanted to post a small recap of Grey's and Jaxon's story so far...mostly to make sure I'm on track 🙇. So without further ado...

Alpha/Omega AU or Omegaverse:

I've read a few stories and webcomics on the Omegaverse and became interested in writing my own story. They all seemed to follow the same pattern and I posted under the Explanation chapter on what an Omegaverse is in my story. Questions/Comments...? Post below and I will try answering them to the best of my ability.


Grey is a Recessive Omega. When children are born in this AU a blood test can determine their designation but not if they're going to be Recessive. Around thirteen or fourteen years old, Omegas will start heat cycles as well as gain the ability to smell pheromones (the same applies to Alphas, but their cycles are called ruts). Around the time Grey should have normally started his cycles he didn't so he was taken to a specialist and more tests were done determining he was Recessive.

But for the last ten years, he hasn't sensed his Omega or pheromones. The night when he was attacked, his Omega did awaken some when it sensed he was in danger. Think of that part of their brains as a sort of sixth sense. Even though his Omega has been more active lately, he still hasn't sensed other people's designations. On that same note since he doesn't emit pheromones or have a very active Omega, people assume he's a Beta.

Grey's lived his life like he is a Beta which is considered very carefree for an Omega. Especially to his older brothers. Parker and Declan are both very protective towards Grey but not just because he's an Omega. Grey's always been an introvert and quiet (obviously) so he avoids confrontation at all costs. He doesn't handle anger or anxiety very well. He feels emotions differently and that's why he assumed he was asexual around the time most people his age started dating. He never felt the normal attraction that most people feel when they're romantically interested in someone. It maybe in part due to the fact that he is Recessive but not all Recessive Alphas/Omegas are like this (if that makes sense).

Questions/Comments about Grey...?


Jaxon is an Alpha. He's not Recessive or considered Dominant. He does have intense ruts, which was briefly referenced to earlier in the chapter with Lex. Due to a traumatic encounter with an Omega (that will be explained in more detail in the next chapter), he only has sex with Betas. Even though he takes inhibitors he learned pretty early on that sex was really the only way to get over his ruts.

Jaxon didn't date seriously in middle or high school. When he did look for a partner, they were always older. Lex and Grey have been the only two people he's dated that are his age. Although technically he didn't date Lex. They were in a friends with benefits relationship. Jaxon hasn't been with anyone else since Lex left and he started dating Grey. He has steadily been increasing the dosage of his inhibitors to help with his ruts. He has had ruts since he started seeing Grey, but they have been relatively mild.

Questions/Comments about Jaxon...?

So now here we are...

Thank you for letting me gather my thoughts 🙏. There will be a mildly spicy chapter next (no surprise there) but overall the story won't be overly spicy. Grey is obviously a virgin and just now coming to terms with his sexuality. I will put spicy alerts at the beginning of the chapter if there is sexual content so anyone who wishes to skip a chapter can do so.

So with the summarization out of the way...thank you again and enjoy! 🧚 Shortround45

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