Chapter 4: The Black Paladin

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Hunk and I stood behind Pidge as she searched for the location of Central Command.

Shiro was explaining the events that had happened to Coran who’s flipping out.

My eyes scanned the screen, seeing familiar names and locations. “Pidge, anything?” Shiro asked, turning eyes on the youngest of us. She turned to him and motioned to the front as she pulled it up on the bigger screen for everyone to see. “Guys look at this.”

Yep, that looks about right. “I think we should go in right away. Every minute we waste gives Zarkon time to prepare for us.” She reasoned.

Lance nodded, crossing his arms. “I agree. We should form Voltron, fly in, fly out, dust off our hands and walk away.” 

“Ditto. We can’t let them form any plan or else we’re done for.” I turned to Shiro.

They’ll be set on rescuing her. And while I don’t want to go there’s no choice. They’re the only hope of defeating Zarkon and Haggar.

Voltron is our only hope.

And these kids don’t have much experience fighting against them, so I’ll need to look out after them.

I may not be a Paladin, but I’m a pretty damn good fighter and pilot. 

My biggest concern is Haggar though.

Sure, Zarkon’s a given, but that evil witch will be there. “Uh, do you guys not remember the Balmera? We could barely take out one fleet. But this . . . a base this size could hold a thousand fleets!” Hunk voiced.

Balmera? Oh, Pidge told me about that. It’s where they mine the crystals for this ship.

“Or maybe we shouldn’t go on this mission at all. Think about it. We’ll be delivering the universe’s only hope to the universe’s biggest enemy.” All eyes turned to Keith in disbelief. 

His logic’s solid. I don’t think we should go at all. But they’re a bunch of goody two-shoes. That’s not gonna fly with them.

“Keith, that’s cold, even for you. What if it was one of us? What if it was me? You wouldn’t leave me, would you?” Hunk asked.

Keith stayed silent, which seemed to make the big guy anxious. “Would you?” He asked, his voice going higher.

Keith frowned. “I’m not saying I like the idea. I’m just thinking like a Paladin.”

Not necessarily a Paladin, just someone with common sense. “No, you’re thinking of yourself because you’re too scared to do what’s right!” Lance shouted at him.

Pidge shook her head. “Okay, we’re all upset because we lost Allura-”

“No, Shiro lost Allura!” Coran turned an accusatory glare at our leader.

My temple throbbed, and I slammed my fist on the table loudly, making them jump. “Shut up!” I snapped. The others stared at me wide-eyed, not expecting that from me. A quieter person on this ship.

I sighed, running a hand down my face. “Coran, Allura made the decision on her own. Blaming Shiro isn’t going to bring her back. Hunk, Lance, in retrospect, Keith’s idea isn’t wrong. The lives of the many outweigh those of the few. On that note, none of you guys are going to go with logic, so think. How are we going to get to Allura as soon as possible? The more we bicker, the more likely we’re all to die. So think.” I said mostly to Shiro.

He pursed his lips but his eyes were set with an inferno of determination.

“Let’s take a good look at the layout. Everyone get on it and search.” We all looked at one another before going to stations to do just that. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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