Chapter 1: Escape

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I lay on my back, in my cell, staring at the ceiling. Unlike my cell at the gladiator arena, this one's smaller and has no windows or bars. The metal is even stronger.

It's been a long time since I was last at the gladiator arena. Now all I ever see are the confines of these walls.

With exceptions when Haggar likes to visit and test my newfound abilities. Other then the tests and chores they make me do, these four walls are my 'home'.

Of course I try to escape. And thanks to Haggar's '4% chance experiment' I've managed to escape a few cells. But this cell is specially made with stronger metal then the last few. Can't even put a dent in it.

Well . . . I glanced at the indent on the door.

That hit broke my wrist a while agi. But it was the closest I got to breaking free.

It's not going to stop me though. I don't want to work for Haggar and her precious Zarkon anymore. I just want to get as far away from that witch as I can.

And if Matt can escape, so can I. No way a String Bean can do something I can't.

I just gotta wait until this door opens. They're not going to kill me. At least they'll try not to. Afterall, I'm the 4%. The likelihood they'll get another survivor is low. Even lower since they've been trying to get another prisoner.

They're getting tired of me but they can't do anything about it until they have another specimen. Which they don't.

Haggar's still baffled by it. How I survived; but I told her. I survived just to spite her. I want to be a nuisance to her. To be a handful. I want to make her life hell by staying alive. That's how much I hate her. So of course I wreak havoc every chance I get.

Sure, they can punish me, but there's nothing they can do to me that they haven't already done. And they can't do any risky experiments anymore because I'm the 'lucky' 4%.

We're at a stalemate.

I sighed to myself, debating if I wanted to go into the trance and try to break out again. I could get farther, but I'll need to sleep a lot to recover from using it.

What if they move me in that time and I'll have to start over? There's a lot to think about. But there is something that could prove helpful.

Whispers of Voltron have begun to spread like wildfire through every ship I've been on.

It even passed through Haggar's lips. Apparently they're causing major trouble for them. So I already like them.

A part of me wishes that they'd come in and take down this ship. But the likelihood of that is slim. There are far too many warships for them to coincidentally attack this one.

Maybe they'll defeat Zarkon. Well even if they don't, as long as they kill that witch I'd be satisfied. I haven't met Zarkon personally, and I hear he's a horrible person. The guy conquers and destroys worlds, but Hagger is a thousand times worse in my eyes.

Especially since it's her fault Mari and Ray died. And everyone else too.

The witch likes to toy with my mind. Day after day, pushing my mentality and body to the max. No, she pushes past that and destroys it day after day. But everytime she does I bounce back up, coming out stronger.

She's sure it's because of what she injected me with. That might be a bit true, but I get back up because I won't allow her the satisfaction of dying.

That's just what she wants. I refuse to die. I'm going to live.

Just to spite her.

I felt the muscles in my arms tighten and I lunged off the ground and let out a shout, slamming my fist into the dent, denting it even more. The feral side of me growled in satisfaction.

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