Chapter 3: Collection and Extraction

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We were all crowded around Pidge as she set to work sifting through Sendak’s memories. “Somewhere inside Sendak’s memories we should be able to find the inside information that finishes Kira’s and give us the key to take down Zarkon.” Allura spoke up.

True enough. Although I had given them critical info and pointers, there’s only so much I have. And having Sendak’s memories, a higher status warrior, that’s just the icing on the cake.

“I don’t think your father would approve of searching through an enemies memories.” Coran piped in.

I rolled my eyes. Allura winced a bit at his words. “I know. But we have to do everything we can to defeat Zarkon.”

“Once we learn all of his weaknesses, we can drive up to his front door and challenge him to a fight. Winner gets the universe.” Lance punched his fist into his hand, a cocky smirk on his face.

I merely raised an eyebrow. “I’ve seen you fight. If that’s the case, we’re dead.” I stated, making him fall.

“Kira!” He whined pathetically. I just looked over at Pidge.

“Anything good yet Pidge?” Shiro questioned our little brain. “We were only able to salvage bits and pieces.”

In other words, nothing. That’s what we’ve been doing most of the time. Just training and waiting around while Pidge does her computer work. At least they have a decent training deck so none of my time is fully wasted. Weapons, bots, hologram monsters, and no screaming spectators? They got the full package.

Keith sighed. “We need something to work with. Right now we don’t even have a decent map of the empire.” I shot him a flat look.

With a huff I crossed my arms over my chest. “Sorry I never got a personal tour.” I grumbled under my breath.

Not like I could walk around like a tourist and take pictures.

Keith cringed a bit, having heard me. “Who needs a map? After 10,000 years of conquering I could probably fire my bayard at any random point in space and hit a Galra ship.” Lance pointed out.

My eyes twitched a bit. I mean, he’s probably not wrong. And that’s not a good thing considering our little rebellions mostly comprised of teenagers.

Yeah, not the best lineup. “If we could just find troop locations or supply routes, small targets we could hit and run, then we could start to free planets one by one.” Shiro ran a hand through his hair.

It didn’t hit me until now that he didn’t have those white streaks. I remember hanging my poster of him in my dorm room, having brought it from home. I had looked up to Shiro.

He was my idol. And he looks similar. But his hair was all black, cleanly cut on the sides like now, and he didn’t have that scar above the bridge of his nose. His strong jaw was prominent due to his smile as he stood properly in his uniform. His dark eyes were bright and comforting. They still are.

But in them is a darkness. The kind that all prisoners have.

It’s so easy to forget about my life on earth. I prefer it even. But seeing the Shirogane, the reason I entered the Garrison, in front of me I can’t help but remember bits and pieces of it.

I shook my head, ridding the unwanted memories.

Focus on the present. “If we find the locations, no matter the type of ship, I know the layouts and the standard patrol.” I reminded them.

Lance popped up between me and Shiro. “Boring! I want the big kaboom.” I mean, so do I but come on you idiot.

“Zarkon’s been building his empire for 10,000 years. We’re not going to tear it down overnight with five inexperienced pilots and one support ship.” Shiro, the voice of reason, as always, rained on Lance’s parade.

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